
Sunday, February 14, 2021

Zaid: Cabinet too bloated (and useless), but need for plans to deal with national problems


Zaid calls for leaders with recovery plans, not PM plan

Former federal minister Zaid Ibrahim says parties should not be labelled by their leaders’ faults.

PETALING JAYA: A former federal minister has called for the coming together of competent leaders to get Malaysia out of crisis and save the economy.

Zaid Ibrahim, a former de facto law minister, said political leaders must realise that the country is in dire straits as Covid-19 has destroyed many lives and businesses. “More than a million are unemployed or unemployable. Hardship and poverty are all around us.”

He said competent leaders are needed, able to chart a clear path of economic recovery and growth.

“These leaders need to come together and here I am not talking about Malay unity where Malay parties gang up with other Malay or Islamic parties to form a bloated Cabinet,” he said.

“We need leaders who are not just talking about who is suitable to be PM, but have well-thought out plans so they apply the correct prescriptions to the nation’s problems.”

Bring back GST

Zaid called for the reintroduction of the goods and services tax (GST) as the best way to broaden the government’s tax base.

“The government needs to let more money go directly to the people, even if it means less for ministries and departments. The government has become bloated and wasteful, so let the people decide for themselves how to make the money work best for them,” he said.

He also said the government needs to focus on reskilling and upskilling so that people can improve their income.

Mind your language

On the political front, Zaid said politicians should temper their language and refrain from casting parties in the same light as their leaders.

“So very often we hear about Umno being described as a kleptocratic party which is unfair and provocative. It’s also unnecessary for some Umno leaders to say they will never work with DAP and Anwar Ibrahim,” he said.

He said the way forward was an openness for all parties to work with anyone from any group if it is good for the people and the country.


  1. bloated is useful, chinese feel safe.

    1. Then u can keep farting about yr don't-spook-the-melayu-sensitivities theme to earn yr keep!

    2. see what happen when hker spook the zombie?

    3. So what happened?

      Can u get that similar result even if u can persuade yr dangdut pals to do the same?

      Perhaps, there lies yr f*cked understanding of spooking!

    4. the malay use keris while the communist use gun.

    5. Wakakakakaka…

      There's where yr f*cked spookism failed miserably!

  2. You might have Zaid out of UMNO, but you can never get UMNO out of Zaid.

    Of course it is true and fair to call UMNO a Kleptocratic party. The party is riven with corrupt and thieving practices and mentality from Top to Bottom.

    The confirmation that the Najib Government knowingly and deliberately withheld RM 18 Billion repayments of GST Input Tax and used them instead for expenditure. Businesses that fairly applied to be reimbursed for the Input Tax were instead subject to punitive audits.

    This has severely damaged the trust and confidence of Malaysian public in the Malaysian Governments ability to be a responsible and trustworthy administrator of GST.

    You better go back to basics and rebuild your trust and credibility before talking about GST.
