Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Penang DAP in shock as veteran rep Danny Law leaves party of 35 years - Truth? A result of nasty DAP internal politics and power-jostling

Penang DAP in shock as veteran rep Danny Law jumps ship

Former two-term exco, four-term Batu Lanchang rep likely to join Warisan

Although the Penang DAP secretariat issued a statement saying it accepts and respects Datuk Danny Law Heng Kiang’s (pic) decision, many in the party are disappointed that it has come to this. – Ex Danny Law Facebook pic, January 18, 2022

GEORGE TOWN – Penang DAP is in shock after party veteran Datuk Danny Law Heng Kiang quit in a huff after serving in the party for 35 years.

The former two-term state exco member and four-term Batu Lanchang assemblyman is believed to be joining Sabah-based Warisan party here.

kt comments: Danny hasn't yet joined Warisan though he is expected to in the future, wakakaka. WTF does DAP expect him to do when he served the party faithfully for 35 years only to be dumped for parachutists when things looked rosy for DAP, just like the late Zul Noor.

Although the Penang DAP secretariat issued a statement saying it accepts and respects Law’s decision, many in the party are disappointed that it has come to this.

Law has been unhappy with the party for a while after he was dropped from contesting in the 2018 general election.

However, Law remains tight-lipped about his plans on his political career, just saying that he is “in search of a new purpose”.

Law, 61, joined DAP in 1986 and won the Batu Lanchang state seat in the 2008 general election. He was also the state exco for tourism development and culture from 2008 to 2018.

kt comments: While no party member can remain as representative endlessly, it seems only Lim KS and his son can, wakakaka 😁😂😅😆😡  
Furthermore, Danny Law was already a solo DAP ADUN in Penang State as far back as 1999 and served so well he was repetitively re-elected since 1999 (until the 2013 GE when he received 84.7% of the votes). Why marginalised him in 2018 for some young parachutist at a time when the tsunami for PH was swelling up?

Meanwhile, state DAP veteran and former two-term Bagan Dalam assemblyman A. Tanasekharan said he is shocked to learn that his good friend Law is quitting the party.

kt comments: Tanasekharan was another old-timer booted out in 20-18 to accommodate another young parachutist. Why when Tanasekharan was being re-elected in the Bagan state constituency with 62% to 66% of the votes?

“However, it is a democratic country, and he is free to make his own decision in politics.”

Law, 61, joined DAP in 1986 and kept the Batu Lanchang state seat from 1999 to 2004, and 2008 to 2018.

kt comments: Like my Penang lang the late Zul Noor, Danny Law, Tanasekharan, Jeff Ooi, Ng Wei Aik plus others were cold-heartedly marginalised by the DAP inner coterie in 2018. 
Other than Jeff Ooi, all were old timers, faithful party veterans, but un-manja-ed (not sayang-ed) by the new top leadership centred around Chye-Chye.

He was also the state exco for tourism development and culture from 2008 to 2018.

He was also known as a “lone ranger” when he was the sole DAP rep after the 1999 general election. – The Vibes, January 18, 2022


  1. Danny Law had been given the opportunity to serve for over 15 years.
    DAP needs to give opportunity for new blood, else it will become an ossified party.

    The Old Guard , having been given long years of opportunity, has to be willing to give way to the younger cohort.

    1. Tell LKS to show example lah

    2. In 2018 Danny Law would have been about 57 years old which in politics is considered young.

      He should not have been cast aside in GE14 if nothing else, for being a loyal member and an electable candidate based on his record.

      In an employment situation, the company expects loyalty from staff. My counter to that is; the company is equally required to be loyal to the employee.
