Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Memang mulut Zelensky ta'kalah

Ukraine president says ‘outnumbered’ in strategic city Severodonetsk

Smoke and dirt rise in the city of Severodonetsk during fighting between Ukrainian and Russian troops at the eastern Ukrainian region of Donbas June 2, 2022. — AFP pic

KYIV, June 7 — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warned yesterday that his troops were outnumbered by a “stronger” Russian side, as the two countries’ forces battled for control of the eastern city of Severodonetsk.

“We’re holding out” in the key city, but “there are more of them and they are stronger,” Zelensky told journalists in Kyiv, one day after a daring visit to frontline positions in Lysychansk, which sits across the Siverskyi Donets river from Severodonetsk.

Moscow, meanwhile, lashed out over European countries denying overflight rights to the aircraft of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Russia expanded its list of American officials banned from entering the country, while Washington placed a seizure order on two aircraft owned by billionaire oligarch Roman Abramovich, raising the stakes for business people in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s circle.

Zelensky, along with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, also warned yesterday of tightening supplies of grain on the global market due to what Blinken said was a Russian strategy of “blackmail”.

“There is somewhere around 20 million tonnes of wheat that is trapped in silos near Odessa, and in ships literally filled with grain that are stuck in the Odessa port because of this Russian blockade,” said Blinken.

Heavy shelling - Rhetoric has spiked on both sides of the war, now in its fourth month, as Britain followed the United States in announcing it would supply longer-range, mobile missile launchers to Ukraine’s forces, which could improve Kyiv’s fight against Russian firepower.

The British Defence Ministry said it would be supplying track-mounted M270 multiple rocket artillery units, which can strike targets up to 80 kilometres (50 miles) away with precision-guided rockets, double what more standard battlefield artillery can reach.

The announcement came after Putin had warned that Moscow will hit new targets in Ukraine if the West supplies Kyiv with such weapons — but did not specify which targets.

Fighting and heavy artillery strikes remained focused on the Donbas front and especially in Severodonetsk, the largest city of the Lugansk Oblast still not under Russian control.

In Lysychansk, pensioner Oleksandr Lyakhovets said he had just enough time to save his cat before flames engulfed his flat after it was hit by a Russian missile.

“They shoot here endlessly... It’s a horror show,” the 67-year-old told AFP.

Russian forces pressed their offensive on several other fronts in the east of Ukraine, with Kyiv saying it had repulsed seven attacks around Donetsk and Lugansk.

The Russian defence ministry said its aircraft had hit three arms depots and a fuel storage facility near the village of Kodema, in the Donetsk region.

Both sides have gained and lost ground in recent days in Severodonetsk. Analysts say Ukrainian forces, in holding key areas of the city while attacking on other parts of the front lines, have highlighted weaknesses in Russia’s capacity to push forward.

“The ability of Ukrainian forces to successfully counterattack in Severodonetsk, the Kremlin’s current priority area of operations, further indicates the declining combat power of Russian forces in Ukraine,” said the US-based Institute for the Study of War.

Grain ‘blackmail’

Yesterday, Lavrov hit out at European countries that prevented his plane passing through their airspace, forcing him to cancel a visit to ally Belgrade.

Serbian daily Vecernje Novosti reported that Nato-members Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro had refused access to their airspace.

“The unthinkable has happened... This was a deprivation of a sovereign state of the right to carry out foreign policy,” Lavrov told journalists in Moscow.

Global concern over food supplies mounted as the Russian blockade on the port city of Odessa continued.

“Right now we have about 20 to 25 million tonnes blocked. In the autumn that could be 70 to 75 million tonnes,” said Zelensky, whose country was the world’s fourth biggest grain exporter before the war.

In Washington, Blinken said Russia had exacerbated the grain crisis by “hoarding” its own grain, preventing it from being exported.

At the same time, Blinken called “credible” reports that Russia was exporting grain stolen from Ukraine.

“Quite simply put, it’s blackmail,” Blinken said. — AFP


  1. Frankly, if I were Russia, I would confiscate all the food products I can. It is called the spoils of war.

    At the same time, it is funny that Russia is warning the western countries especially US about supplying longer reach weapons to Ukraine. It is called "all's fair in love and war".

    Of course, this will mean greater chances of the war expanding and the world economic crisis will get worse.

    We can expect a missile or two to go astray into Russian territory once Ukraine has received those longer range missiles. Ukraine will want the Russians to taste the same medicine although the suppliers of those missiles like US will frown on that.

    The next worry is if Belarus joins in the fight. It will signal an expansion of the war and we should be prepared to watch Europe burn as WW3 erupts there.

  2. Aim for the Stars (Take Kyiv, accomplish Regime Change) - Fail
    Aim for the Mountain(Take Kharkiv, Odessa,) -Fail
    Aim for the Hills ( Take all of Donbass and Luhansk) - Susah, Susah.
    Aim for the Mud ( Take Severodonetsk) - struggling right now.

    If still fail, go back to Russia, cook Borsch.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      That's if u believed all the craps leaking out from that fart filled well!

      But, then what do one expect from a diehard demoNcratic myrmidon.

  3. All Russian registered aircraft are barred from European airspace.
    No exceptions for Sergei Lavrov.

    If you look carefully at the map, it is still totally possible to fly from Russia to Serbia via Russia-friendly , neutral and/or International airspace.

    So stop moaning and bitching ...you brought it upon yourself.

    Lavrov can always get a ride on one of Ruzia's Hypersonic transports...

    1. Wakakakaka…

      So u DON'T know how much additional fuel all those EU planes have to spend on routing their flight paths out of Russian air space!

      So stop moaning and bitching ...you brought it upon yourself.


  4. “Quite simply put, it’s blackmail,” Blinken said. — AFP

    Wonder what’s US led sanctions on Russia is called?

    ”. . . . . . reports that Russia was exporting grain stolen from Ukraine.”

    And the confiscation of Russians private properties and cash in overseas by US and its hoard of robbers?

    “Biden signs another $40B for Ukraine aid after U.S. Congress approval”

    The major portion of this $40B went straight to US’s military–industrial complex and in return the weapons and arms are sent to Ukraine to enable the war to be prolong. The military–industrial complex made the profit (US of A). The arms manufacturers need wars to have customers so US provoked Russia to start the war.

    Therefore US want to prolong the war but not Europe.

    US led Europe to sanction Russia hoping to cripple Russia financially but the unthinkable happened. Russia survive and prosper, instead Europe is suffering with sky high oil and gas and food prices coupled with shortage and danger of supply stoppage by Russia.

    US too is going to suffer with high inflation and supply chain breakdown. The ‘sanctity’ of its USD status is falling down the pedestal with more and more countries stop to trade in USD.

    Therefore Russia ‘control’ the war within minimum expenditure and casualty. Meanwhile the longer the war last, the poorer Europe and US will become, the more money Russia will make. Russia can call it a day when Europe (NATO) and US are well weakened for then it can have period of peace for its own development and growth.

  5. Joe Biden is seriously testing the patience of Putin !

    Killing civilians are the Amerikkkan way. Putin wouldn't go that despicable route unless he has no choice. For example, in Mariupol, Russian soldiers are required to provide EVIDENCE that a civilian building had been storing Ukrainian weapons/rockets before they were targeted and brought down. In his speech on February 24, his two objectives are to 'demilitarize' and 'denazify', not to destroy Ukraine. This is why Kyiv is still functioning and the Embassies have reopened there. Even the banks and the Parliament are functioning. But how long can Putin stay his hand ? His 'boys' Medvedev and Lavrov are biting at the bit, rearing to take stronger action against Kyiv.

    That senile old fool in Washington persists in prolonging the war, with his faithful barking dogs like Johnson, Stoltenberg and Von Der Leyen taking turns to give encouragement to the poor Ukrainians to fight to the last man. Zelensky himself had fully committed himself to be at the beck and call of the Washington bunch, having sold himself out and when all's done and settled, he will flee the country to retire in his multi million mansion and roll in the illicit obscene wealth accumulated during his corrupt reign.

    1. https://youtu.be/_HN3yZVKP9g
      The multi-million mansion is the corrupt Russian stooge ex-Ukrainian President Yanukovych, whose overthrow in massive popular revolt triggered Russia's annexation of Crimea.

      Kyiv is still functioning because Russia can only attack Kyiv now with $ 5 Million missiles to destroy $100 K warehouses.
      Even Russia understands the fulltility of such weapons, even for Syiok-sendiri demonstrations.

  6. Russia could easily totalled Kyiv with one arm tied to its back, since it controls the sky....it will take only 8 hours to disable all the capital's communication installation, the airports, the main land transport system, the government buildings which house the Parliament and Justice offices, the banks, the water and sewage system. Kyiv is still standing because Putin ALLOWS it to be intact. The Russians only went back in again briefly to demolish the new batch of weapons brought in from the West, true to Putin's promise.

    For a hardcore banana imperialist-worshipper, you of course would have swallowed all these decades their shit which obviously had calcified and cemented all your braincells that any other alternative perspective is unable to get through that thick skull chockfull of their shit propaganda.

    Western media starts from " Ukraine army wiped out Russian army", to " Need more heavy weapons and aid" , then to " Ukrainian army successfully 'evacuate' " , to finally " Russian holding 20% of Ukrainian territory". And moron like you is still not convinced that such media is not lying through their teeth.

    The final crunch : Biden on Friday declined to rule out Ukraine having to cede part of its territory to Russia in order to end Moscow's invasion ( source : New York Post ).

    Now read this : " In the recent interview, President Obama told CNN that the US government had 'brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine". This admission that the US was playing a role in the February 2014 coup flies in the face of the dominant west narrative, which is that the overthrow of the Yanukovych government was solely a popular uprising." But we all have seen how that Victoria Nuland and the late John McCain, among others, were literally hands-on in Ukraine overseeing the color revolution, boasting how they spent $5 Billion for this illegal coup and Nuland was caught 'red-handed' dictating her pick who should be the next Ukraine leader !
