
Sunday, February 14, 2021

Worries about vaccinations

It's about reviving our economy, not mind-control or illuminati - KJ on vaccines

Khairy Jamaluddin, the minister tasked with the country's largest immunisation exercise in history, today emphasised the importance of the programme to Malaysia's economic revival and refuted various conspiracy theories about the Covid-19 vaccines.

He stressed that the Covid-19 vaccines procured by Malaysia are safe and effective, pointing out that millions of people in other countries have started receiving them.

"There is no evidence that these vaccines are detrimental to our life or health.

"The vaccines will not alter the recipients' DNA. The vaccines do not contain microchips that will control our minds. The vaccines are not an agenda of the illuminati to create the New World Order.

"The vaccines are produced by scientists. We must be confident with science and not conspiracy theories circulated in our family or residential WhatsApp groups that cite fake sources. Science must prevail," he said in a statement.

Khairy noted that last year was a painful year where, as of December, some 773,000 people or 4.8 percent of the population were jobless as many businesses went under or scaled-down due to the pandemic.

The country's gross domestic product also contracted by 5.6 percent.

Khairy said the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects that the country can see a recovery this year with an estimated growth of 5.5 percent.

However, he said one of the factors that will determine whether this recovery can be realised rests on the National Covid-19 Immunisation Plan.

"Through this immunisation programme, we can ensure that economic recovery can progress smoothly when more economic activities resume.

"For example, when the borders reopen, the worst-hit sector such as aviation and tourism will resume operations.

"So can factories which will be able to operate without the risk of being shut down due to infections among its workers.

"The uninterrupted economic chain will ensure a smooth economic cycle that will not only benefit the country but also the daily lives of its people," said the science, technology, and innovation minister.

Therefore, Khairy said, it was crucial that as many people as possible receive the vaccine which he stressed have been trialled and tested.

"When we believe in science, we will be confident in the Covid-19 vaccines. When we are confident, more people will get the jabs. When more people get the jabs, the infections will go down.

"The deaths and intensive care unit patients will also go down. Then there can be more economic and social activities without excessive restrictions.

"This is how the immunisation programme is closely correlated to the success of our economic recovery.

"Any disruption to the immunisation programme and the Covid-19 pandemic dragging on will thrust the country into economic uncertainty and force the movement control to be prolonged," he said.

He urged the public to support the national immunisation programme which will begin at the end of the month.

"Immediately register when it is time for us to receive the vaccine so that we can expeditiously achieve out herd immunity target and set us on the path of economic recovery," he said.

The first batch of the Covid-19 vaccines from Pfizer-Biontech is set to arrive at the end of this month, followed by China's Sinovac.

Malaysia also has vaccine orders for the UK's AstraZeneca, Russia's Sputnik V and China's CanSino.

Putrajaya is aiming to vaccinate at least 70 percent of the population to achieve herd immunity.


kt notes:

Now, why would KJ go to the extent of saying "The vaccines will not alter the recipients' DNA. The vaccines do not contain microchips that will control our minds. The vaccines are not an agenda of the illuminati to create the New World Order?" unless of course he has been receiving unofficial feedback that a large portion of the rakyat had been voicing those fear.

An agenda of the illuminati to create the New World Order? Eff me dead, mate!

Well, Malay Mail Online reported:

Meeting next week to discuss vaccination guidelines during Ramadan, says religious affairs minister

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Seri Zulkifli Mohamad said the guidelines would be announced after an in-depth discussion with all parties at the meeting to be held on Tuesday or Wednesday. — Bernama pic

SEREMBAN, Feb 12 — The Special Meeting of the Muzakarah Committee of the National Council on Islamic Religious Affairs will discuss the guidelines for taking vaccines during the month of Ramadan for Muslims.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Seri Zulkifli Mohamad said the guidelines would be announced after an in-depth discussion with all parties at the meeting to be held on Tuesday or Wednesday.

“(In the meeting) we will touch on some issues regarding Muslims receiving vaccine while fasting in the month of Ramadan and those who want to go to Mekah to perform the Haj,” he told reporters here today.

Meanwhile, Zulkifli had conveyed his readiness to be among the first to receive the Covid-19 vaccine.


kt notes:

I thought vaccination means application of the anti-Covid-19 vaccine through a shot or inoculation and not through (oral) imbibing.

Why are non-medical people deciding on whether Muslims should be vaccinated?


  1. me take pfizer, ccp loudmouth chinese sure pick sinovac, muslim pending for jakim chop, can n shd wait. indian doesnt matter.

    1. Who the fuck cares what is injected into your arm...air jampi ke, pfizer ke, long as you don't go around infecting others with virus. Oh yes, we know your mama bitch tSai and her cohorts rather die of covid than be vaccinated with Sinovac

    2. 犬养mfer SHOULD stick to mRNA derived vaccine - a quicker process to exterminate the katak hive.

      3 months from mass inoculation for the SARS-CoV-2 to mutate to counteract the changes in the spike protein induced by the mRNA genome code.

      The only (un)fortunate thing is none of these kayak will get any dose of such until their rich masters have filled their takes of full population immunization or hoarding for future waves of pandemic!

      But then the knowing of the coming impending slow sufferings IS a much much better retribution for these katak.

      Enjoy, u, mfers!

    3. virus data cannot show, vaccine data oso cannot show, however send wumao everywhere to debate the undebatable, very ccp indeed.

    4. 犬养mfer, ain't u high on something?

      What r the no shows?

      Which r the undebatables?

      & What to debate?

      Katak farts?

      Lies created out from foul gaseous?

      死鸡撑饭盖 in performing yr laudable act of 坐井观天论!

      Oooop… don't just repeat those staled farts lah. Show something new.

  2. Since Yiddin will be the first to be vaccinated please vaccinate all other MPs then isolate them. Let Parliament convene.

  3. The vaccine must be approved based on trustworthy and publicly available scientific data.
    On that basis, currently Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca meet the criteria.

    Those that treat the vaccine trial data as State Secrets should not be approved.

    1. AstraZeneca does not. Many in Europe are already stopping the use of it. In addition to its less than effectiveness it has been found to be harmful to patients over 70 years old

    2. U don't read peer reviewed scientific reports. But then even if u did, u would come out knowing nothing!

      U ONLY pick & choose propaganda c&p news reporting for yr easy digesting of farts.

      Thus that highly f*cked description of "On that basis, currently Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca meet the criteria."

      Mfer, have someone ever mentioned to u about lies, bloody lies & statistic. Yr conjectured farts about those profit orientated companies r doing EXACTLY that fine tuned art numeric acrobat!


      WHO has approved the AstraZeneca vaccine without such caveats.

    4. The South African variant is a concern for everyone, but the study in South Africa that was negative on the AstraZeneca vaccine was too small to be conclusive.
      For now, it appears all existing vaccines have limited immunity against the South African mutation. That is NOT reason to stop vaccination.
      In most of the rest of the world, the other variants are still dominant, and still effectively fought by the current vaccines.

    5. Wakakakaka…

      A simple course of virology for an old moneyed mfer.

      Oooop… no no no. For those other readers.

      Virus ALWAYS mutate to suit their survival. Thus, they ALWAYS choose the quickest part to multiply.

      First, they mutate to less lethal form so as not to kill off their host who is key to their community establishment. No host no community. Second, they find ways to adapt to changes within the host, either internally or externally induced.

      Internally is done by host's own body immunity mechanism. Externally is caused by herd immunity caused by inoculation of vaccine.

      There lies the catch!

      Human internal biological defense is total. It creates T-cells to fight & kill the intruding virus.

      Meanwhile mRNA vaccine ONLY simulated the spike protein that helps the virus to attach to a cell. Thus the body only react to recognize/fight/kill anything that have that unique characteristics of the spike protein. It does NOTHING else to exterminate the virus.

      Hence, initially a person who has inoculated with a mRNA vaccine shows no infection. But the SARS-CoV-2 r still presented within his/her body. He/She can still transmit the virus to other person who comes into close contact. That person would get covid!

      The more virulent variants present in England, SAfrica r exactly the latest mutations that the SARS-CoV-2 r finding new ways to spread their community.

      Scientifically, SARS-CoV-2 is been identified as slow in mutating. The medical scientists have erred in that score bcoz SARS-CoV-2 have been transmitting exactly & easily according to the changing spike protein.

      The introduction of vaccine has changed the virus surviving strategy. To survive, they have to mutate faster & along new path . This is a constant war for the virus. No unexpected deviations, then continuous with the current transmitting method. Any deviated changes would cause a similar mutating path.

      All other vaccines would eventually failed if the 80% expected herd immunization doesn't occur within the human communities fast enough.

      But those other scientific derived vaccines r having a little longer effective fighting change bcoz they used the full characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 virus san their killing toxicity. mRNA derived vaccine ONLY reproduces the spike protein which is also the attached mechanism that the virus would continuously mutate in order to adapt quickly to external changes & attached themselves to the body cells.

      Once the attached spike protein deviated from the mRNA imitated form, then these vaccine would have zilch effect in causing the immunized body to produce the relevant T-cells to fight/kill the new SARS-CoV-2 variants.

      It's projected that such scenario would occur in about 3 months after the mass inoculation of the mRNA derived vaccine.

      But, how many read & care about that reasonable conjecture that's going to affect millions of lifes?

      Politikus want quick response to pacify restless citizen & reviving dying economy. Medical 'scientists' only want to make quick money when the opportunity hits.

      Everything else r immaterial to them!

    6. CCP fanboy acting on instruction from central control to badmouth mRNA vaccines.

    7. From WHO Website

      "The ‘South African variant’ — B.1.351
      This variant was first detected in Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa, in October 2020. Since then it has been found in more than 30 countries."

      In October 2020, none of the mRNA vaccines had been released, and no clinical trials had been carried out in South Africa.

      So how does CCP Fanboy tie the mutation to the MRNA vaccine ?

    8. Thanks CK ! That was as good a summary as I've come across from wading through piles of scientific writings from various scientific papers, including from the Lancelet. Yes, you have also concluded exactly right about the haste to 'pacify restless citizen and reviving dying economy'...very well put. And the other conclusion in the end, that's spot on....these fake scientists only see $$$$, striking while the iron's hot. It is like the moon had dropped onto their lap ( bagai bulan jatuh ke riba, hehe ) when the government has removed any need for them to be liable for deaths or serious consequences suffered after vaccination, and the people can't sue these companies. The first report of 23 deaths in Norway after Pfizer "vaccination" in a nursing home was brushed away quickly...imagine if Sinovac had caused even 1 death, let alone 23 ! And reports of healthy people, non elderly with no comorbidity conditions, as exemplified by one doctor who died just a mere 2 weeks after receiving Pfizer mRNA "vaccination" should have raised alarm. But all these are conveniently brushed aside too.

      That Monster will support ANYTHING from a whiteface, even their shits will be like perfume to him. Worse lapdog ever.

    9. Yet another CCP Fanboy zombie.

      So far it is claimed Sinovac ( vaccine trial data still a CCP State Secret) is safe and effective.

      However, the Brazil Vaccine Butantan agency found the Sinovac Coronavac shot is 50% effective.

      Might as well throw a coin instead of getting vaccinated.

      Heads you get immunity, Tails, no immunity.

    10. Wakakakakaka…

      Haven't I told u that given yr calibre of simple reading comprehension, farts r yr only daily digests!

      "In October 2020, none of the mRNA vaccines had been released, and no clinical trials had been carried out in South Africa.

      So how does CCP Fanboy tie the mutation to the MRNA vaccine ?"

      Where have I mentioned anything about mRNA derived vaccine causing the new SAfrican vivid variant?

      I said virus mutation & natural body immunization r a constant match of one-upmanship.

      Any external interference will speed up the virus mutation rate.

      Natural body defence USUALLY takes very much longer time to evolve a successful defense mechanism. While virus mutation is fast-tracked due to their superiority in number permutstions of changed.

      But… remember, I'm not here to enlighten u! Keep to yr fart lah.

      BTW, why r the new fast spreading & more lethal SARS-CoV-2 variant first happened in England (mind u not the rest of UK)?

      There is a theory circulating in the DarkWeb that some dickheaded chief medical officer suggested a challenge trial in SW England county by artificially introducing a supposedly genetically weakened SARS-CoV-2 into the community. The unexpected happened & the variant mutated devotedly from the expected form & turns more virulent & lethargic! The rest is what one now see happening in England!

      If fact, the medical team knew about the unexpected variant in late oct2020 but never announced the finding till jan2021.

      Mfer, these r news been reported in yr altarised UK newspapers. But how many care, lest morons like u.

      WHO feeds on data supply by the reported countries. Unless WHO does a similar Wuhan investigation, everything have to be accepted on face values sacrosanctly maintained by the scientific community.

      If the country &/or scientists have any malevolences, either personal or national, then all bets r off!

      Ain't that's the common theme of meets, like u all over the world, in criticising CCP/China/Chinese?

    11. "3 months from mass inoculation for the SARS-CoV-2 to mutate to counteract the changes in the spike protein induced by the mRNA genome code."

      Quote from Cunny CCP Koksucker.

    12. "claimed Sinovac ( vaccine trial data still a CCP State Secret) is safe and effective"


      A blurred & ignorant fart from a know nothing!

      China has already disclosed officially the findings of P1&P2 trials results of the vaccines she has committed. But China ISN'T an area where the highest rates of viral transmission are spreading like wildfire. Thus she has to depending her phase3 trials done in oversea to get the necessary data.

      So far, ONLY Brazil has shown preliminary phase3 trial results. Due to bureaucratic inefficiencies & statistical numeric basing, the immunization coverage is under par & the statistic interpretations r piecemeal. Thus, the questionable findings.

      But in China proper, here is a piece of news

      While countries around the world anxiously await the arrival of a vaccine for the coronavirus in November 2020, a growing slice of the Chinese population has reportedly already been vaccinated. In an interview last week with the Sichuan Daily, the chair of the Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinopharm Group said that its Covid-19 vaccines have been used by nearly 1 million people in China.

      The vaccinations have occurred as part of an emergency use program that began in late July, though few details about it have been revealed by the Chinese government. China’s State Council authorized high-risk groups including medical workers, customs officials, and transportation workers to start receiving one of three Chinese-made vaccines — two from Sinopharm and one produced by Sinovac. But some Chinese cities have also been offering the vaccines to members of the public.

      So far, the vaccines appear to have been administered in a decentralized fashion, with a handful of local governments officially announcing availability. People have rushed to queue up for a dose even though transmission remains very low in China and the safety and efficacy of the vaccines has yet to be proven.

      By now it's estimated closed to 200m high risk categorized personnel have been inoculated without serious side effects.

      The 3 China approved covid vaccines r based on an inactivated vaccine methodology.

      It works by using killed SARS-CoV-2 viral particles to induce the body to produce T-cells to fight/kill the invading SARS-CoV-2.

      It's the safest & known vaccine production methodology used in many past successful vaccine immunization programme.

      BTW, many other countries, including some western demoNcratic clowns, r negotiating to buy Chinese vaccines in place of the problematic western concoctions. That's also done before a full phase3 trial result can be obtained. They buy on faith built on known medical technology!

      So old moneyed mfer, goes & flicks yr coin lah. Either way u r dying standing with yr pure ignorance about subject u know nothing & yet die die want to feed on western propagandas.

    13. So yr England very fluid ye!

      What has my quote gotten to do with yrs

      "In October 2020, none of the mRNA vaccines had been released, and no clinical trials had been carried out in South Africa.

      So how does CCP Fanboy tie the mutation to the MRNA vaccine ?"

      Definitely too much fart inhaled!

    14. "3 months from mass inoculation for the SARS-CoV-2 to mutate to counteract the changes in the spike protein induced by the mRNA genome code."

      CCP Cocksucker is directly stating the virus is directly tying the cause and effect of mass inoculation of mRNA vaccine making the Covid-19 Wuhan virus to counteract the vaccine.
      Your words.

    15. Wakakakakakaka…

      My word?

      Right with mfering twisting (mmm… poor interpretation via fluid England or just dumb?).

      Mfer, picks yr choice lah.

      Remember, u r totally outside yr league.

      But then, sticking to yr fart. I'm not enlightening u!
