
Friday, April 02, 2021

BBC reporter John Sudworth hides in Taiwan island after Xinjiang individuals plan to sue BBC for fake news

Star Online:

BBC reporter John Sudworth hides in Taiwan island after Xinjiang individuals plan to sue BBC for fake news

File photo of John Sudworth.

BEIJING (Global Times): BC's Beijing correspondent John Sudworth, who became infamous in China for his many biased stories distorting China's Xinjiang policies and Coivid-19 responses, has left the Chinese mainland and is now believed to be hiding in Taiwan island after Xinjiang individuals said they plan to sue BBC for fake news, sources told the Global Times.

From stigmatising China as being the origin of the novel coronavirus to claiming Xinjiang's cotton was "tainted," Sudworth has participated in many of BBC's notorious reports attacking China in recent years.

Sudworth's biased reporting started in as early as 2017 when he attacked China's Skynet Project, which actually contributed to maintaining the low crime rate in Chinese society.

During his interview with police in Guiyang, Southwest China's Guizhou Province, which was carried out under the name of reporting China's high-tech equipment, he uploaded his facial information to the Skynet Project's "blacklist" and his face was identified seven minutes later.

He then twisted his story by concluding that the system was used not to hunt criminals, but to "suppress anti-government voices and monitor dissidents."

His coverage of the Covid-19 epidemic and the Xinjiang policy was also full of smears.

When interviewing World Health Organization (WHO) China representative Gauden Galea in March 2020, he asked questions in a misleading way while ignoring WHO's recognition of China's efforts in controlling the epidemic. When Galea caught on to his trick, Sudworth tried to pin the blame on China for the global epidemic by editing the interview out of context.

Before WHO's international experts came to China for a joint study in January, he put pressure on WHO experts and maliciously incited hostility from the international community to China.

Screenshot of the BBC video which falsely labeled an anti-terrorism drill as “human rights violations by China's anti-epidemic authorities.”

Screenshot of the BBC video which falsely labeled an anti-terrorism drill as “human rights violations by China's anti-epidemic authorities.”

Banner held by police offiers in footage of BBC video shows that this was in fact an anti-terrorism drill.

Banner held by police officers shows that the event was in fact an anti-terrorism drill.

In another report, he posted footage, claiming to be evidence of "violent law enforcement and human rights violations by China's anti-epidemic authorities."

But in fact the footage was from a previous anti-terrorism drill. His poor handling of the video proved the story had been fabricated.

He also tried his best to throw mud at China's Xinjiang policy.

In his report on the vocational education training centers in Xinjiang in 2019, he shot an iron gate and fence for his story, and then used horror film music and depressing filters to deliberately create a dark atmosphere.

During an interview, he stigmatised the training centres as "re-education camps."

Screenshot of Sudworth's interview with Stephan Wollenstein, CEO of Volkswagen Group China, during which he raised biased questions

In November 2020, Sudworth repeated the same technique by questioning the head of Volkswagen China – the company’s CEO in China, Stephan Wollenstein – in the style of an interrogation.

After Wollenstein said, “This is something that we specifically checked in Urumqi and I can assure you, we do not have forced labour, ” Sudworth offered a bizarre argument:

"Whenever you have a factory in Xinjiang, no matter where the workers are from, they are helping the Chinese government persecute Uygurs.”

He also cited the World War II, comparing free and hard-working Uygur workers to Jews who were subjected to forced labor by the Nazis, and pressed the interviewee on why the company still had not left Xinjiang.

In December 2020, Sudworth took part in the production of the BBC Xinjiang-related report "China's tainted cotton," which declared the existence of "forced labour" in the cotton industry in Xinjiang, despite the fact that machine picking had already become widespread rather than the extensive use of manual labor, a fact that Chinese officials have clarified repeatedly.

Chinese observers said the report shows that Sudworth intended to smear Xinjiang and attempted to disrupt the region's industrial chain so that he could win an award as a human rights defender and gain fame.

As a reporter from an established Western media outlet, Sudworth unscrupulously spreads rumors and slanders against China and thought there is no way for the Chinese to get him as a foreign journalist, but he forgot that China is a country under the rule of law and there is a cost for spreading rumors, observers said.

A number of individuals in Xinjiang plan to sue BBC for producing fake news, spreading rumors about Xinjiang and slandering China's policy in the region, Xu Guixiang, deputy director of the publicity department of the Communist Party of China Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Committee, said at a Xinjiang-related press conference held by the Chinese Foreign Ministry in Beijing on March 18.

Under the cover of so-called "freedom of the press" and without investigation and verification, the BBC followed the trend and quoted the so-called Xinjiang-related "research report" by pseudo-scholar Adrian Zenz, producing and broadcasting fake news, making irresponsible remarks on Xinjiang-related policies, and spreading rumors and slander, Xu said, noting that the British media outlet has become a platform for the dissemination of Zenz's lies about Xinjiang.

Chinese observers predicted that Sudworth may portray himself as suffering "political persecution" and paint himself as a "hero" of Western anti-China opinions who was forced to leave because of his persistence in seeking "justice."

However, no matter where he flees to and in what capacity he reports on China, as long as he continues to adhere to ideological bias and continues to churn out false news to attack and smear China, he will not be able to escape righteous condemnation, they said.


  1. Global Times is just CCP version of Harakah....

    Malaysia's The Star now carries Global Times propaganda.... glad I cancelled my Star subscription ...useless piece

  2. Global Times is Bullyland's Fox News...ha ha ha...

    The Global Times is a daily tabloid newspaper under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party's flagship People's Daily newspaper, commenting on international issues from a nationalistic perspective. The newspaper has been the source of various incidents, including fabrications and disinformation.

    The publication has been labelled by some scholars and writers as "China's Fox News" for its propagandistic slant and the monetization of nationalism. It is part of a broader set of Chinese state media outlets that constitute the Chinese government's propaganda apparatus. The Global Times has published COVID-19 misinformation and conspiracy theories.

  3. Bullyland has a lot to hide.....cannot TIPU foreign correspondents so Bully them to Leave, then they can rampas Xinjiang kaw kaw from Uighurs like they did with Inner Mongolia and Tibet 70 years ago, now happening in HongKong 27 years before 2047, Southern Seas etc.

    Why are foreign journalists fleeing China?

    'The exodus gives China the opportunity to widely circulate state-run media'

    At least 20 journalists have been expelled or forced to leave China since last year, the Foreign Correspondents' Club of China has said.

    The club says Beijing deploys "intimidation" tactics as part of efforts to obstruct the work of foreign reporters.

    Louisa Lim, an award-winning journalist and a senior lecturer at the University of Melbourne, says there is more to the narrative "than just journalists being kicked out."

    "Fundamentally, China's Communist Party sees foreign journalism as an ideological tool which the West is using to infiltrate their ideology," she told DW.

    Steven Butler, Asia program coordinator of the Committee to Protect Journalists, says the recent string of foreign journalists being expelled from China reveals Beijing's hardening stance on free press.

    In one of the latest reports of foreign press intimidation, the BBC revealed Wednesday that one of its correspondents in China had relocated to Taiwan.

    Journalist John Sudworth said he and his team faced surveillance, threats of legal action, and obstruction and intimidation wherever they tried to film.

    "We left in a hurry, followed by plainclothes police all the way to the airport through the check-in," Sudworth said in an interview with the BBC. "The true grim reality for reporters here being made clear all the way to the very end."

    In response to Sudworth's departure, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said authorities had not been given prior notice.

    "Only in recent days when we were faced with the task of renewing Sudworth's press card did we learn that Sudworth left without saying goodbye. After he left the country, he didn't, by any means, inform the relevant departments nor provide any reason why," Hua told a news conference in Beijing. "We don’t know why he left because he didn't say goodbye."

    Sudworth's departure comes after Beijing blocked BBC World News from broadcasting in China.

    The Chinese government has repeatedly accused the British broadcaster of producing "false and fabricated" reports about the country, especially after the BBC aired an interview with a Uyghur woman who claimed Beijing is carrying out rape, sexual abuse and torture against Uyghur women in Xinjiang’s so-called re-education camps.

    The Foreign Correspondents' Club of China issued a statement on Wednesday that described the harassment of Sudworth and his colleagues as "part of a larger pattern of harassment and intimidation that obstructs the work of foreign correspondents in China."

    Rise of Chinese state-media
    Media worldwide can expect a decline in investigative reporting from China as more journalists leave the country, says Lim.

    The journalist says the exodus gives China the opportunity to widely circulate state-run media, as foreign news organizations will have a smaller spectrum of content to choose from.

    "If they (foreign media outlets) don’t have a correspondent who is able to film in China, they are more likely to use materials from China’s state-run broadcaster CGTN," Lim said.

    But the whole process is "counterproductive" as China still needs foreign journalists to help keep the rest of the outside world up to date with its activities, she added.

    "When they get rid of the experienced journalists, China becomes even more of a black box and I think that could be counterproductive for China," she said.

  4. sue la, waiting for what?

  5. Why is the newspaper that is owned by the political party with the Taiwanese flag as its logo supporting Bullyland? If want to support One China Policy then change your party logo to the Red Five Star.

  6. China bashing katak coming out in force to chorus praise on their fake news champion.

    Why just quote The Global Times? Why not other news print like DW, RT?

    Ooop… don't understand German or Russian.

    Mfers, there r English version of DW & RT!

    Blurred mfer, if China has has a lot to hide, then u only need western propaganda mouthpieces to enlighten u, right?

    Only yr 'trustworthy' demoNcratic reporters r telling the truth, the fabricated truth!

    犬养 mfer, right "sue lag, waiting for what"?

    Legal action only works when the conspirator is within the reach of the legality!

    Maybe u should suggest to yr 蔡妹妹 for a arrest order similar to Meng Wanzhou's detaining debacle in Vancouver?

    Just wait. More details about this sudworth mfer's handiworks would be disclosed soon. Hopefully he has enough cash piles stored in Formosa for the rest of his live. No other reputable or fake news generators anywhere in the world would touch him with a 10ft pole - not even BBC!

    His reporting career is kaputed! Karma well served indeed.

    1. bbc might reporting fake news, however ccp prohibit china news outlet reporting the truth. thats the diff which zombie cant grasp.

    2. Yr concrete proofs?

      Based on what?

      Yr meme-ed imagination of CCP/China/Chinese hates!

      The demoNcratic western/台毒 propagandas that u fed on!

  7. John Sudworth of BBC with his suds of frothy fake news churning out Sudworth's of twisted, China-bashing news in a land which housed him and his family for nine years. Reports are emerging that he and his family had stayed in China for 9 years doing underground subversive activities in China ( his wife too is a reporter in China ) and he is now fleeing to Taiwan, this island well known for its open arm welcome to fleeing rioters, spies, terrorists, escaping convicts, escaping money launderers, and all sorts of escapees from law enforcers. Note : BBC World Service report directly to the Foreign Secretary and its journalists are vetted by M15. This says it all, really !

    Watch this video how this rat-face John Sudworth twisted and spun his
    web of lies :

    1. The correct video is this one, not the above : watch rat-face at work here :

    2. Correction : the video posted above should be this video

    3. Correction : the video above is not the right one. This video here shows a sample the length this rat-face John Sudworth will go to smear and slander China...hopefully the Xinjiang people will sue the crap out of him :

  8. li ao son li kan interview in bbc:

    I support the beautiful ideal of Unity, and I haven’t changed it up to now. Why I support is very simple, because this is one of my father’s explanations to me before his death. Many people in Taiwan kindly told me that this era is changing, and you don’t have to abide by what the older generation said in the past. But this is what my dad told me, and I will do what I promised. However, the four words of Chinese reunification are too idealistic and beautiful. I now find that this is only an ideal after all. In reality, I don’t see any reason to support it.

    The simplest example, from my own case, I found that the Communist Party is often untrustworthy. I have asked a lot of deep blue people from other provinces (the ethnic groups who moved to Taiwan with the Kuomintang army from the mainland in 1949), including those in Taiwan. , Including mainlanders, they were all speechless. I said that when my dad left, people from the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council personally promised that they would do their best to speed up the publication of books. Even for such a simple request, they could bounce (write a bad check) for three years and use all kinds of reasons to go. shirk. The book of a deceased person can be strictly guarded against stubbornness. How can you make me believe that after I support reunification today, if the reunification is true, the Communist Party will keep its promise? I really don’t believe it. I said I don’t believe it, do you believe it? These blue ones are speechless.

    1. 犬养 mfer, don't just simply c& p as if the readers have no mind of their own.

      Who's li ao son li kan?

      A chip of the old block?

      Or just a 阿斗?

      李敖 saw through the cesspool contents of the demoNcracy as proposed by the Formosa katak! Thus his declared stand of unification with motherland China.

      Li kan is only a dickheaded f*ck of inconsequential, no where near a hundredth of his father's insights.

      So listen to a know-nothing spoon-fed 阿斗 of empty fart of "don’t have to abide by what the older generation said in the past".

      Unification with conditions! That's what a dickhead would demands. 李敖 would turned turtle many times in his grave if he ever could heard that fart!

      So, only a 犬养 will do that. Both of u r just in the same manner of pure hatred for Chinese 伟大复兴 idealism!

    2. li kan finished his degree in beida, stay in ccpland for many year, his dad li ao is a delusional oldman that know nothing abt ccp, which almost all writing is now banned by ccp, n would turn over his grave many times like u said if he found out.

    3. Don't u understand what 阿斗 literally means?

      犬养mfer, let's me repeats - li kan is a 阿斗. A pampered puppy from a tiger dad.

      cf those racist Nobel laureates, prestige education doesn't count!

      Bush Jr is a Yale graduate, so what has he achieved?

      Books of 李敖 r banned in China!


      Oooop… What to expect? U have never been out from that fart filled well. Never set foot on China & constantly fe ed with all the Formosa katak-ised farts.
