
Friday, March 26, 2021

Opposition demands Muhyiddin, Takiyuddin quit after Undi18 fiasco


Opposition demands Muhyiddin, Takiyuddin quit after Undi18 fiasco

The bill giving 18-year-olds the right to vote was passed by both the Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara in July 2019.

PETALING JAYA: Opposition MPs are demanding Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and law minister Takiyuddin Hassan to resign after the automatic registration of 18-year-olds as voters was delayed, as announced by the Election Commission (EC) today.

In a joint statement, the eight MPs, said that both Muhyiddin and Takiyuddin were among the 211 elected representatives who voted for the Bill to be passed in 2019.

They added that the Dewan Negara had also passed the Bill.

In slamming the EC’s decision to delay the implementation of automatic registration, the MPs said it was an “insult” to the Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara.

“Based on the Federal Constitution, the Cabinet must take collective responsibility to the Parliament. Hence, the decision (to delay the implementation) is a failure on the part of the Cabinet.

“Hence, Muhyiddin and Takiyuddin must step down immediately,” they said.

The eight MPs were Fahmi Fadzil (PKR), Steven Sim (DAP), Khalid Samad (Amanah), Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman (MUDA), Azis Jamman (Warisan), Mukhriz Mahathir (Pejuang), Wilfred Madius Tangau (Upko) and Baru Bian (Parti Sarawak Bersatu).

In a statement earlier today, EC chairman Abdul Ghani Salleh said the automatic registration of 18-year-olds as voters was expected to be delayed until after September 2022.

He said the movement restrictions due to the pandemic had disrupted the EC’s preparations to implement the act which was passed in Parliament in July 2019.

The move has since sparked criticisms from politicians and non-governmental organisations, with one, Undi18, planning to take Putrajaya to court over the delay.

Meanwhile, the Pakatan Harapan Presidential Council said the 15th general election (GE15) must not be held until Undi18 is implemented.

In a statement, they said that if the polls are held before Undi18 is implemented, the voices of some 3.8 million youths would be denied.

“This would be the PN-led government’s biggest sin to the younger generation.”

The statement was issued by PKR president Anwar Ibrahim, Amanah president Mohamad Sabu and DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.


  1. When in opposition MCA voted in parlimen to support Undi-18. Today they are in gomen their youth wing leader Nicole is so brave, tokkok, koktok...even want to bite-off-kok...ouch watch out LCT...ha ha will MCA bang table to demand Yiddin/Taki-Yaki quit....or will MCA quit PN gomen...?

    If MCA now cowers in silence as Undi-18 is shelved will Nicole bite off Wee KHAT Siong's wee wee...?

    We’re not scared of Undi 18, MCA Youth tells Chin Tong
    FMT Reporters -March 12, 2021

    PETALING JAYA: MCA Youth insisted it is in favour of the Undi 18 bill, which lowers the voting age from 21 to 18, contrary to accusations by a DAP leader that the party fears young voters.

    MCA Youth chief Nicole Wong said it had called on the government to implement the decision at its recent annual meeting.

    “We were never afraid. In fact, we are waiting for it as we believe that the youth will reject politicians who are focused on slandering and smearing the reputation of others,” she said in a Facebook post.

    Wong was responding to a claim by DAP senator Liew Chin Tong that MCA was afraid of young voters.

    Liew had also posted a link to a news article which quoted her as saying an influx of young voters would pose a challenge.

    Wong said Liew had attempted to give the impression the wing was afraid of the Undi 18 bill and had rejected it.

    She labelled DAP a “serial slanderer”, adding that the opposition party had often resorted to such tactics.

    The Undi 18 bill, officially known as Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2019, was passed by the Dewan Negara in July 2019 and gazetted two months later, but has not been implemented.

    The Election Commission had said the implementation of the 18-year-old voting age and automatic voter registration would be carried out from July this year.

    Two days ago, Dewan Negara president Rais Yatim said it was impractical to lower the voting age to 18 for now because of time-consuming obstructions faced by the relevant agencies in implementing it.

    He said it would take time to come up with the list of 18-year-olds eligible to vote and the constituencies they come from.

    1. Perak after 2018 state elections - DAP won 18, PRIBUMI won 1, guess who became MB, Azumu - guess what Guan Eng said? Zilch, boe laam phar - the gap between PRIBUMI and DAP was so BIG yet Guan Eng boe laam phar make even a squeal, wakakaka

    2. As I said...KT still stuck in the Toonsie....ha ha ha..
      2 boleh tumbang PN, 42 cannot....

  2. So will Saifuddin bang table and demand Yiddin and Taki-Yaki resign too...? Ha ha ha.....

    Meanwhile Wee KHAT Siong will remain silent....wait for instruction to speak....then ask some MCA minion to issue a mumbo-jumbo meaningless statement.

    'I am staunch supporter of Undi 18' — Saifuddin

    March 12, 2021

    PEKAN (March 11): Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah stressed today that he is a strong supporter of the Undi 18 implementation (lowering the voting age to 18), describing it as an "age of maturity".

    Saifuddin, who is the Member of Parliament of Indera Mahkota, also described those who do not trust youths and do not support Undi 18 as being “outdated” and politically immature.

    “We always don’t trust our youths but we want their support. We must have faith in them. I am definitely a strong supporter and I am very loud (on this). I have strong trust in youths.

  3. Gerakan, please demand Yiddin/Taki-Yaki resign or Gerakan must quit PN, weeks after joining....ha ha MCA and MIC nowhere to go but cower under the PN table, but Gerakan tadak kerusi, have to sit in the dog kennel outside...ha ha ha again.

    Enforce Undi 18 by GE15, says Gerakan Youth
    Bernama -March 13, 2021

    KUALA LUMPUR: Gerakan Youth delegates have called for the legislation on lowering the voting age to 18 to be implemented before the 15th General Election (GE15).

    Acting Gerakan Youth chief Wong Chia Zhen said this included the provision to allow automatic voter registration.

    “Hopefully it can happen. I have been informed that some states have not yet passed a state bill that allows youths to participate in the democratic (voting) process,” he said when addressing the 33rd Gerakan national youth delegates’ conference tonight.

    He said the party, which is now part of the Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition, was committed to building a stable political environment in the country, adding that it could only exist through a continued commitment to parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy.

  4. Did Yiddin/Taki-yaki even consult MCA/MIC/Gerakan before making this Undi-18 decision?

    Ha ha ha....I know the answer.

    Like were they consulted when the BN Sec Gen was removed....?

    These minion parties are racist, against their own, and they support racist parties.

    1. yalah, like that choukau who eff-ed up TARUC

  5. Taki and the Zombies should rest easy.

    Majority of the Undi18 group actually supports Race and Religion Supremacy policies.

  6. Cay Tea Li
    PH/DAP practised what it preached? My foot! PH/DAP is also hiding the same.Have you forgotten about the Penang bungalow case that got dropped, NFA without any explanation? Evidences were destoryed, isn't it? Me, just a sohai, expected you guys to do better than BN. But no, and later, 22 months is enough to show the whole Malaysia that obviously PH/DAP is nonetheless ain't any better than BN, sn't it? Or you have any documents or info to prove otherwise? Guilty until proven innocent or what? That you are making statements without any proof or data and you indirectly hinted that they are already guilty? What's going on in your head? I think the fake news law should be enforced with more bite like a prison sentence so that all these PH/DAP should be inside as a lesson, or else they will be foaming outside.

  7. like tat no more ewallet for youth age 18 to 20?
