
Saturday, February 06, 2021

CNY SOP amended


Govt issues new CNY SOP, maintains celebrations confined within household

The National Security Council (NSC) has lifted the maximum of "20 people per home" rule for the Chinese New Year celebrations, according to the new standard operating procedure (SOP) released today.

However, celebrations - including for the reunion dinner - are still limited to members of the same household.

"The family reunion dinner is only allowed for the family members of the same household at their house," the NSC said.

The new SOP for Chinese New Year celebrations comes after the ones issued yesterday courted flak from the public.

The new ruling will be applied on Feb 11, 12 and 19, compared to Feb 12 and 13 previously.

Feb 11 is the Chinese New Year eve, where the Chinese all around the country are supposed to go home to have reunion dinners with their families.

Feb 19 is the eighth day of the first month of the Lunar calendar in which the Hokkien community will celebrate "Bai Tian Gong".

Yesterday, Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the celebrations would be confined to members of the same household who are living together, at least for those outside Sarawak.

House-to-house visitations, interdistrict travel and interstate travel are all prohibited.

Likewise, prayers at temples are prohibited except for up to five members of the temple committee, and other members of the Chinese community are encouraged to perform their prayers at home instead.

Events such as lion dances, opera performances and Chingay parades are prohibited.

The ruling has drawn flak particularly as it directly banned family members who are living apart in the same state or cities from returning home for reunion dinner and celebrations.

Earlier today, the National Unity Ministry said it would appeal to the NSC on the Chinese New Year SOP after hearing the public's views.


kt notes:

To my visitor 'TS', your matey Ti Lian Ker has done it for you, wakakaka.

Hi 'TS', I've amended the CNY-SOP for you, but I'm none too sure whether you even celebrate CNY; maybe Deepavali?



  1. The public SNAFU basically confirms the utter uselessness of Tu Lan Ker and the entire Macai Party gang.

  2. This PN gomen used to mock Harapan as U-Turn gomen, now they just made the fastest U-Turn, within 24 hours....Guanee complain, bang table on 5th, Ah Ti announce U-Turn on 6th, syabas to all for teaching them a lesson.....

    But I suspect more brickbats coming, why single out only Hokkien, Ah Ti, what about Cantonese, Hakka and Teowchew etc...ha ha ha....

    Guan Eng joins outcry over CNY SOPs, says ‘ridiculous’ rules show govt’s disconnect from reality

    Friday, 05 Feb 2021

    KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 5 — DAP’s Lim Guan Eng today added his voice to the growing chorus of ridicule for the government’s questionable Chinese New Year standard operating procedures (SOP) announced yesterday.

    The DAP secretary-general called on the government to review and revise the latest set of regulations, saying the decision to issue such SOPs was insensitive and disrespectful to the Chinese community.

    1. Guan Eng JOINS outcry over CNY SOPs
      Guan Eng today ADDED his voice to the growing chorus of ridicule

      Proof of Guan Eng being a Johnny-come-lately, wakakaka, afraid to spook the Malays until Ti Lian Ker first raised the issue

    2. Ah Ti....... TIPU.....again.....ha ha ha.....

      Chinese associations are claiming their demands were not met during discussions with the government on Covid-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the upcoming Chinese New Year celebration on Feb 12 and 13.

      This is after the SOPs, which were announced by Senior Minister (Security) Ismail Sabri Yaakob on Feb 4, received brickbats from the public and politicians.

      The Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) claimed in a statement that the announced SOPs...

    3. Macai Party tipu kau-kau the Chinese Community for 61 years.

      We're NOT allowing ourselves to be fooled again and again.... except for Gullible Guppy keyboard jockeys in Oz.

  3. Ex-Communications minister must also bang table, hey Sai-Ful-Din, pakai otak-lah, give free internet for 15-day CNY period, so everyone, Hokkien, Hakka, Cantonese, Teochew etc can have virtual Reunion....ha ha ha....

  4. Wakakakakaka…

    Indeed that blurred mfer of c&p fame celebrates the caste holidays!

  5. So Feb 13-18 and 20th onwards can have reunion any number of people? So I just postpone my reunion dinner to 13th lah, no problem.

  6. i start to like ccp n ccp style of ruling.

    1. F*cked lalang growing on the tip of the wall & wafting with the direction of the wind.

      犬养mfer, no China covid vaccine for u! No matter how u fart around the words.
