Monday, March 21, 2022

Russian Paratroopers Land in and Capture Kiev Suburbs: Drive Out Local Militias and Military

Military Watch:

Russian Paratroopers Land in and Capture Kiev Suburbs: Drive Out Local Militias and Military

Russian Paratroopers

In the early hours of March 21 Russian paratroopers gained considerable ground in the suburbs of Kiev, clashing with local military forces and militia units and gaining an important foothold near the Ukrainian capital.

"Units of the Russian Airborne Forces forced nationalist battalions and the Ukrainian military out of the Kiev suburbs, who, retreating, left tanks, AMPVs, a lot of firearms, anti-tank weapons, and ammunition", the Russian Defence Ministry reported on the gains made. Armaments captured included T-64 and T-72 tanks, German-supplied Panzerfaust 3 anti-tank weapons, and a number of air defence systems.

The development follows the cutting off of Ukraine’s access to the Sea of Azov, and elimination of its airbases and air defences as the war approaches the end of its first month.

Russian forces have consolidated considerable gains in eastern Ukraine, with control of the skies expected to make a push further into Kiev easier should this be the Defence Ministry’s intention.

With the Ukrainian capital located far to the west, near a source of supplies from the Polish border and in a region where pro Western sentiments remain higher, the city is expected to be more difficult to capture than other major population centres in the country.


  1. Russian troops have been "on the verge of taking Kyiv" for the last 3 weeks.

    I suspect the Russian Army will be "on the verge of taking Kyiv" for the next 3 months.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      "on the verge of taking Kyiv"


      What has Putin said about this special military operation?

      To "demilitarise and de-Nazify Ukraine" W/O taking over Ukraine!

      Kyiv is the capital & overruns it would mean taking over Ukraine! This is opposite to Putin's plan.

      Forcing Mariupol to surrender & thus exterminates the notorious Azov battalion would achieve both of that declared aims.

      The prolong war would be a tug-of-war! Russia would suffer a economic scenario that Putin has anticipated, knowing his meticulous & calculative mindset in planning his long planned moves!

      EU would suffer seriously by deep in the mire of recession & refugee inundation. Ukraine would be ruined while all its fat cats running oversea to enjoy the donated 'lodes'! US would have achieved the reduced impacts of hyperinflation via capital inflows to US while reaffirming his dominant role in NATO & deconstruct the simmering Europe-cenric within EU.
