
Friday, April 02, 2021

Quality of teachers in USA

MM Online:

Texas teachers put on admin leave after implying that eating cats and dogs is the ‘norm’ in China

The incident has sparked an investigation by the school district. — Pictures via Twitter/joyjuheelim and Pixabay

PETALING JAYA, April 2 — Three teachers in Texas have put on administrative leave after they implied that eating cats and dogs is the “norm” in parts of China.

College student Joy Juhee Lim tweeted a photo on March 31 of her 12-year-old sister’s social studies test which asked students to identify which of the following statements about China was true.

The statements were: “It is normal in China to cut off someone's lips if they burp in a restaurant,” “It is normal in parts of China to give children 50 lashes by a cane if they steal a piece of candy,” and “It is normal in parts of China to eat cats and dogs.”

Another question in the picture also asked whether China’s president Xi Jinping was voted to his position by the people of China.

Lim said the questions were “ridiculous” and linked it to the anti-Asian sentiment that has led to hate crimes against the Asian community in Western countries.

“Harmful rhetoric in our education system is exactly why anti-Asian hate crimes and racism persist today,” she wrote.

Lim also tagged the Twitter accounts of the Blalack Middle School in Carrollton, Texas and the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District (CFBISD), telling them to “do better.”

CFBISD then issued a statement on Wednesday night saying that the three teachers responsible for the test have been put on administrative leave.

“Recently we learned of a situation where three teachers used inappropriate language about Asian Americans on a secondary social studies test.

“The words used on the test question were derogatory and hurtful.

“The teachers have been placed on administrative leave until the investigation is complete.”

CFBISD added that it would work on enhancing diversity training for its teaching staff to create a more “inclusive and respectful” environment.

Lim, whose family is Korean-American, told The Dallas Morning News that she became concerned about the content of her sister’s social studies class after the teachers started covering a unit on China.

“The language that was being used when the teacher was talking about the Covid-19 virus and where it had originated in China, very broad generalisations were being made, and I was uncomfortable where the teacher could take this.

“This is a classroom full of 11 and 12-year-olds, and I was really disappointed that this language was being used in the quiz, painting such harmful and negative stereotypes.

“Even for the Asian American students in the classroom, how are they going to internalise this?” said Lim.

Anti-Asian hate crimes have been in the spotlight over the past year in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, with several videos showing Asian people being assaulted on the streets in the United States.

A mass shooting by a white man at Asian-owned spas in Atlanta, Georgia earlier this month reignited the Stop Asian Hate movement, which has garnered the support of public figures ranging from K-pop star Eric Nam to US president Joe Biden.


  1. Likewise the CCP-controlled education system is brainwashing China children to hate and also despise the USA.
    Apparently most Americans sleep on the sidewalk.

    For that matter, their fellow travellers locally are also disseminating CCP propaganda in Malaysia.

    1. Mfer, ask yrself

      What kind of f*cked education system u have been through such that u only believe in fake & fabricated farts from demoNcratic sources?

  2. "Quality of teachers in USA"

    What a misleading caption!

    Would u called Shockley a lousy teacher when he became a proponent of racism and eugenics?

    A professor of electrical engineering at Stanford University & a Nobel laureate!

    Similarly, Nobel laureate Dr. James Watson, co-discoverer of the DNA helix and father of the Human Genome Project, has been stripped of honors by his laboratory following "reprehensible" remarks on race and ethnicity.

    Is Watson a under par teacher?

    The TRUTH is all of them shared a meme-ed trace of white superiority, unrelated to their teaching skills.

    Their understanding of superiority grows out of the indoctrinations right from the time they were born. & continuously been mold by the sopo surroundings they grow up with!

    Liken to the meme-ed 'superority' of the ketuanan freaks & zomvies here in bolihland!

    1. when you teach shit to students you are shit itself - that's why James Watson, co-discoverer of the DNA helix and father of the Human Genome Project as he was, has been stripped of honors by his laboratory following "reprehensible" remarks on race and ethnicity.

  3. This is one anecdotal unverified story, BTW Trump also used Twiitter to great effect, did we believe him?).

    HERE IS FACT: (check for yourself lah lazy people)

    No. of 5000 yo Bullylanders going to 500 yo Bullyland for education:

    2009/2010 = 127,628

    2010/2020 = 372,532

    TRIPLED in 10 years. Numbers don't lie.

    1. So, as u have said it yrself:

      "one anecdotal unverified story"


      Really a blurred mfer with grey jelly made up of cesspool content.

      FACT (go Google who is SEVIS!)

      2020 SEVIS by the Numbers Report indicating there r currently 1.25M foreign students undertaking various courses in US. Chinese students accounts for 382561 - a reduction of 91926 as compared with the number in 2019.

      Meanwhile, the number of Chinese returnees after graduations increases from the low of 36% in 2010 to 93% in 2020.

      This increase could be due to the runaway US covid pandemic, heightened sopo tensions & increased affinity to China!

      More Chinese r going out to see & experience the real world - along the way discover how wonderful is China as compared with the rest of the world.

      So, numbers DON'T lie.

      But blurred mfer remains blurred & domesticated via Western propagandas!

  4. Because they insult Xi and their Bully(mock)racy, 5000 yo Bullyland should stop sending students to 500 yo Bullyland for studies.

    Like they warn their students about going to Ozzieland.

    Oso boycott Britannia, because they give special treatment to Hongkie BNO passport holders, Canada for holding that Huawei lady, Japan over East Sea islands etc etc etc lah.

    All 5000 yo Bullyland students should all sulk, stay at home, study Modern Cotton Farming Techniques at "vocational training centres" with high electric fences, pokey spikes, barbed wire, watch tower and CCTVs.

    That Would Be Great.

    Top Countries Favoured By 5000 Bullyland Students:

    1. 500 yo Bullyland
    2. Britannia
    3. Canada
    4. Australia
    5. Germany
    6. Japan

    Boycott them all, like you boycott H&M, Nike etc.

    1. Blurred mfer with ignorant fart of inconsequential!

      To know, one must be willing to venture out & discover.

      Only f*cked katak dwelling under a fart filled well would have a twisted rant as u have proposed!

      Do stay under that well & keep cloaking yr know-nothingness.

  5. " Any white person, who was born, raised and schooled in the United States of America, if you're aren't a racist, you're a miracle.

    Education in this country is about White is Right, Brown's Alright, Black's got to Stand Back, Yellow is Mellow, but White....we are educated in this way, that says white males have done all the adventures, have made all the inventions, have made all the discoveries....

    Watch the iconic American woman Jane Elliot here about the education in AmeriKKKa :

  6. Racism occurs in all countries and all societies, including a heavy dose of it in CCP-Land.

    Of course, most Han Chinese everywhere do not recognise antipathy and prejuduce among their own kind towards non-Han Chinese as racism.

    Same in Malaysia.

    The United States remains the most in demand immigration destination in the world, legal and illegal.

    Millions of non-White people enter and remain in the USA - with or without legal process.

    - the actual threat of racism in the USA , for an ordinary person, is much exaggerated


    The pull factor of Opportunities and Freedom existing in the USA outweighs the negativity arising from whatever racism actually exists.

    From my own observation during actual travels in USA, both are true to varying extents.

    Covid-19 and Trump may have hardened some attitudes towards Asians, but America remains a very attractive country to Asians, occasional random violence towards Asians notwithstanding.

    1. "The United States remains the most in demand immigration destination in the world, legal and illegal"


      Truly Yankee doodle indoctrinated fart!

      Many want to move to US, no thanks to the oft-claimed milk&honey land of free as expounded by demoNcractic dickheads & Hollywood movies!

      This propaganda has been running for as long as the end of WWII when USofA used the huge profit he made from selling weapons to both Allies & Axis in war & relative war-free america land to jump start his economy.

      No more! Soon this illusion will end & many will see the truth through it.

      Just wait for the collapse of the US economy through his never-ending dollar printing press & the end of US$ seignorage.
