
Saturday, May 08, 2021

Cry for me M’sia: So much grievances from half-baked MCO measures

Focus Malaysia:

Cry for me M’sia: So much grievances from half-baked MCO measures

A PAST midnight social media rambling by former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak about the mushrooming of new COVID-19 clusters nationwide has cast a dark cloud that the current movement control order (MCO 3.0) – like it MCO 2.0 predecessor – is a “half-baked” measure that will fail miserably to break the transmission chain.

Wondering how the Health Ministry and the enforcement team are able to cope with so many active clusters from diverse origins (ie workplace, community, education and religious), Najib lamented that the MCO 2.0 was ended “at a time when new cases were higher than the time it started”.

“Because schools and various sectors except the Parliament has been re-opened at the time when cases were still high, the contagious COVID-19 virus could easily prey on school children and the community at large whether those frequenting the Ramadhan bazaars, going to work or shopping for their daily needs,” he pointed out in a recent Facebook posting.

Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s Facebook posting

“Moreover, I am also concerned that we have been invaded by a COVID-19 contagion from a new and dangerous variant at a time when the Government has shortened its quarantine period from 14 to seven days last December.

In a related development, Najib also expressed concern over the Government’s financial situation in view of the sluggish economy stemming from the re-imposition of MCO and the state of Emergency that the country is in now.

“It’s the easiest job ever for the Government to borrow multiple times or to dig into ready assets/funds to claim that it cares for the people,” he pointed out.

“I was also told that more and more government projects have been dished out on direct negotiation basis since the declaration of Emergency with the Government’s deficit rose to the highest level in history during the first quarter of 2021.”

Najib further cautioned that the amount of financial burden is by no means small given more than RM200 bil in new debt has been added since last year.

“And we still haven’t touched on the (central bank) reserves or various other funds or financial sources that the Government can get its hands on,” he noted.

“But ultimately, it is the citizens who will bear the consequences in the future with various budget deductions or new taxes.

“That’s why I’m very sensitive to new loans – either directly by the Government or at government body level like Khazanah Nasional Bhd or Petronas.” – May 6, 2021


  1. Not one word from Wee KHAT Siong, only diam diam bodek PN gomen, duduk rumah makan Mee Maggi, as long as he can keep his seat in cabinet.

  2. Cry for Jibby? Bayar 1.7B cukai lah. And what about the 4B KWAP pencen money?

  3. I stopped trusting anything Jibby utters quote a number of years ago.

    He's the Zero Credibility type of person.
