
Friday, March 26, 2021

PDRM Not Only Has A Cartel But It Also Has A Hit Squad


PDRM Not Only Has A Cartel But It Also Has A Hit Squad


Raja Petra Kamarudin

I first met private investigator Perumal Balasubramaniam a.k.a. PI Bala at the home of Razak Baginda’s lawyer (his first lawyer) at Taman Sri Hartamas on 2nd July 2008.

This was the day before PI Bala’s press conference of 3rd July 2008 where he revealed his statutory declaration giving the details regarding Altantuya Shaariibuu’s murder.

The meeting was arranged by another lawyer (and now MP) Sivarasa a/l Rasiah. At that meeting was a third lawyer, Americk Sidhu.

My next meeting with PI Bala was two years later in July 2010 when he came to the UK for two weeks — where he held a press conference and then made a trip to Paris to give his statement to the French police regarding the Altantuya murder.

I spent a bit of time with PI Bala in London, and we talked about quite a lot of things.

One of the things which PI Bala’s lawyer brought up was regarding funding. It seems PI Bala’s financier, carpet seller Deepak Jaikishan, had pulled the plug and PI Bala was no longer receiving any money and was stranded in India.

PI Bala not only needed daily living expenses, but he also needed a new car, he needed to move house and pay the rent, plus he needed to enrol his children in an international school.

That came to quite a sum. So, I contacted Anwar Ibrahim’s financier, millionaire John Soh Chee Wen, and he agreed to fund PI Bala.

I met PI Bala in London in July 2010 and he revealed he was in the police hit squad

I never asked how much John Soh paid out in the end, but it was no less than RM500,000 until PI Bala returned to Malaysia to help PKR campaign in the 2013 general election (and died of a heart attack).

One very interesting revelation from PI Bala was that he knew Azilah Hadri and Sirul Azhar Umar very well because they were all from the same ‘unit’.

“I, too, used to work in that same unit,” said PI Bala.

I then asked PI Bala whether it is true that the ‘unit’ he was talking about is a hit squad. PI Bala confirmed it and he confessed that he, too, had bumped off a number of people, just like Azizah and Sirul.

PI Bala explained that certain hardcore criminals would not be arrested and brought back to face trial but would be bumped off. The reason, explained PI Bala, is because the prosecutors from the AGC are not very sharp and a smart lawyer would just get them off.

What PI Bala told me dovetails with what a certain CPO of Johor (who used to be the CPO of Terengganu in the 1980s) told me. When this chap was transferred to Johor, the number of criminals ‘shot dead while resisting arrest’ increased dramatically.

I congratulated this Johor CPO and he chuckled and told me that his officers were under strict orders to shoot to kill, and if anyone brings back any prisoners, they would be transferred to traffic duty.

Another Director in the PDRM related how they assassinated ‘Bentong Kali’. The hit squad trailed Bentong Kali the entire night and when he went home to sleep, they burst into his bedroom and shot him dead as he slept. The hit squad then scooted off and the ‘regular’ police came in to take the credit and to pose for the press photographers.

Yes, IGP Abdul Hamid Bador revealed that there is a crime syndicate or cartel that is controlling the police. That is true and Malaysia Today already revealed that 15 years ago. However, it is more than just that. The Malaysian police also have a hit squad to get rid of troublesome people. But then so do countries such as the US and the UK.


  1. So.. Najib had access to, and use of a Hit Squad.


    1. as usual, your biased extrapolation, in fact, reckless speculation

    2. PI Bala, Razak Baginda, Azilah, Sirul....
      What do they have in common ?

      All Roads lead to Najib....wakakaka.. and maybe Paris ? Wakakaka again

    3. Thou Doth Protest Too Much, methinks.....Hamlet....wakakaka...

  2. us n uk got blm, here we got indian doesnt matter, where got so do?

    1. There used to be Hindraf!

      But the infighting plus the meme-ed doggie nature plus the caste distinction finally killed it.
