Thursday, December 16, 2021

“Powerful people” protecting the likes of Syakir Nasoha

NGO: “Powerful people” protecting the likes of Syakir Nasoha

WITH the authorities dragging their feet on taking action against Islamic preacher Syakir Nasoha, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) claimed that there were “hidden hands” protecting such people from being prosecuted.

“I believe these people are protected by certain ‘powerful individuals’ and they received green light from the latter to carry out such attacks so as to fulfil certain agenda.

“If anyone doubts my suspicion, can you name me one local incendiary Islamic preacher who has been prosecuted by the authorities so far?” Global Human Rights Federation president S Shashi Kumar asked when contacted by FocusM.

Yesterday, about 60 multiracial NGOs delivered a memorandum to the police, calling for action to be taken against Syakir after about 5,000 reports were lodged against him in Oct for insulting non-Muslims.

In two videos that went viral on social media, Syakir accused Hindus and Buddhists of planning to destroy Islam and Muslims.

“The Prophet had said in the hadith that in the end of times, the enemies of Islam will surround you like people hungry for food. The infidels will come to kill Muslims.”

Syakir added that while the “leaders” of the infidels would be Christians and Jews, there are those from other faiths who would be involved, too.

“Who are the ones bombing mosques? Is it America or Israel? No, it’s the Buddhists. Who are killing Muslims in Pakistan and India? It’s the Hindus.

“And remember people who practice those faiths are here in Malaysia too. They don’t like Islam and want to destroy us Muslims,” Syakir had alleged.

Touching on the matter, Shashi Kumar said that these rogue preachers continue to act with impunity, as they know that no action will be taken against them.

Citing police reports he lodged against Islamic preachers Zamri Vinoth and Firdaus Wong earlier this year, the NGO leader said he had filed lawsuits against the duo as the authorities refused to prosecute them.

“We also filed private summons so that we can prosecute the duo using our own legal team but guess what? The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) intervened arguing it cannot proceed because it involves Islam.

“But we argued this is nothing to do with Islam but two people insulting non-Muslims. As we expected, the Magistrate court dismissed our petition but we have filed an appeal with the High Court,” Shashi Kumar mentioned.

Back to Syakir’s case, he said that his NGO would send a memorandum to the AGC should the police fail to act within seven days.

The NGO plans to approach the Home Ministry if the latter does not act as well.

“If nothing happens after that, then we will file a lawsuit against the Government.” Shashi Kumar added.

With that said, he lashed out that the National Unity Ministry and Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) for failing to condemn Syakir and those in support of such provocative characters.

“And some people have the cheek to wanting to close down vernacular schools for supposedly causing racial polarisation. Schools are not the problem here. It’s just that our leaders are too busy arguing about the alcoholic beverage Timah and how our air stewardesses dress for work.

“And every prime minister that takes office will come up with new fancy slogan like Keluarga Malaysia but never bother to practising what they preach,” Shashi Kumar retorted.

Double standards

On a related topic, the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) lamented that this was always the case when it came to the plight of non-Muslims.

“Syakir is not the only one. There are many out there spreading lies and making inflammatory accusations against non-Muslim faiths for a long time.

“Honestly, we’re getting tired and fed up as the authorities refuse to take action despite lodging numerous reports.

“But try saying something against Islam, you will get arrested within 24 hours,” its vice president Datuk RS Mohan Shan said.

He added that MCCBCHST had various engagements with the authorities and relevant ministries in the past on the matter, with little success.

“It all fell on deaf ears. The authorities usually stamp our cases as ‘no further action’. I don’t know, it’s the policy I guess,” he remarked. – Dec 16, 2021.

1 comment:

  1. Yup..this is what islam is all about.

    ONLY islam matters - the rest can go eat s**t. You can scream and shout and foam at the mouth about the injustice and hypocritical double standards practised against other religions, nothing will be done.

    And they wonder why there are people who spit at the mere mention of muslims and islam.

    After all islam is a religion of peace and justice they shout - yeah; and pigs can fly.
