Saturday, June 19, 2021

Israeli cuba 'chong' Palestinians

BBC (relevant extracts):

Covid: Palestinians cancel vaccine swap deal with Israel


Elderly Palestinians are among those being vaccinated in the occupied West Bank

The Palestinian Authority has cancelled a deal under which Israel was to give it at least one million Covid vaccines.

The authority said the Pfizer jabs were too close to their expiry date.

Earlier, Israel said it didn't need an ageing stock of vaccines and they were to be used to speed up the Palestinian vaccination programme.

In return, the Palestinians were to give Israel a similar number of vaccines they are expecting from the Pfizer organisation later in the year.

Palestinian Authority Health Minister Mai Alkaila said they had been told the jabs would expire in July or August, but, when they arrived, the marked date was June.

"That's not enough time to use them, so we rejected them," she said.

Israel has not commented on the alleged date.

Palestinian Authority spokesman Ibrahim Melhem said the initial delivery of about 90,000 doses failed to conform "to the specifications contained in the agreement, and accordingly Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh instructed the minister of health to cancel the agreement".

"The government refuses to receive vaccines that are about to expire," he said in the statement carried by the official Wafa news agency.

Mr Melhem added that they would instead wait for the consignment of vaccines the authority had ordered directly from Pfizer.


  1. Palestinians should be ordering Sinovac, supposedly so much better than evil pro-Zionist Pfizer.

  2. Apa dah Malaysia boleh cucuk 200,000 dalam satu hari, Palestine tak boleh cucuk 60,000 in 2 weeks?

  3. Malaysian Islamic Gomen don’t want to cucuk Muslim Rohingya, want to tangkap and lokap. But kaum Yahudi hati baik, derma vaksin bagi Islamic Palastin. Itu bezanya.

  4. Palestinians want to politicise the pandemic and vaccines, just like 5,000 yo Bullyland want to "pau" all vaccines to Taiwan and "chong" them up, risking lives. So cruel.

    US sends 2.5 mn Covid vaccine doses to Taiwan
    Sun, 20 June 2021

    The United States announced Saturday that 2.5 million Covid vaccine doses were on their way to Taiwan in a move likely to draw disapproval from Beijing, which claims the self-ruled island...

    ..."Wheels up! Our donation of 2.5 million vaccine doses is on the way to Taiwan," State Department spokesman Ned Price wrote in a tweet.

    ....Taipei has accused Beijing of hampering its efforts to secure enough doses....

    Beijing has heaped economic, military and diplomatic pressure on Taiwan in recent years and keeps it locked out of international bodies such as the World Health Organization....

    ...."Thank you to the #US for this moving gesture of friendship. These vaccines will go a long way toward keeping #Taiwan safe & healthy," Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen wrote on Twitter

    1. Wakakakaka…

      First check the brand!

      Then check the expiry date on those donated vaccine from uncle Sam.

      Finally, make know to all & sundry that these vaccine have very limited efficacy against Delta valiant.

      As for the Formosa omega valiant - let's hope it WOULDN'T be as worded as in "alpha & omega, the first & the last"!

    2. Stop propagating lies here. The truth is China has offered to donate vaccine to Taiwan but was rejected by the Taiwan president. She even prohibited its private citizen from making private arrangement to buy vaccine from China to fight the pandemic. The Covid-19 situation in the country is getting worse and people are getting panicky so much so that those who can afford they flew to the mainland to get the vaccination. Meanwhile the president suppress the bad news by acting like the 3 monkeys, no see, no hear and no talk. The government is not doing mass testing as they should so low testing low infection numbers reported to project a good management/control impression.

      I side-step with one of your favorite mis-information, Xinjiang. Try compare what you have learned previously with this :

    3. U tried to awaken a petrified brain mfer of know-nothing?

      Keep to the facts to let others informed while these demoNcratic katak croak in heat.

    4. Bullyshit.

      5000 Bullyland interfered with Taiwan's order for Pfizer's vaccine, direct from manufacturer. Germany was probably bullied (as usual) using trade sanctions as threat.

      Even in Malaysia the states are allowed to purchase vaccines direct from manufacturer, bypassing monopolies controlled by central gomen.

      So why not DISPUTED TERRITORY Taiwan?

      Taiwan's president said China interfered in and delayed its COVID-19 vaccine deal with Pfizer-BioNTech
      Cheryl Teh May 28, 2021

      Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen said China interfered with the island's Pfizer-BioNTech deal.

      Tsai has resisted pressure to buy vaccines from China, choosing to deal directly with manufacturers.

      "We almost completed signing the contract with the German manufacturer, but it was delayed because China interfered," Tsai said.

      According to a report from the Guardian, Pfizer-BioNTech has a deal with China-based pharmaceutical giant Fosun. The agreement gives Fosun exclusive rights to distribute the vaccine in the Greater China region, which includes Taiwan. Per a Bloomberg report, Taiwan has refused to buy Pfizer shots from Fosun, despite repeated offers from the Chinese.

      At a press conference on Thursday, Taiwanese Health Minister Chen Shih-chung said that BioNTech and Taiwan had been close to signing a deal in January that ultimately fell through, according to Taiwanese media outlet

      "BioNTech suddenly sent a letter, saying they strongly recommend us to change the word 'our country' to 'Taiwan' in the Chinese version of the press release," Chen said, adding that the Taiwanese government agreed to the request.

      Chen said the Taiwanese government was informed one week later that the deal would be delayed. "It was nothing to do with what was in the contract. There were problems and external factors involved," Chen said in response to questions from journalists.

      As of press time, Taiwan has not confirmed a deal with the manufacturers of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. BioNTech did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Insider on the progress of its vaccine deal with Taiwan.

    5. Tsai obviously twisted the facts to blame China, the deal was ready to be completed but just because it was to be known it's carried through via a Mainland company Tsai rejected it for the sake of her political representation and sacrificing the safety of the life of its citizens. Tsai even block private entities' help to secure the vaccine. You obviously read only negative reports on China because of your biasness :

    6. When & how China interfered in and delayed its COVID-19 vaccine deal with Pfizer-BioNTech?

      Just a statement from a recalcitrant lying bitch, with the help of hp6 news reporter!

      Blurred mfer, all-over the world, western concocted vaccines r been hijacked/hoarded by the rich western countries by blackmailing those manufacturers.

      Formosa has a long lead time in concluding the vaccine procurement prior to the onset of its current mishandling! Yet, Formosa did nothing except keeping the hands under the carpet that's already hiding all those unreported covid-19 cases.

      When the Formosa pandemic readily surfaces, it's at the high of the global panic for vaccine supplies shortages.

      Typical katak tongue in blackgoating China for its own f*cked incompetency!

      BTW, u better take a lesson from that 犬养mfer in playing katak tongue. Yr c&p fart is so so childish that only u r syiok-sendiri in indulging!

      Truly a blurred aneh!

    7. This is a nationwide cable tv based in Taiwan, obviously is under Taiwan jurisdiction, can be easily rebuked by the Taiwan authorities if untrue. Unfortunately it's in Mandarin which I suspected you maybe handicapped but I hope I am wrong about it. This report actually rebutted everything you known and have written above :

    8. Now let’s see if Bullyland kacau kacau some more and “chong” Taiwanese lives.

      Foxconn to Secure BioNTech Vaccines
      JUNE 18, 2021

      Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen expanded efforts to buy vaccines from Germany’s BioNTech Friday, meeting with leaders of two tech giants in an attempt to reach a deal hindered by complications involving China.

      Tsai met with Mark Liu, chairperson of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., and Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. founder Terry Gou Friday afternoon to discuss purchasing vaccines, Presidential Office spokesman Chang Tun-han said in a text message.

      The attempt to recruit high-profile intermediaries represents the government’s latest move in long-running efforts to buy vaccines from BioNTech. Taiwan has so far been unable to obtain Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines either directly from the German company or from Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co., which has an agreement to develop and distribute them in the greater China region that includes Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

    9. Wonder you've read WCW's piece I linked above. My point is not Xinjiang but smear campaign of the western media which carried mostly lies but mixed with some truths like this piece :

      This is obviously a so called pro-democracy reporting mis-information against China but pretending to be neutral by mixing with some truths which you would gloss over without taking notice.

      Lie No. 1 - Tsai sidekick the health minister rejected Japanese donation and not Mainland intervention. And it wasn't something to be proud of by Japan, it was their unwanted vaccines.

      Lie No. 2 - China didn't block supply by Fosun to Taiwan.

      China said Fosun – the Shanghai-based manufacturer with exclusive regional production rights for Pfizer/BioNTech – had offered to supply Taiwan, but Taiwan had refused.

      "........... Fosun offer is legitimate, refusing it is “entirely political”.

      Approval ratings for Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, have plummeted from more than 70% to about 40% in the 12 months since her re-election, why? That's because the citizen see through her lies !!!


      “Too little too late” was one of those overused phrases that would provoke my old editor boss to slam his fist on the desk when he saw it written in news copy. But with the United States’ latest donation of 750,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccine to Taiwan, the phrase seems entirely appropriate as a description.

      For much of last year, the self-ruled island was the poster child of how to successfully manage the pandemic, a shining example of democracy and transparency. Now, though, the health crisis is spiraling out of control.

      The popularity of President Tsai Ing-wen of the independence-prone Democratic Progressive Party has been badly hit in opinion polls, having plunged below 50 per cent for the first time since her re-election last year. Tsai and her ministers have been too smug to take precautions, having enjoyed the international adulation a tad too much.

      US President Joe Biden is right to help Tsai out. But 750,000 shots aren’t going to do it, and their delivery has come a bit late in the day.

      The island has more than 23.5 million people, and only 3 per cent of the population have been inoculated. Chinese diplomats have feigned outrage at the American donation.

      The Global Times has thundered at the three US senators who made the vaccine delivery on a military plane: “The senators’ visit to Taiwan is a deliberate, risky provocation and comes under the disguise of supplying vaccines, and the mainland will not sit idly by.”

      It’s easy, though, to imagine that Beijing is secretly rubbing its hands with glee while Tsai just keeps digging a bigger hole for herself as the Americans watch. Surely between the US and Japan, they could spare a few million doses to match those offered by Beijing but rejected by Tsai.

      After more than a year, Tsai’s government can’t blame the outbreak on the mainland any more. This doesn’t stop her from trying, by claiming that Beijing blocked Taiwan’s attempt to buy its own vaccines.

      The reality is that Taiwan wanted to negotiate directly with German drug maker BioNTech, but was told by the latter that the mainland’s Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group holds a contract to sell the shots in Greater China. No doubt under order from Beijing, Fosun management said it would be happy to supply Taiwan.

      But Tsai refused to approach them; she also rejected offers by Taiwanese business leaders and civic groups to approach the mainland so as to avoid the appearance of a political negotiation.

      Now she has no way out unless Washington helps to provide more doses, or the virus miraculously disappears. Given how gung-ho the Biden administration has been in escalating tensions across the Taiwan Strait, you would have thought that bailing her out would be an obvious way to go.

      Come on, Uncle Joe, stop sitting on your backside.

    11. Why trying to argue with a blurred dickhead?

      It is terminal case for this katak!

      Informing the other readers should be yr take.

  5. I suppose this fits in perfectly with the ancient stereotype of the cunning, deceitful Jew.

  6. Did the Palestinians tell the Truth...?

    Surely Palestinians can cucuk 90,000 people in 2 weeks when even in Bolehland with a Backdoor gomen we can cucuk 200,000 people in one day.

    Vaccine doses Palestinians rejected were 'completely valid': Israel
    WION Web Team
    New Delhi Published: Jun 19, 2021

    Israeli health ministry said that the vaccines were "completely valid" although the prime minister's office acknowledged Friday that they were "about to expire", without specifying the use-by date

    Israel's health ministry on Saturday insisted that Covid-19 vaccine doses the Palestinians rejected as about to expire were "completely valid".

    On Friday, Palestinian authority called off a deal according to which Israel would provide it 1 million vaccine jabs in exchange for doses from Pfizer that Palestinians are scheduled to receive later this year

    PA spokesman Ibrahim Melhem said an initial delivery of some 90,000 Pfizer doses failed to conform "to the specifications contained in the agreement, and accordingly prime minister Mohammad Shtayyeh instructed the minister of health to cancel the agreement".

    "The government refuses to receive vaccines that are about to expire," Melhem said, in a statement carried by the official WAFA news agency.

    Israeli health ministry said that the vaccines were "completely valid" although the prime minister's office acknowledged Friday that they were "about to expire", without specifying the use-by date

    "The Palestinian health ministry received Pfizer vaccines that were valid, with expiration dates that were known, agreed on and that matched the agreement between the two sides," the ministry said.
