
Friday, February 05, 2021

'Ikat perut' Menteri Kewangan sekarang 'ikat otaknya'

Vibes via Malaysia-Today:

‘Memory Loss’? Guan Eng’s Criticism Of Perikatan Courts Brickbats Online

When you were finance minister, you asked rakyat to ‘ikat perut’, says social media user

(The Vibes) – Lim Guan Eng was hit with a flood of criticism online after speaking in a webinar hosted by the National Council of Professors (MPN) today.

The webinar, titled “Malaysia’s Future: Where are we heading?”, also saw the former finance minister issuing criticism of the Perikatan Nasional government.

He said PN is not sensitive to the plight faced by the people during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We need a radical economic policy, where we protect jobs and commerce.

“The government is not spending enough to help the rakyat. They can’t be too stingy, they must spend when necessary.”

He said Malaysia’s economic performance is deteriorating, pointing out that Vietnam and Indonesia have pulled in more foreign direct investment (FDI).

“These countries did not just receive FDI that is labour-focused, but FDI that comes with economic advancement. High-value FDI, in other words.”

Netizens, however, did not buy his rhetoric.

“Talking is easy, but when you were finance minister, you asked the people to ‘ikat perut’. Think RM30, think Lim Guan Eng,” said Mohd Razif Omar.

It is believed to be a reference to Lim’s initiative to give RM30 to citizens via e-wallets during his tenure.

“Don’t need to listen to him. He talked about how the country is bankrupt, like no one could think. Who will invest in the country if the finance minister keeps mentioning that it is bankrupt?” said Facebook user Mat Mat.

“If you are interested in fighting corruption, explain the Penang tunnel issue. Why was the prosecution suddenly dropped? You are always complaining about others, but you have memory loss when it comes to yourself,” said Zulfikaar Azizi.

The webinar was moderated by MPN fellow researcher Muhammad Asri Ali and secretary Prof Datuk Raduan Che Rose.


  1. The Tunnel issue is just a Red Herring intended for Race and Religion Zombie consumption.

    If Guan Eng was involved in corruption, how come the charges couldn't specify exactly what and how Lim Guan Eng gained from the transaction ?

    Compare and contrast the prosecution and conviction of Najib, which clearly laid out the amounts and transactions that Najib benefited from.

  2. lge wan to be people hero again. thats common with politicians with no more power.

    read the many chinese criticism on masjid n thaipusam, the moment govt restrict the temple, reaction 2 x 5.

    kalu cina tak bodoh, macam mana boleh hasilkan pemimpin yg sama bodoh.

    i been pondering how not to attend reunion dinner, n thank god n pn cny sop so i dun need to create or find an excuse. n we now got the chance to see how all this pemimpin cina bodoh sumua mahu jadi hero.

    cina india melayu 2x5, tapi mulut cina amat besar sekali.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      A f*cked piece of shit coming out from a nonchinese, whose definition of reunion dinner is just to get even with the siblings!

      U r specifically targeting Chinese bcoz u have to salvage yr ketuanan master's moronic biasness in issuing 'commands' based on race & religion!

    2. so die die must reunion like a zombie die die must eat shit?

    3. Zombies only have an incessant craving for flesh. Especially those manna falling from their god.

      So, yr definition of zombie eating shit?

      U r insulting yr dangdut pals le.

    4. to me, those that 100% endorse pas is no diff with one that 100% endorse ccp, both r zombie, 2 x 5. eat shit or flash immaterial, still zombie.

    5. Better than fart cloaking kayak, right?

      Eat yr heart out, 犬养mfer!

      Ooop… Haven't u been in msny a time a supporter of pas, hadi & the like?

      What changes?

      Fart filled well running out of foul gaseous?

  3. MPN was shutdown by the Harapan gomen, together with RM85 million JASA.....ha ha ha that says it all, orang putih bagi nama "nutty professors" kita panggil "kangkong professors" whose only interest is self-interest, to climb the academic ladder via politics....

    Muhammad Asri, wasn't he the one accused of being "mabuk ketum"? And Raduan Che Rose the "heartless" professor"?

    Moderator ‘mabuk ketum’, Pemuda Umno gesa bubar Majlis Profesor
    Sabtu, 30 Jan 2021


    KUALA LUMPUR, 30 Jan — Exco Pemuda Umno menggesa Majlis Profesor Negara (MPN) dibubarkan selepas felo penyelidiknya mengutarakan fakta mengelirukan.

    Muhammad Faiz Hashim berkata Dr Muhammad Asri Mohd Ali memberi gambaran buruk kepada Pemuda Umno semasa menjadi moderator bual bicara pada Rabu.

    “Jadi, kepada Dr Asri yang mabuk ketum, kajian anda itu langsung tidak boleh pakai. Sudahlah kajian yang dibuat pada 2002, sekarang ini 2021, beza 19 tahun.

    “Anda tidak layak langsung menjadi profesor. Jadi moderator pun ke laut. Elok bubarkan sajalah MPN kalau begini contoh profesor yang dilahirkan,” katanya.

    MPN's Prof Raduan Che Rose – 50,000 is BIG; but look at the BIGGER picture
    Zakiah Koya
    Januari 12, 2018

    Prof Raduan earned notoriety and attracted the wrath of just about everybody after coming out with a seemingly innocuous statement on the looming threat of unemployment for Malaysia last week.

    The offending remark? Bukan Besar (Not Big) – in response to the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) assertion that the Malaysian workforce faces the prospects of constriction resulting in the shedding of 50,000 jobs this year.

    The bricks thrown back at him were large, swift and at times vicious – internet trolls had a field day with mocking memes lambasting him for being `heartless’.

    He concedes that harassed workers and the lay reader have the right to regard the 50,000 number as big.

    “I am neither cruel nor am I a dumb professor,” he told Awani Review in an impromptu interview, explaining volubly the national employment scenario and structure.

    “It’s a big number but you have to look at the bigger picture. You have to factor in all those that I have mentioned earlier. It’s not fair just to highlight the 50,000 – this professor is (made to look) dumb, this professor doesn’t understand what’s happening and this professor is very cruel,” he defended himself.

    He goes on to give reasons and work trends that leads to the shedding of jobs.

    “You have to accept the fact that even now there’s also a trend, they (the workers) want to do freelancing. People want to do part-time to be independent workers – no longer the notion of youth to work in the company (for the long term) anymore. That’s also a trend. So, you have to look along that line just to focus on the 50,000 to be left off and it’s going to be a big problem. Of course people will get angry with me and say, ‘What is this professor saying?’

  4. The RM30 e-wallet was a great idea and properly implemented without hassles. I bought the family a good KFC meal and the Grab Food guy got a nice tip from me too. If it wasn't for the fact that it was Guanee's idea ayam sure the Twit of a Twat FM will want to implement it again. But of course now with Covid it must be more, much much more. Come on, don't be shy....

  5. Even Jibby agrees with Guanee ha ha ha, why not attack him?...dia tu BossKu ke....? Guanee now in opposition, powerless...

    Najib: Indonesia gains significant FDI momentum while M’sia falters
    By G Vinod

    INDONESIA is receiving foreign direct investments (FDI) to the tune of hundreds of billions while Malaysia is still busy selling off national assets.

    “Since the 14th General Election, Malaysia’s FDI is falling rate keeps falling. Last year alone, our neighbour Indonesia received hundreds of billions in investments,” said former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, in a series of Facebook posts.

    This was not the first time Najib had lamented on how Malaysia was losing out on key investments, calling for the Government to buck up and find creative ways to lure investors.

    “Tesla is going to Indonesia. Amazon and Google are also planning to set up bases there. What is happening?

    “We have the International Trade and Industries Ministry (MITI), Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) and InvestKL. What are they doing?” he asked, last month.

  6. See, all these FDI hilang in 2020, during PN's year of disaster, but professor lobaks still want to blame Guanee?

    Beginning Of The End As Malaysia’s FDI Dries Up?
    Jason Loh
    9 January 2021

    There’s been much hype and agitation and, by extension, circulation of kopitiam (coffee shop) talk about reports of Malaysia falling behind its regional counterparts and peers in terms of foreign direction investment (FDI) which include losing out on key strategic investments so that the country now (yet again) is supposed to be down on that path towards becoming a failed state (which we’ve heard many times before).

    Such a grim outlook could be justified on the basis that according to a United Nations Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD) report, “Investment flows to developing countries in Asia could fall up to 45 percent in 2020”. The report also highlighted that Indonesia, Singapore and Vietnam received more than 80 percent of the US$156 billion in FDI that ASEAN countries pulled in last year. Only five percent or just US$7.8 billion went to Malaysia – which of course doesn’t seem to augur well for the country.

  7. The Race and Religion Zombies need to wake up to the dire international competitive economic situation Malusia finds itself in.
    No amount of Robbing Ah Ching to
    pay Ah Mad is going to solve the fundamental weakness of the country.

    1. Solve the fundamental weakness of the country?

      U r talking to a bunch of

      1)ketuanan freaks looking for immediate opulent enjoyments based on rentseeking.

      2)zombies whose whole purpose of existing is that 'promused' 72 houris in afterlife.

      3) blur-sotong whose daily existence has worn them down to just by living day by day.

      The common theme is f*cked that "what's the future" of the country.
