Saturday, October 02, 2021

Which Islamic preacher dares to lie in his disparagement of Hindus, Buddhists and Dayaks in the face of Allah swt?

Caught on video: Islamic preacher disparages Hindus, Buddhists and Dayaks

EVEN before the country could bounce back from a public health crisis and economic downturn, a religious leader was found making offensive statements against Hindus and Buddhists.

In a one-minute video that has gone viral over social media, an ustaz known as Syakir Nasoha was seen saying that Hindus and Buddhists are bent to destroy Muslims and Islam.

“The Prophet had said in the hadith that in the end of times, the enemies of Islam will surround you like people hungry for food. The infidels will come to kill Muslims,” he said.

Syakir added that while the “leaders” of the infidels would be Christians and Jews, there are those from other faiths would be involved too.

“Who are the ones bombing mosques? Is it America or Israel? No, it’s the Buddhists. Who are killing Muslims in Pakistan and India? It’s the Hindus.

“And remember people who practice those faiths are here in Malaysia too. They don’t like Islam and want to destroy us Muslims,” he stated.

On related matter, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) leader announced that his team and several like minded individuals would be lodging nationwide police reports against Syakir tomorrow.

“The statements made were very defamatory and seditious. We have enough evidence to prove that Syakir alleged non-Muslims are bent on destroying Islam and the Muslims,” Global Human Rights Federation president S Shashikumar told FocusM.

Elaborating on the matter, he said that Syakir had made the defamatory statements on two videos, entitled “Lima Bidang Ilmu Dalam Al-Quran” and “Nak Syurga Tapi Takut Nak Berjuang”.

In one of the footages, Syakir was found also making disparaging statements against the Dayak community, alleging they had raped and butchered Muslims in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

“Since he had spoken ill of the Dayak community as well, I have contacted several Dayak associations and they too will be lodging reports against Syakir tomorrow,” Shashikumar noted.

Halimah is a failure

On that note, the NGO leader lashed out at National Unity Minister Datuk Halimah Mohamed Sadique for refusing to table the National Harmony and Reconciliation Bill last year, which would help tackle rising racial and religious extremism in the country.

S Shashikumar

On Aug 5 last year, Halimah was reported saying that the Bill would not be tabled claiming it would overlap with existing laws and regulations. She added that existing measures were sufficient to tackle racial and religious issues in the country.

“The minister is an abject failure. You see, preachers are now going talking about comparative religion in the sermon but using derogatory and insults to ridicule other faiths.

“Tell me, have you seen any Hindu, Buddhist, Christian or Taoist priests or their leaders in Malaysia talking about comparative religion,” he queried.

Targetting the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) and Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM), Shashikumar called upon the bodies to resolve the matter instead of keeping mum.

He added that while JAKIM had established a unit to monitor insults against Islam and Prophet Muhammad, non-Muslims lack legal remedy to tackle attacks on their belief.

“When we lodge reports against people who insult our religions, we have to go through a lengthy process to get justice.

“In fact, I have written letters to the Home Ministry and several police headquarters on check the status of investigation on reports I have lodged against two other preachers for insulting Hindus.

“To date, only the IPD Shah Alam has come back to me but provided no details on the probe,” Shashikumar lamented.

On Suhakam, he retorted: “They only good at giving out press statements and conducting watching brief despite getting RM10 mil in annual allocation, with 82 staff members. It’s basically a toothless tiger.” – Oct 2, 2021


  1. Do we really expect a Malay-Muslim Minister to come out in defence of Buddhists/Taoists/Christians/Hindus?

    There is a reason why the Deputy Unity Minister is always a non Malay-Muslim. Currently he is Ti Lian Ker. He should be the one Banging Table. Instead he is hiding under the table.

  2. Still no Meow from Wee KHAT Siong or Ti Lian Ker on Zakar Naik.

    Or from KT either, since DAP no more in gomen.

    Zakir: You want me to leave, then ask the 'old guests' Chinese to go back too
    Aug 14, 2019

    Controversial preacher Dr Zakir Naik has made some pointed remarks about Chinese Malaysians, while rebuffing calls for him to leave the country.

    The remarks were made at a talk in Kelantan last Thursday where he also commented that Hindu Malaysians seemed to trust the Indian government more than Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

    Zakir made his remarks about Chinese Malaysians while talking about how Islam had spread peacefully in the region through traders.

    "[...] Malaysia became fully Muslim. Then you have the Chinese coming, the Indians coming, the British coming. They are our new guests.

    "You know someone called me a guest. So I said, before me, the Chinese were the guests. If you want the new guest to go first, ask the old guest to go back.

    "The Chinese aren't born here, most of them. Maybe the new generations, yes.

    "If you want the guest to go back, and those guests which (sic) are bringing peace in the community, they are benefit (sic) for the family," he said before trailing off and getting back on the topic which was about denying that Islam was "spread by the sword".

    This remark was made at a dialogue hosted by the Kelantan state government and officiated by Deputy Menteri Besar Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah on Aug 8 at the Main Banquet Hall of the Kelantan state government headquarters in Kota Bharu.

    Zakir, a Malaysian permanent resident, is in self-imposed exile in the country as he is wanted in his native India on money-laundering charges.

  3. In the end, nothing will happen because we are talking about a muslim bigot who has nothing good to say about other religions.

    In my kampong when I was young, I remember mothers always warned their children they (mothers) will rub chilli on the children's lips if the children are caught using vulgar language.

    We should have something similar to this muslim bigot. But then, this is only a fantasy. So long as you are a muslim, you are untouchable.

    And they say islam is a just and peaceful religion. Ptui!!!!
