
Thursday, December 30, 2021

DAP juga mempunyai "budak kita"

Liew misled Johor PH in bid for senator’s seat, claims DAP leader

Johor DAP leader Dr Boo Cheng Hau said state DAP chair Liew Chin Tong did not have enough support for his senatorship and misled the Johor Pakatan Harapan council.

PETALING JAYA: A Johor DAP leader has accused Liew Chin Tong of misleading the state Pakatan Harapan (PH) council in his bid to be reappointed as senator.

In a statement, Dr Boo Cheng Hau alleged that Johor DAP chairman Liew bypassed the state DAP committee and the party’s assemblymen by bringing the issue to the Johor PH council.

Boo said he had sent an e-mail to the PH presidential council to investigate an incident where “Liew reassured the Johor PH council that he could get support from the Johor Barisan Nasional-Perikatan Nasional government, and other parties concerned, to be appointed as senator under Johor’s state quota”.

According to him, he was informed that Liew had misled the Johor PH council after receiving statements from various leaders in the council.

He had also been told that a resolution on Johor BN-PN’s support for Liew would be proposed at the Johor state assembly, although it was withdrawn after Liew failed to prove that he could garner enough support.

The “vast majority” of PH assemblymen in Johor were unaware of the proposed resolution, he said, which had never been made known to or approved by the Johor DAP committee.

“I have raised this issue and questioned Liew in the Johor DAP state committee WhatsApp chat group, and he never denied the incident,” Boo said.

In response, deputy state DAP chair Teo Nie Ching said Boo should not make “baseless allegations” that cast doubt on the credibility of DAP leaders.

In a statement, Teo said Johor PH nominated a candidate in November 2020 and decided to explore the nomination again in August. On both occasions, the state government said it was not open to nominations – causing the position to remain vacant.

She said in the process of exploring nominees, the DAP national candidature committee agreed that in the event of the position being opened for nomination, the party would nominate Liew to the position, but subject to the consent of its PH allies.

“Nomination for candidates in DAP is decided by the national candidature committee, not by the state committees,” Teo added.

“Boo, who used to be Johor DAP chairman, should know this process well.”


  1. Boo is a very bitter man and desperate to hentam back his supposed enemies.

    1. you're terribly biased against him - how do you know he wasn't telling the truth

    2. Equally, how do you know he was telling the truth!

    3. I don't but I just published what the press said - cannot do that?

    4. Then, as a well balanced blogger, where is the other view - as stated in my point?

      Ain't that subjectively selective in presenting yr point? ie biased?

      Of course u can do that. But with a declared outset for that 'transparency' u so wanted to upheld!

    5. since you are so clever why don't you do it and if I don't agree I counter as an academic exercise, or vice versa. I am not obligated to defend though I may attack, wakakaka - my prerogative as a blogger on his own blog

    6. So the prerogativenness of a blogger playing selective objectivity on his blog allow u to twist & propagate lie fragmentation!

      Is that WHY u r so high up on yr sanctimonious horse to criticize others who r not in line with yr biased centrum?

      U r no different from that c&p dickhead who used to roam yr blog!

    7. no blogger is totally neutral - the reason why they became bloggers have been their innate desire to express their viewpoints and then, to a lesser degree, imbibe the opinions of others

    8. Right!

      Then declare yr stands vis-a-vis trump style. There is no shame in openly admitting yr beliefs.

      What's shameful is the swaying-with-the-wind behaviourism.

      Do imbibe others opinions BUT it's only proper not to twist those opinions to suit yr stand!

      You can't have your cake and eat it!
