Wednesday, September 01, 2021

No Evidence – Biden Not Happy After All U.S. Spy Agencies Still “Inconclusive” Over Origins Of Covid-19

No Evidence – Biden Not Happy After All U.S. Spy Agencies Still “Inconclusive” Over Origins Of Covid-19

After 90 days of investigations carried out by all the U.S. intelligence agencies, there is still no evidence to point finger at China as the exact origin of Covid-19. Newly installed U.S. President Joe Biden issued an order in May to the intelligence community to “redouble efforts” to collect and analyze information, hoping to find a “definitive conclusion” about the origins of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The U.S. intelligence community was given 90 days by Biden to confirm the hypothesis first promoted by former U.S. president Donald Trump that the virus may have escaped from a Chinese laboratory. After his disastrous mishandling of the outbreak in the U.S., Trump had tried to deflect his incompetency and complacency by putting all the blames on the Chinese government.

Not satisfied with calling it as the “Chinese virus” or “Wuhan virus”, Trump then said his government will investigate whether the virus came from a laboratory in China (despite the lack of evidence). Amusingly, top US general Mark Milley had raised his doubt on the similar issue, saying American intelligence suggested the Coronavirus was likely to have occurred naturally instead of being manufactured in a laboratory.

Besides China, Trump had also diverted attention to the WHO and cut US$400 million funding to the World Health Organization. The former president had accused the WHO of promoting Chinese “disinformation” about the virus. His administration basically accused the WHO of having its role in helping China to cover up the Coronavirus outbreak.

Earlier, Trump had accused Beijing of not telling him earlier what was happening so that he could prepare earlier. In truth, as early as January 22, 2020, as the nation saw the first American diagnosed with Covid-19 after returning from China, Trump confidently told CNBC – “We have it under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”

Later, at a press conference on Feb 10, 2020, Trump even suggested that the highly infectious disease would simply “go away” in April, as temperatures warm. In fact, just hours before the WHO declared the outbreak a global emergency, Trump had even assured Americans that the virus would have “a very good ending for us”.

Interestingly, an unclassified briefing document on the Coronavirus has been revealed by the U.S. military showing that as early as Feb 3, 2020, the United States Army had warned the White House that the pathogen could kill at least 150,000 Americans. The document – “Black Swan” analysis – which was prepared on Feb 3 had projected that between 80,000 and 150,000 people could die.

But Trump administration’s hostile and anti-Chinese policy has become such a convenient tool to divert attention from the incompetence of American leaders themselves. The U.S. also was not impressed that China is threatening the U.S. as an economic superpower. Therefore, blaming the Chinese for the global pandemic is the best and easiest way to undermine China.

As anti-Chinese sentiment in the U.S. escalated, thanks to Republican Trump, Democrats Biden has decided to continue his predecessor’s policy. Like Trump, Joe Biden is committed to a distinctly anti-China global strategy rooted in fears of American decline. The POTUS has sworn that China will not become the world leader, let alone the wealthiest country in the world.

Jamie Dimon, the CEO and chairman of JP Morgan Chase, wrote in his annual letter to the company’s shareholders – “China’s leaders believe that America is in decline. While the U.S. had faced tough times in the past, the Chinese see an America that is losing ground in technology, infrastructure, and education – a nation torn and crippled by politics, as well as racial and income inequality.”

Naturally, U.S.’ claims to find the true origins of the pandemic have been met with strong resistance by China. While Washington says that Beijing has not been “completely transparent” in the global investigation into the source of Covid-19, China says the U.S. is trying to create disinformation, manipulate news media and sensationalize “fabricated evidence” to smear other countries.

After all, in its report in March, WHO has already dismissed the possibility that the Covid pandemic began with a lab leak because it was “extremely unlikely” that the virus was introduced to humans this way. Of course, the White House has rubbished the report, saying – “The report lacks crucial data, information, and access. It represents a partial and incomplete picture.”

Under pressure, WHO has proposed a second phase of investigation, which will involve the audit of laboratories and markets in the city of Wuhan, the area where the virus was first identified. Furious, Zeng Yixin, deputy health minister, said this showed “disrespect for common sense and arrogance toward science”. The proposal was an allegation that China’s laboratory protocols had been violated.

In July, China rejected the WHO’s proposal, accusing it as politically motivated. Mr Zeng said – “We will not accept such an origin-tracing plan. We hope the WHO would seriously review the considerations and suggestions made by Chinese experts and truly treat the origin tracing of the Covid-19 virus as a scientific matter, and get rid of political interference.”

Now that a new assessment by all the U.S. spy agencies have failed to confidently conclude whether the new Coronavirus jumped to humans naturally, or via a lab leak, it would be harder for Biden to continue his crusade to demonize China. The report, which was released on Friday, found that the virus was not developed as a biological weapon.

More importantly, the intelligence community also assessed that Chinese officials did not have foreknowledge of the virus before the initial outbreak that triggered a global pandemic. While Biden can continue to pressure China to reveal more, which the country won’t, the U.S. spy agencies said they would not be able to reach a more definitive conclusion unless it receives more information.

In retaliation to the U.S. determination to find fault with China, the Chinese have instead called WHO and the international community to open an investigation of the Fort Detrick bio-laboratory, claiming that the Covid-19 virus originated from an American military base in Maryland, about 80 km (50 miles) north of Washington DC.

Formerly the centre of the US biological weapons programme (1943-1969), Fort Detrick currently houses biomedical labs researching viruses, including Ebola and smallpox. The Chinese media argues that it makes more sense that Fort Detrick, home to US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), was the source of the Coronavirus outbreak than the “Wuhan lab leak” theory.

In August 2019, its deadly germ research operations were abruptly shut down following serious safety violations. That incident has been connected to the virus’s origins to a U.S. Coronavirus expert, Dr Ralph Baric, and researchers at Fort Detrick. Apparently, Baric and his team, including researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, were leading the charge in studying bat Coronaviruses.

Known as “The Coronavirus Hunter”, American scientist Baric has been tracking Coronaviruses for decades and working on medications to treat Coronavirus-caused infections. In 2003, a published paper, of which Baric was a co-author, showcased the power of “reverse genetics” technique, which could bring an actual virus to life from its genetic code and “mix and match” parts of multiple viruses.

Hence, if Washington wants Beijing to be “completely transparent”, the U.S. too should show its transparency – open the door of Fort Detrick for international audit and investigation. Other evidence presented in USA Today and The Palm Beach Post shows there were 171 cases linked to Covid-19 in Florida in December 2019, where 107 of the patients had not traveled outside of the U.S.

In the same breath, perhaps the Biden administration should explain why scientists of the University of Cambridge in the U.K. together with researchers from Germany had discovered that Americans who had lived in Wuhan had “type-A” of Covid-19, the root of the outbreak, but most of the Chinese infected in Wuhan had the “type-B”, which can’t exist without type “A”.


  1. The World Health Organization is monitoring a new coronavirus variant known as "Mu", which was first identified in Colombia in January 2021.

    Mu, known scientifically as B. 1.621, has been classified as a “variant of interest”. The WHO said the variant has a constellation of mutations that indicate potential properties of immune escape, ie a risk of resistance to vaccines and stressed that further studies were needed to better understand it.

    Herd immunity?

    Living with the SARS-CoV-2?

    Down the drain, potentially more likely.

  2. Alamak recently opened the Regional Office for CDC in Hanoi, a city which was bombed by 500 yo Bully just 45 years ago. But today No problem. All is Forgotten. No secrets, Open Book, we will share all health data with you. And Viet Nam welcomed CDC with Open Arms.

    CDC receives most of its funding from 500 yo Bully.

    In fact, the CDC has dozens of offices all over the world, focussing on POOR countries (which they don't care about....?). They have offices in Central Asian countries like Kyrgystan, Tajikstan and Kazakhstan. No office in Afghanistan though, sob sob, Telly-ban prefer 5000 yo Bully.

    But why don't 5000 yo Bully's version of CDC, CCDC, open offices worldwide, as part of Belt and Road, especially in poor countries which they care so much about, starting with Afghanistan and Myanmar, their neighbours.

    Don't Run Away OK...Don't Just Lecture and Pontificate, Veto this Abstain that. Everyone is Watching and Waiting for Your Belt and Road.

    For a start Afghanistan needs 50 million doses of Covid vaccine. Pfizer and Moderna tak boleh, need super-cooled supply chain. J&J tak cukup. So must focus on Sino vaccines.

    1. Wakakalakaka…

      Another truly fart from a blurred know nothing mfer!

      World health policies is the responsibility of WTO - an organisation mandates by the UN to monitor & coordinate health issues all-over the world!

      CDC is just an US outfit to wallflower uncle Sam's spurious humanitarianism. It should have concentrated its health research efforts within US rather than in oversea countries.

      In fact one of the aim of oversea CDC outfits is to strictly promote US pharmaceutical interests while keeping any unknown pathogens from ever reaching US soil!

      In short, CDC has zilch altruistic contention in its oversea missions.

      The Trump administration cut staff by more than two-thirds at a US CDC public health agency operating inside China. The removing of the CDC coordinating officer, Nancy Sung, a respected American epidemiologists from China during the high of the Trump's trade war with China.

      China has donated large quantities of urgently needed vaccines/medical pps to many of the 3rd world nations while those developed western countries r busying hoarding those lifesaving supplies!

      Blurred mfer, do yr shouting at the right direction before u lecture, pontificate this & that.

      Everyone is Watching and Waiting!

  3. It is an undeniable fact that
    a) The pandemic originated in China
    b) The China authorities initially covered up the outbreak, until it could not be covered up anymore.

    Trump did downplay the Coronavirus in public statements, but there was never any news reporting cover up in the USA, unlike the cover-up in China.

    1. You are truly a brainwashed western worshipper who only want to believe the western propaganda. To you China is everything evil!

      "there was never any news reporting cover up in the USA, unlike the cover-up in China" ???

      This is a joke or what?

    2. This old moneyed mfer is not only brainwashed. He is also a born CPC/China/Chinese basher despite self-claimed to be a Chinese.

      Perhaps in his previous life he was one of those poor anmokaudai soul whom the Chinese had hentam kau kau in the Korean war.

    3. "Allegation: China could have contained the virus within Wuhan in the first place. However, it allowed many of its nationals to fly to New York and other places, spreading the virus to the rest of the world.

      Reality Check: China took the most stringent measures within the shortest possible time, which has largely kept the virus within Wuhan. Statistics show that very few cases were exported from China.

      # The Chinese government took the most comprehensive, rigorous and thorough measures in a timely fashion, and effectively broke the chain of transmission. According to a Science report, thanks to these measures, the number of infections in China was reduced by more than 700,000.

      # China put Wuhan under a temporary lockdown as of 23 January, meaning that there were no outbound commercial flights or train services from 24 January through 8 April. So it was impossible for Wuhan residents to travel overseas during this period of time.

      # When Wuhan was shut down on 23 January, only one case was publicly confirmed in the US. When the US closed its borders on 2 February to all Chinese citizens and foreigners who had been to China within the previous 14 days, there were only eight confirmed cases in the US according to its official data. When the US declared a national emergency on 13 March, the number of its confirmed cases was 1,896. When China lifted the lockdown on Wuhan on 8 April, the number of confirmed cases in the US rose to 400,000. As of May 16, 2020, confirmed cases in the US have exceeded 1.2 million, with as many as over 70,000 deaths. Looking back, it took less than 100 days for the number of confirmed cases to surge from one to one million in the United States.

      # New York Governor Andrew Cuomo pointed to a research by Northeastern University showing that strains of the novel coronavirus entering his state were not from China. The New York Times cited US research that most New York coronavirus cases did not come from Asia.

      # Data from Canada’s major provinces show that the virus was brought into the country by US visitors. The French research institute Institut Pasteur found that the virus strain circulating locally in France is of unknown origin. None of the imported cases in Russia was from China. The Australian Department of Health noted that only a very small portion of imported cases came from Northeast Asia. In Singapore, cases imported from China were less than one-tenth of those from other countries. The Japanese National Institute of Infectious Diseases believed that the strain confirmed in Japan since early March was not from China.


    4. Allegation: China’s initial cover-up and delayed release of information resulted in the spread of the virus.

      Reality Check: What has happened is an unexpected attack by an unknown virus against human beings. It takes time to study and understand it. China has provided timely information to the world in an open, transparent and responsible manner.

      # On 27 December 2019, Dr. Zhang Jixian, director of the respiratory and critical care medicine department of Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, reported three cases of pneumonia of unknown cause immediately after receiving the patients. This was the first reporting of suspected cases of a new disease by local authorities of China. On the same day, the Wuhan CDC conducted epidemiological investigation and testing on the patients concerned.

      # On 30 December 2019, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission issued two emergency notices on the reporting and treatment of pneumonia of unknown cause.

      # On 31 December 2019, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission released a situation report on pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan. On the same day, China informed the WHO China Country Office of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan.

      # On 3 January 2020, China began sending regular, timely updates about the novel coronavirus to WHO, other countries including the United States, and China’s Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions. Between 3 January and 3 February, China updated the US 30 times on the epidemic situation and its response measures.

      # Following the first public reporting of the pneumonia by the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission on 31 December 2019, China completed the identification and sequencing of the virus as early as on 7 January 2020, and shared the genome sequence information with WHO and other countries on 11 January. On 10 January, the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other professional institutions developed preliminary testing kits, and stepped up research on vaccines and effective medication. On 20 January, the National Health Commission designated the new coronavirus pneumonia as a statutory infectious disease. On 24 January, COVID-19 cases began to be directly reported online.

      # In contrast to China’s response measures, the US government had not declared a national emergency until 13 March, 70 days after it was notified by China of the new virus on 3 January 2020, 40 days after it closed its borders on 2 February to all Chinese citizens and foreign nationals who had traveled in China within 14 days.

      #On 1 May, the US CDC posted on its website a report drafted by its Principal Deputy Director Dr. Anne Schuchat and COVID-19 Response Team.

      According to the report, after “the first confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) case in the United States was reported on January 21, 2020”, the “outbreak appeared contained through February, and then accelerated rapidly.” It notes that “various factors contributed to accelerated spread during February — March 2020, including continued travel-associated importations, large gatherings, introductions into high-risk workplaces and densely populated areas, and cryptic transmission resulting from limited testing and asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic spread.”


    5. Allegation: China arrested Dr. Li Wenliang, a whistle-blower, to cover up the spread of the virus.

      Reality Check: Dr. Li Wenliang was not a whistle-blower, and he was not arrested. In fact, Dr Li was not a virologist or an infectious disease expert..he was an ophthalmologist, a doctor who specialized in eye and vision care.

      # All countries have strict rules on the confirmation of infectious diseases. This is a common practice.

      # China’s Law on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases has established strict approval procedures and rules for the reporting, verification and information release of an infectious disease.

      # Dr. Zhang Jixian, a respiratory doctor, was the first to report COVID-19 cases, and was awarded for this contribution.

      # On the afternoon of 30 December 2019 (three days after Dr. Zhang Jixian reported cases of unknown infection and one day before Wuhan released the relevant information), Dr. Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist, sent a message to his alumni WeChat group. He claimed that there were “seven confirmed SARS cases”, and asked the group not to spread the information. However, leaked screenshots of the conversation spread quickly on the Internet and caused panic.

      # On 3 January 2020, Wuhan’s local police authorities asked Dr. Li to a police station for inquiry, and urged him to stop spreading unconfirmed information by issuing him a letter of reprimand.

      # In mid-January, Dr. Li started to show symptoms of infection. And on 31 January, he was confirmed to be infected by COVID-19.

      # On 7 February, Dr. Li passed away after all rescue measures were exhausted. On the same day, the National Health Commission publicly expressed condolences over his death. The National Supervisory Commission decided to send an inspection group to Wuhan to investigate issues related to Dr. Li.

      # On 19 March, the inspection group released its findings and held a press briefing. Wuhan’s Public Security Bureau announced the decision on the matter, pointing to the misapplication of relevant legal provisions in Dr. Li’s case, and revoked the reprimand letter.

      # Dr. Li Wenliang was a good doctor. He was a member of the Communist Party of China, not a so-called “anti-establishment figure”. On 5 March, he was named a “national model healthcare worker in fighting COVID-19”. On 2 April, he was honored as a martyr.

      Labeling Dr. Li Wenliang as an “anti-establishment hero” or “awakener” is very disrespectful to Dr. Li and his family. It is purely political manipulation with no sense of decency. On 28 April, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China and the All-China Youth Federation jointly issued the 24th “May Fourth Medals” to honor outstanding representatives and role models of Chinese youths, and Dr. Li Wenliang was among the honorees. The Independent Media Institute conducted a thorough investigation on how the media made unjust reporting about Dr. Li, and concluded that the attempt of Western media to describe what happened to Dr. Li as evidence of the Chinese government’s suppression of information about the virus is simply not logical.

    6. Allegation: China was too late in disclosing information about human-to-human transmission. As a result, the US and the rest of the world had not gained enough knowledge about how contagious and deadly the virus was and therefore failed to respond quickly enough.

      Reality Check: The messages from China and the World Health Organization have been timely and strong. The US knows about the danger of the virus all along.It takes a rigorous scientific process to determine whether a new virus can be transmitted from person to person.

      # On 9 January, a Chinese expert group had already confirmed in the media that the pathogen was preliminarily determined as a novel coronavirus.

      # On 20 January, the high-level expert group of the National Health Commission informed the media that the novel coronavirus could be transmitted from person to person. On that day, the US reported no confirmed case.

      # On 23 January, China sent a powerful warning to the world by putting Wuhan, a city of 12 million people, under lockdown. On that day, the US reported only one case.

      # On 22 January, WHO issued a warning about the potential risk of human-to-human transmission on its website.

      # On 27 January, WHO raised the level of risk posed by COVID-19 at a global level from moderate to high, noting the risk to be very high in China and high at a regional level.

      # On 9 January, a Chinese expert group had already confirmed in the media that the pathogen was preliminarily determined as a novel coronavirus.# On 20 January, the high-level expert group of the National Health Commission informed the media that the novel coronavirus could be transmitted from person to person. On that day, the US reported no confirmed case.# On 23 January, China sent a powerful warning to the world by putting Wuhan, a city of 12 million people, under lockdown. On that day, the US reported only one case.# On 22 January, WHO issued a warning about the potential risk of human-to-human transmission on its website.

      # On 27 January, WHO raised the level of risk posed by COVID-19 at a global level from moderate to high, noting the risk to be very high in China and high at a regional level.

      In an opinion article, Jeffrey Sachs, a renowned US economist and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, criticized the US government for making reckless charges against China, calling them illogical and dangerous. He said that the US government’s claim that China is the cause of America’s problems is a big lie and recalls the end of McCarthy era.


    7. # The Taiwan authorities claimed that its CDC had warned WHO of the existence of human-to-human transmission of COVID-19 in an email at the end of December 2019, but WHO withheld this information from the world. In response to this allegation, Dr. Michael Ryan, Executive Director of the WHO Health Emergencies Programme, clarified on 4 May that the email sent from Taiwan on 31 December 2019 was not a warning, but a request for more information on cases of atypical pneumonia reported by news sources.


  4. Wakakaka what's the use when all that add up to just symbolic with no substance! So far did all those US talk only setup contributed to any significant health maintenance to all those poor countries? How many dozes of Covid-19 vaccine has Taiwan received from US after begging so hard?

    Meanwhile China solid contribution :

    1. You are outdated and ignorant and prejudiced.

      USA already ACTUALLY delivered 150 million vaccine doses to 65 countries.

      China talks big, but actual vaccine deliveries are slow.

    2. "...... outdated and ignorant and prejudiced." ?

      Your "dreamed home" country US of A will be in deep shit financial crisis very soon. Keep an eye open and don't get yourself stranded there!

    3. Those country received US vaccines that r near & already expired! These vaccines were the earlier stockpiles hoarded/cornered.

      The EU has donated just 7.9M doses of COVID-19 vaccines — 4 percent of the total 200M pledged by EU countries. That compares with 126.7M doses already donated by the US and 52.2M doses donated by China as of August 2021.


    4. Across the U.S., there are more than 27 million unused Moderna Inc. doses and 35 million from Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE, according to data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as in May 2021.

      These excess mRNA vaccines were unused due to low vaccination responses. A few tens of millions of these doses r reaching their expiry date!

      There r approximately 60 million AstraZeneca doses that haven’t been cleared for US use. There are also tens of millions of J&J vaccines that may become available too.

      Again AZ & JJ vaccines r approaching their self life due to their earlier stockpile hoarding.

      So old moneyed mfer, before u jump up&down to cheer for yr uncle Sam's generosity what do u call someone who donate expired goods, (ooop… medication) to u?

    5. Your "dreamed home" country US of A :
