Sunday, March 06, 2022

European Double Standards on humanity, sanctions & apartheid [as to be expected of hypocrites]



  1. Most Leftie Hypocrites reaction to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine have ranged from demanding Neutrality to Outright Endorsement of the Russian "Special Military Operations", saying Russia was provoked into being forced to Invade Ukraine.

    Why is it so hard for them to see that the Hamas rocket attacks on Israel, causing deaths and destruction were a severe provocation ?

    1. Mfer, the BEST response to yr fart is from Bernie Sanders.

      If Mexico forms a military strategic partnership with an US military opponent WHAT would US react?

      Mfer, it would be more than just Cuban crisis reenactment!

      Yet u still fart about Hamas rocket attacks on Israel! R they in the same precarious military destruction scale in the eye of yr uncle Sam?

      Maybe, the severe level of provocation as known in USofA is highly likely very much different from yr know-nothing thinking!

    2. You are a confused blur. That's exactly what the guy is trying to say, just as Russia was provoked into invading Ukraine, Hamas was provoked to fire rocket on Israel. Is that what you mean?

    3. Bernie Sanders already had his answer, real life case study .

      Cuba had a military partnership with Soviet Russia and later Russia for 67 years , just 100 miles from Florida.

      USA NEVER invaded Cuba. There was a strict and severe economic boycott of Cuba , but no shots were ever fired.

      Once the Soviet Russian nuclear missiles were removed from Cuba, there was never a threat of invasion again.

      Somebody made a know-nothing comment on Guantanamo... that was ceded from the Spanish Empire 125 years ago, and the Yanks simply told Cuba, nothing to do with you, so F* off.

      Sounds cruel , but that is Realpolitik.

    4. Wakakakakaka…

      U know Realpolitik?

      Wow… wow…

      USA NEVER invaded Cuba BCOZ Cuba had a military partnership with Soviet Russia and later Russia for 67 years, AS u have farted!

      Once AGAIN - no Cuba invasion!

      "Once the Soviet Russian nuclear missiles were removed from Cuba, there was never a threat of invasion again."

      So make up yr bloody mind - no invasion?

      The juxtaposition of the Cuban crisis & the current Ukraine crisis makes a very sound comparison. No invasion in Cuba due to compromised resolution between the two confronting parties. Whereas a special military operation was carried out bcoz NO compromise was agreed to!

      Comprendi, mfer?

    5. "USA NEVER invaded Cuba. There was a strict and severe economic boycott of Cuba , but no shots were ever fired."

      So naive! There is no need for US of A to fire at Cuba because Cuba never pose any danger!

      Similarly, when China was poor and underdevelopment, before China overtake US in 5G technology etc etc, when China was lying low, working hard peacefully to progress up to about 2010, China cannot pose any danger to US hegemony, therefore US did not bother to pay attention to China. During this period, US even engaged China to its side to contain Russia!

      During Obama's reign, US began to sense the danger China might be posing. To contain China, Obama formed the TPP to exclude China with the intention to replace the WTO of which China is a member. Constituting an 'economic ambush'. At the same time, Obama came out with his Pacific Pivot strategy to encircle and to pressure China politically.

      Note that in the rest of the world, US either have their military bases (Nato, Japan, South Korea, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia etc etc) there doing their works or not at all because those areas are so poor and undeveloped that it is of no use and no concern of the US.
