Tuesday, June 07, 2022

The day DAP resurrected a 93-year-old T-Rex

Let me introduce Helen Ang to those of you who do not know her as a blogger. Once we were friends, wakakaka, but now I dare say she hates me - why, hmmm, maybe another day for that, wakakaka again. Nonetheless I recognise her as a fine blogger, and at times it's worth reading her articles. Here is one of hers published at The Mole for your perusal:


The day DAP resurrected a 93-year-old T-Rex

By Helen Ang

June 4, 2022

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and DAP chairman Lim Guan Eng

9 May 2018. GE14 polling day. The day DAP brought back to life the King of Old Dinosaurs.

Incidentally, 10th of May was the day on which the fateful 1969 general election was held — but more details on GE3 shortly (Note: GE1 was held in 1959 and GE2 in 1964).

There was nothing Baru or Ubah about Mahathir whom DAP treacherously foisted on the party faithful.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex is a relic of Politik Lama but as long as he served DAP’s purpose, the born again party was quite content to resurrect him. Because in 2018, this T-Rex was the means necessary for DAP to reach Putrajaya.

The Power Hungry vs Predator

DAP came within a whisker of forming the Selangor government in GE3. From such a pivotal springboard, DAP would have easily been able to grab federal power in the subsequent election (GE4).

Remember that back in 1969, our country’s capital city was located in Selangor. Plus the Greater KL powerhouse was economically way ahead of other Malaysian states.

It’s ironic how history rhymes. Mahathir was instrumental in killing Tunku’s incumbent government in GE3 following the cliffhanger 1969 election.

Rinse. Repeat. Mahathir succeeded in killing Najib’s incumbent government in GE14 and later even the Harapan sitting government in 2020.

In terms of its bodycount, the T-Rex is indisputably lethal. But the DAP big tent was apparently a huge Jurassic Park where dinosaurs are resurrected.

Twice DAP slew MCA

DAP was a mere three-year-old in GE3, the party having been registered only in 1966.

Right from the moment enfant terrible DAP hatched from Singapore’s PAP, it had an enormous appetite for power.

The power-hungry DAP made its electoral debut in the 1969 election and immediately made mincemeat out of MCA. And DAP repeated the slaying of MCA again in 2018.

DAP was launched on 11 Oct 1965 to substitute for PAP, two months after the Singapore-Malaysia breakup.

It was needful to establish DAP due to our Malaysian government deregistering the People’s Action Party (PAP) of Malaya a month earlier in September 1965.

Lee Kuan Yew had been the PAP Malaya sec-gen until 13 Aug 1965. Remember how LKY – pix above – wore songkok to woo Singapore Malay voters?

DAP is truly Singapore’s spiritual child.

DAP was formed in October 1965 by Devan Nair (a prominent Singaporean) one month after PAP Malaya’s de-registration.

BELOW: The DAP logo of red rocket in blue circle is derived from PAP’s red flash in blue circle

Election results 1969

In the 2008 general election, DAP finally captured Selangor (and Perak and Penang) mirroring the results of the 1969 election.

See below the 1969 election results showing number of seats won by Perikatan vs opposition in the state legislative assemblies (DUNs).

Their parallel pattern to DAP’s current sphere of influence is notable.


Opposition: 14
Perikatan: 14

* Umno (12), MCA (1), MIC (1)

** DAP (9), Gerakan (4), Independent (1)


Opposition: 21
Perikatan: 19

* Umno (18), MCA (1)

** PPP (12), DAP (6), Gerakan (2), PAS (1)


Opposition : 20
Perikatan: 4

* Umno (4)

** Gerakan (16), DAP (3) Parti Rakyat (1)


PAS: 19
Perikatan: 11

* Umno (10), MCA (1)

Although the third general election – score board above – was held in May 1969, parliament was only convened in February 1971 as the Dewan was suspended because of Emergency.

MCA was the biggest loser in the 1969 general election.

The Perikatan Chinese component was completely wiped out in Penang where all its 12 candidates were defeated.

MCA was almost obliterated too in Perak where it retained only one seat — a steep drop from its 12 Aduns previously in 1964.

MCA was similarly trashed in Selangor, retaining only one seat from its eight. This abysmal performance allowed the new DAP – in its maiden appearance – to emerge as the leading non-Malay party. If DAP were a dinosaur, it would be the speedy velociraptor.

Umno had held its own in Selangor and Perak in GE3 but was let down by MCA and MIC. Dismal support from non Malays caused Perikatan to fail to obtain a simple majority in these two hung assemblies.

Opposition party PAS was the clear winner in Kelantan.

Opposition party Gerakan was the clear winner in Penang. In Perak, PPP came out tops among the opposition front.

Overall nationwide, DAP and Gerakan won 31 and 26 state seats respectively. The two new GE3 parties had successfully bled Chinese votes away from Perikatan where old MCA was left with altogether only 30 state seats.

How could DAP have embraced Mahathir?

There was and is no change in the Mahathir who rejected Tunku’s muktikulti.

Similarly, there was and is no ubah in DAP. The born again party remains as unscrupulous now as it ever was.

Malaysian journalism legend, the late MGG Pillai, had reported contemporaneously on DAP — read press clipping above (two screenshots; one above, one below).

So how could DAP bear to hook up with Mahathir whom the party had vilified for so long?

MGG Pillai’s ‘DAP dilemma’ article gives us a description of DAP as the party actually was during that turbulent time (late 1960s).

From Pillai we learn that Kit Siang had “autocratic control of the DAP machinery”. He also exhibited “dictatorial methods”, MGG Pillai reported.

Kit Siang had an iron grip on DAP and the party already had a firm hold of the Chinese electorate as early as GE3.

Said Pillai (writing while Kit Siang was still under his first ISA detention which started on 18 May 1969): “Lim’s radical rump, now in control, continues to mouth multiracial slogans but its pro-Chinese stance is becoming increasingly evident”.

Now looking at the psychology of DAP, how best to explain the party’s decision to anoint Mahathir a second-time PM?

Like this — The move to hoist Mahathir high on Harapan’s shoulders was a diktat of the autocratic Lims and their faction which are in control of the party.

If Karpal Singh was alive, he would never have condoned his DAP kneeling to Mahathir. Indeed his son Ramkarpal and daughter Sangeet voiced their objections to the unholy alliance with Mahathir

The Lim faction is super “flexible” too. Witness how they can sign an MoU with Ismail Sabri-Umno and were in (failed) negotiations to prop up Muhyiddin-Bersatu and not too long ago backstabbed Hadi Awang-PAS.

In short, DAP is unprincipled enough as to be capable of doing anything.

It was this very same super flexibility that underscored the DAP’s Faustian pact with Mahathir.

For half a century ever since 1969, DAP have got the Chinese polity obediently eating out of its hand.

Five decades ago, MGG Pillai observed how good DAP was at mouthing multiracial slogans without putting any real meat to the mantra. Things are not much different today except for DAP’s tudung dressing sprinkled on top of the oppo’s diversity dish.

There is no change either in the dynamics of Chinese electoral support for DAP when compared with the voting trend of 1969.

Therefore DAP is confident enough as to be convinced that the Chinese (and Bangsar Bubble-ians) will follow the party whereever it leads them — even into the jaws of T-Rex.

1 comment:

  1. Wakakakaka…

    U should prepare to resurrect this anmokausai bitch's other piece of fart on been behaving as Chinese M'sian as an apt comparison for her state of mindset!

    That would be called relevancy.
