Thursday, February 11, 2021

UMNO one step from being de-registered; Mahathir may have answer to UMNO secret bank account


Maybe 1988 Umno president can explain secret bank account - Shahril

With the current crop of Umno leaders claiming ignorance over an alleged secret unaudited
bank account for political donations, some believe those who led the party in the past may know more.

For Umno information chief Shahril Hamdan, the leader who may know best would be Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who was party president when the account was allegedly opened in 1988.

"To my knowledge, no such account exists for Umno.

"So whatever account exists since 1988, perhaps the president during 1988 (Mahathir) can help clarify since he seems to be most enlightened about it," Shahril told Malaysiakini.

The account was said to have been opened the same year Mahathir re-registered Umno after the party was declared unlawful by the courts due to the existence of several unregistered branches.

Mahathir had in 2015 said that during his time helming the party, political donations went into a party account that had three trustees including himself.

"The trustees would have an account. All donations, particularly for elections, are deposited into this account [...]

"The trustees were also named as equity holders and property owners on behalf of Umno," he said.

However, it is unclear whether this is the "secret" bank account.

Existence of the secret bank account was claimed by prosecutors in the government’s 1MDB-linked forfeiture suit against Obyu Holdings.

Umno information chief Shahril Hamdan

Umno had claimed that money the government wanted to seize belonged to the party.

In a written submission rebutting this, the prosecution claimed the account, which was unaudited, was used to receive political donations.

The prosecution said that this was in violation of the Societies Act.

The prosecution also said Umno's claim over unaudited monies possibly violated the Societies Act and could result in the party being de-registered.


  1. Aaahhh, so during Toonsie’s time the money was kept in a party account with 3 trustees. Very Good. But when it came to Jibby’s time the money was kept in his personal individual account and also in a strong room at his house?

  2. Toonsie had "admitted" in 2015 the existence of this slush-fund account held under the names of three trustees.

    I wonder if Jibby will dare make the report or file a legal case, before the Limitation Time of 6 years is up.

    Jaga-jaga ya....your 1MDB case is intricately tied up to UMNO slush funds. It will be like opening a barrel of worms, no, rotting kerbau carcasses for you personally and your party UMNO....ha ha ha....

    I'm Lovin' It...!

  3. Toonsie is famous for committing hara-kiri, Japon-lover....ha ha ha....when he resigned as PM during the Sheraton Shake he took down the entire Harapan gomen with him, so I hope he can "confess" to the UMNO slush fund accounts since 1988 and take down UMNO with him.....ha ha ha again....if UMNO won't allow Pejuang to become a registered party why not take UMNO down too....Ayam Lovin' It....

    1. Mahathir will likely "confess" the the illegal Slush funds, knowing full well it is near impossible to prosecute him on the matter. He left the Presidency over 17 years ago.

      In the process, driving the knife deep into UMBO's belly, probably leading to UMBO deregistration and prosecution of Current and Recent office holders.

  4. this pintu balakang pm not from umno meh?
