Friday, February 04, 2022

‘Delusional’ US claims can’t be believed, Kremlin says

‘Delusional’ US claims can’t be believed, Kremlin says

Russian soldiers take part in drills at the Kadamovskiy firing range in Rostov last month. (AP pic)

MOSCOW: The Kremlin said today that Washington could not be trusted after US officials claimed to have evidence of a planned operation by Moscow to film a fake Ukrainian attack on Russians.

“I would recommend not to believe anyone, and especially the state department, when it comes to these issues,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

The Pentagon said yesterday it had evidence of a plan by Moscow to film a fake Ukrainian attack on Russians to justify an assault on its pro-west neighbour.

Neither the Pentagon nor state department spokesman Ned Price, who also commented on the alleged plan, offered evidence to back up the claim.

Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov today accused “western colleagues” of making things up.

“The delusional nature of such fabrications – and there are more and more of them every day – is obvious to any more or less experienced political scientist,” he said in televised remarks.


  1. I was surprised the US chose to unmask what is serious intelligence.

    No doubt Russia's internal military and security apparatus, especially electronic communications have been penetrated to an unknown extent by the supercomputers in the NSA and CIA
    But you normally strongly avoid letting the opponent know that you know.
    Winston Churchill famously ordered convoys maintain their sailing routes even when Nazi orders to their submarines to attack had been decrypted by British codebreakers, leading to severe casualties.

    The urgent need to expose and shame the Russians probably trumped concerns about exposing just how far the NSA has been able to intercept Russian communications.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Yr fraudulent misrepresentation of true military operation based on yr know-nothing his-story!

      "surprised the US chose to unmask what is serious intelligence"

      Do u mean that famous vial of white washing powder in UN?

      Pommie military disinformation cleverly led to the involvement of Yank in the 1st world war by passing fake invasion of US soil by the Nazis Germany via the Zimmerman telegram.

      Top of it was Winston Churchill “went to bed and slept the sleep of the saved” when the Japanese attacked Pearl harbour.

      "NSA has been able to intercept Russian communications"

      Remember the Russo-Georgia war when the Georgian were conned by the Yank's fake military info?

      No… no… no… u NEVER read about them!

    2. There were revisionist allegations after WW 1 that the Zimmerman Telegram was faked by British Intelligence to draw USA into the war.

      All the research in the last 100 years has confirmed that the Zimmerman Telegram was a foolish but genuine message.

      The original message from the German side, used to encode and send the Zimmerman Telegram signal had been discovered in German archives in Berlin after the fall of the German Democratic Republic.
      The Germans are famous for meticulous attention to detail.

      You can't get more direct confirmation that it was a real message.

    3. Wakakakaka…

      So u ONLY source yr fart about the Zimmerman Telegram from those equally f*cked researches!

      No surprises that they all points to the Zimmerman Telegram as revisionist allegations of WWI.

      A simple question, WHY Germany wanted to invade America soil when it had his hand full in dealing with all those surrounding European dogs?

      Mind u, this is WWI when Germany wasn't a military power with big head!


      Just look at how Wilhelm II manoeuvred his political moves all-over the then fragmented Europe! If that's a stupid leader then all yr bolihland current politikuse would be geniuses par excellent!

      Oooop… u read yr his-story in selective coloured lens!
