
Saturday, May 08, 2021

For change to happen, Malays must break silence on racist system

For change to happen, Malays must break silence on racist system

Institutionalised racism is crippling the nation, according to author and think-tank founder Chandran Nair, who is appealing to the Malays, especially the young, to voice their rejection of race-based ideologies.

Drawing a comparison with white supremacists, he argued that the Malay political elites and their enablers from other races are capitalising on these divisive policies for economic privileges.

“This state-built architecture is led by the elite Malays, not ordinary Malays,” he told Malaysiakini.

For self-aggrandisement, Chandran said these demagogues sowed seeds of discontent, fear, and animosity towards others among an innocent Malay population that does not deserve this indoctrination.

“A direct comparison can be made with white supremacists and the most recent example in the US is Donald Trump. He exposed how widespread white supremacy is in that country.

“They use the poor white people to further their racist policies against Blacks, Hispanics, Chinese. This is the same tactic used by racist politicians in Malaysia,” he added.

Chandran said the situation in Malaysia is more dire where the iniquitous tentacles of institutionalised racism are wrapped around key sectors such as education and the economy.

He pointed out that the government, being an instrument of institutionalised racism, is responsible for splitting Malaysia apart.

“Affirmative action in education targeting the disadvantaged and needy rural Malays needs to be extended to the poor Chinese and Indians as well. There is no need to dismantle (the existing system).

“The system also allows various economic advantages to the Malays, some of which is necessary but needs to be well managed so that it is not exploited by wealthy Malays in areas such as homeownership, loans, investment funds, etc. No other country does this based on race,” he added.

Supporters of former US president Donald Trump

Malays would be harmed in the long-term

Chandran, who plans to establish the Malaysian Anti-Racism Institute (MARI) to address this conundrum, said the Malays must make a stand because, in the long-term, they too would be harmed.

“The sad truth of this entrenched racism is that someone like me cannot change things, as I am non-Malay. I can speak about it, I can organise MARI, and hopefully contribute some constructive ideas. But the people who can make a change are the Malays and we must 'appeal' to them.

“I am appealing to the young Malays, the middle-class Malays, to take a stand and say this is wrong and that it is no different from the white racists in the US who keep silent and yet live off the privileges which are not extended to black people.

“White supremacy is not just Trump and the Ku Klux Klan. That is the obvious ugly face of it. White supremacy is the average white person who lives off systemic racism yet stays silent as they want to keep others at bay.

“The same rationale needs to be well understood by the Malays who may not want to acknowledge that they are beneficiaries of a racist system.

“My appeal to the middle-class Malays is that they rise up and begin to acknowledge they are beneficiaries of one of the most racist systems in the world. If you come to terms with it, then you can be part of the process to reform Malaysia.

Author and think-tank founder Chandran Nair

“I hope the work of MARI will empower those who are silent to say that they disagree with the racism towards their fellow Malaysians.

“They need to reject undeserved privileges, including accepting scholarships for their children who don't need or deserve them, therefore depriving poorer Malays, Chinese, and Indians,” he added.

'Widespread breakdown of values, rule of law'

For decades, Chandran said he defended Malaysia and the New Economic Policy (NEP) against critics because he believed in affirmative action for Malays and felt that racism in the country was not as severe as compared to other parts of the world.

However, in recent years he came to understand that those in power were no longer using the NEP to aid the poor Malays but to simply enrich themselves.

“More importantly, a large segment of the Malay community is going backwards.

“They are developing a racist mindset and this is regressive. Other races are also doing the same. These dangerous trends are being enforced by the elite Malay political class,” he added.


  1. Expect 500 police reports to be made against Chandran , and he will be hauled up for interrogation in 10 states for Seditious Remarks questioning Malay Special Rights.

  2. i think racism work well for the malay, just like how communism n authoritarian work well for the zombie.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      So, what works well for katak dwelling under a fart filled well?

      Forever in trance under that illusive demoNcratic dream!

    2. we r one that make choice hence bear the consequences. a rationale no zombie n donkey can understand, or hippo that pretend not to understand.

    3. U make choice as dictated under the dogma of demoNcracy!

      So what rationale for u to bear?

      Just a closet genuflecting doggie shallowing a prerequisited consequences.

      That's katak under that fart filled well for u.

      Die die still want to 死鸡撑饭盖 to prove its know nothingness.

  3. For 6 decades while racism was being institutionalized by the Malay-Muslims, the self-proclaimed protectors of the minorities, MCA, MIC and at a later stage Gerakan were SUBSERVIENT and BOH LAM PHAR.

    Yet we bagi chan to them THIRTEEN TIMES: GE1 to GE13, but they failed us miserably every time.

    But we expect DAP to fix everything in 22 months. Only give them half-chan, belum habis 5 tahun kita sudah condemn them for failure. How can, not fair lah.

    It’s like we painted a house black, thirteen coats of black paint. And we expect half-coat of white paint will change everything.

  4. This is a pipe dream. The Malays are comfortably positioned to benefit from all the racist policies in the country.

    At best, we will have a very few who will agitate to treat all equally..those who come to mind include Mariam Mohktar and Siti Kassim.
