
Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Perhaps Mahathir will (politically of course) 'kill' Tony Pua, and vice versa - wakakaka

Business people complained about Pua’s arrogance, says Dr M

Dr Mahathir Mohamad says the business community had turned sour towards Pakatan Harapan because of Tony Pua’s attitude.

PETALING JAYA: Dr Mahathir Mohamad has taken aim at DAP’s Damansara MP Tony Pua, calling him arrogant and accusing him of behaving like a minister during his tenure as the political secretary to finance minister Lim Guan Eng during the Pakatan Harapan (PH) administration.

At a virtual media roundtable ahead of the launch of his new memoir, the former prime minister said business people had turned sour towards PH due to Pua’s attitude.

“Lim felt that Najib Razak’s government was crooked and he should do away with all the contracts entered into by the previous government,” he was quoted by Malaysiakini as saying.

“But when you do that, you hurt the contractors and whoever gets their jobs, including workers, suppliers and supporting companies. So, we cannot simply just do away with the contracts nor reduce the contracts by force.

“As the political secretary, you are supposed to report on the politics of the country, not go around implementing government policies.”

Mahathir claimed several businessmen had complained about Pua’s arrogance.

“(While) I cited only one example (in my new book), other business people, (including) a Chinese, told me that he was very arrogant. That’s the word they used. He behaved as if he was the minister,” he said.

He said it was not a political secretary’s place to threaten the business community.

“Because of this person, a lot of business people were against the government because they thought the government was not sympathetic to their cause,” he said.


kt comments:

Wakakaka - much as I detest the old coot, I have to say I agree with his assertion that TP was/has been arrogant - whether he was behaving like a minister, I have to refrain from joining in on that allegation as I (frankly) did/do not know, but wakakaka again and I hope the two, the old coot and the young upstart, battle on to the death (figuratively of course, wakakaka).

On another point, that former FM “Lim felt that Najib Razak’s government was crooked and he should do away with ..." I believe that King Minus could have a point, because I noted that TP has often expressed his particular dislikes (if not hatred) for Najib. Yup, TP so disliked Najib that he might have influenced Lim GE (and yes, he does exert great influence on LGE) to feel the same way, thus eventually having the old coot accusing Guan Eng of feeling “... that Najib Razak’s government was crooked and he should do away with ..." .

As we know, TP was very enamoured of the MOU between the government and PH, whether the MOU was offered (initially) by Muhyiddin (but rejected) or (subsequently) by Ismail Sabri, because as TP said (words to the effect), the signed MOU should shelter PM Ismail Sabri (or Muhyiddin, with the government's very slim majority) from pressure by Najib, Zahid and gang. TP was indeed worried about the return of Najib. He was then the ONLY one who bemoaned PH's rejection fop Muhyiddin's offer.

Well, the MOU has been signed - and TP must now bear responsibility for whatever outcome the MOU brings forth because of his proclivity for such an anti-Najib memorandum and influence on LGE (and thus Pakatan) into signing it. 

Last year (July 2020), whilst browsing through the posts of a number of bloggers (especially those who are on my blogroll) I came across Another Brick in the Wall's article on Tony Pua which I now re-produce in part as follows:

Malaysiakini undertook an investigation into the procurement of X-ray scanners worth RM240 million for the Royal Customs of Malaysia in their report, "Murky procurement of 'blacklisted' X-ray scanners".

Before commenting any further, it is noticeable that Malaysiakini got comment of denial and claim of good behaviour from Tony Pua, while the rest have not responded for various reasons, legitimate or not.

Anyone with their ears on the ground to hear the grumbling by businessmen, irrespective of race and include Chinese businessmen complaining on Tony Pua and Lim Guan Eng, they will absolutely doubt the words of Tony Pua.

There must be reasons he lost out in DAP Selangor election and got booed out at Chin Meng festival celebrations. Even in DAP's pow wow session after losing the government, Tony Pua was told to not speak as he was blamed as the cause for lost in confidence in DAP.

Talk among businessmen, particularly Chinese businessmen, is that he is the tender fixer at the Ministry of Finance.

Every proposal and tender that came into MOF will be renegotiated and even a Consulting firm based at an upmarket property were tasked to analyse and instruct the changes that need be made to the proposals.

Those following the instruction will usually win. Talk is they will be required to deliver suitcase before any Letter of Awards are isued. It was part of raising the war chest for DAP.

Frankly the expose by M'kini could be meant to put wool over the public eye.

The fact that Tony Pua is the first to response leads the suspicion that it is covering up for DAP. If MACC jump in and start raiding the offices of the Consulting Firm, tender proposers and DAP office, wait for their drama to play victim.

For more of above article read this.

TP was long known for his arrogance as I had penned years back (Oct 2017) in un-Chinese Tony Pua, a short extract follows:

... in the Selangor multiple sagas, the DAP was not without its own f*up faults. The Selangor branch led by an inexperienced and at-that-time naive Tony Pua was somehow convinced into playing Chicken Little in the PKR's Kajang Satay shindig but without any benefits for DAP.

Au contraire, the DAP was placed in an uncomfy awkward position of being confrontational with HRH - obviously TP then was not very clever at Malaysian politics to place the state DAP on disagreeable terms with HRH. Matey, we're not quite Republicans yet, wakakaka.

Also, it embarrassed me when subsequently TP asked, nay, begged Azmin Ah Hneah (Abang) for a deputy Speaker post for DAP as a quid pro quo for supporting PKR.

WTF for, man, because that was akin to wandering into MCA, Gerakan and MIC territory of picking up f* meaningless crumbs!

Quite frankly I was damn glad, nay, grateful to Azmin Ali for once, wakakaka, that he spurned TP's Oliver Twist-like request, and put a merciful end to my pro-DAP shame. I was sure Azmin was acutely aware that yes, the DAP might have backed PKR but t'was Wan Azizah they supported rather than Azmin himself, wakakaka again.

wtf do you want?

can i please have a deputy speaker position for my party please?


(1) The over-inflated Tony Pua

(2) Insensitive Ingrate calls Ronnie a chauvinist

(3) Why did Tony Pua lose out in DAP Selangor election 2018?


  1. In general, even with a change of government, the new administration is bound to respect legally valid contracts and agreements.

    However, if there is strong evidence of impropriety, fraud or corruption involved in the original contract , the Government may declare it null and void , and tear up the contract, with due process.

  2. In general!!

    What a fart!

    How do u then interpret the outcome of the The Peace Agreement of Hat Yai (1989)?

    The agreement marked the end of the Communist insurgency in Malaysia. It was signed and ratified by the Malayan Communist Party, and the Malaysian and Thailand governments at the Lee Gardens Hotel in Hat Yai, Thailand, on 2 December 1989.

    Yet the m'sia govt, then & the subsequents till this day, NEVER stands up to the terms of that international agreement!

    Nothing works with "in general" in bolihland.
