Sunday, January 03, 2021

Anwar's Catch-22 - working with Mahathir


Anwar's Catch-22 - working with Mahathir

YOURSAY | ‘For Anwar, damned if you do, damned if you don't.’

Ferdtan: PKR president Anwar Ibrahim is open to working with Dr Mahathir Mohamad for a grand opposition? Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

When Amanah's Mohamad Sabu and DAP's Lim Guan Eng in their joint statement, more of a veiled threat to Anwar, calling for 'political reset' that may jeopardise Anwar's position as opposition leader, many who wanted to win Putrajaya at all cost condemned him when he refused to listen to their 'advice'.

He showed his displeasure by cancelling the Pakatan Harapan presidential meet. Many condemned him for being selfish in not wanting to work with the one who had 'betrayed' him. Now it is the reverse.

As he was asked whether he can work with Mahathir, he conditionally - I repeat, conditionally - said only if Mahathir agrees to follow Harapan principles. Just in case many don't get it, he further stressed, “collaborators must not bring forth ‘personal agendas’.”

There is no way Mahathir would accept such conditions which are fair considering what happened the last time when Mahathir was prime minister.

IndigoCat9464: Indeed, as said many times:

1. It's time for PKR-DAP-Amanah to go on their own. Do a calculation of what seats you can retain from the last general election. See where you can win the remaining seats.

2. Pejuang-Warisan aren't going to win anything more. Instead, they might lose what they have at present.

So, with the combined present MPs, why are they pushing for the PM's post? Why can't they give in to Anwar for a term or two?

3. For Muda, it's their first time. Let them go on their own. See how they fare. Yes, it's a difficult situation when you have multi-cornered fights.

4. Think of what PKR needs to address. How are you going to get Malay votes? And PKR needs to think about how to win Sabah and Sarawak. They definitely need seats from there.

IndigoTrout2522: Harapan should shake off Mahathir’s shadow.

The way forward is to inject new leadership with younger leaders into all the component parties, and there is a good selection of them among all races. Those long-serving leaders should step aside into an advisory role and support these younger leaders.

For Harapan to reclaim Putrajaya, it has to gather support from Warisan and GPS in East Malaysia. It is too general a statement to characterise any party as kleptocratic.

Harapan must continue its principles of good governance, an economic policy based on needs and not race, a multi-racial society based on merits, and is people-oriented and free from corruption.

This seems like an impossible mission, but there are many moderates among the various parties.

It may not seem possible with the older political generation with so much finger-pointing, greedy and selfish agenda, but it is certainly possible with a younger group of leaders at all political and governmental levels.

There may need a re-alignment of political parties, but time is running out for GE15.

Frank: In my surmise, if the next Harapan government in power is going to be like the previous one headed by Mahathir and friends, it is for certain that ‘never again’ proclamation should be for it too.

Malaysia today is just like the previous few years - a country with no future - and this is well-recognised by smart people, including foreign investors.

Needless to say, millions of lives depend on the next general election. The stake is huge. Believe you me, it is ‘huger’ (if there is such a word!) than you can imagine.

Vijay47: Anwar, if ever there is another truth as unshakeable as the sun rising in the East, it is that Mahathir cannot be trusted. Which part of “cannot be trusted” do you not understand?

Every single relationship he has entered into he has betrayed, and every single pledge he had made he has dishonoured. And you still want to consider working with him?

A racist to the core and beyond, Mahathir is the man who sold out our hard-fought victory earned after 60 years of tyranny, which ironically includes 22 years of his own rule.

He seems to have reached a stage bereft of his senses, appears unconcerned with any consequence of his machinations and is guided only by his obsession to place his confused son on the seat of the premiership.

And nothing can distract him from his quest for the unholy grail.

We don’t mind the occasional mistake, Anwar, but monumental acts of insanity like running with Mahathir again will never be tolerated; if it came to that, we would only burn the boats and bridges and say to hell with you.

And this includes any romance with PAS and Umno or any of their criminal leaders suddenly discovering repentance as Sungai Buloh beckons.

We have nothing to lose, Anwar. We waited 60 years; we can wait a while more.


  1. Why so many people ask Guanee to step down from politics, please let the younger people take over bla bla bla. He is a spritely 60 years old, black brylcream hair ha ha ha, a young chiku; Anwar is 72 but the same people want him to be PM....? Circular Logic...

  2. People often forget that Experience and "Heavy Duty Resilience" counts a lot in Malaysian Opposition politics, where younger leaders often melt and wilt under the severe pressure.

    Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng and Anwar Ibrahim have been through the University of Hard Knocks, and have much still to contribute to Opposition politics.

    It is a very different situation from UMNO easy-money rentiers who refuse to allow younger generation to move up.

  3. comical anwar still looking for a corner to piss in a barrel, dizzy as usual, just ditch the snake, he is nothing but trouble if he don't get his way, there is only room for one oppo leader, pH (pkr dap and amanah) just concentrate on winning as many seats as possible, the next ge will see a gomen formed ala berbisik bisik in a wholesale fish market, the ones with the most catch will be in big demand, why catch 22
