
Sunday, October 18, 2020

While the 'Lims' act dunno, P Ramasamy speaks out for Anwar


ADUN SPEAKS | Don’t interfere, let Anwar demonstrate his support

by P Ramasamy

All of a sudden, the police are interested in investigating PKR president Anwar Ibrahim. Of course, the police say that they are not under any pressure.

But then why the sudden interest in Anwar?

Apparently, he is being investigated for having submitted a list of MPs to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, for sodomy, his comments on the presence of foreign workers and the number of gambling dens that are being operated.

According to the police, hundreds of police reports have been lodged against the Port Dickson MP, but then why wait now to investigate him?

Is it because there are forces trying their best to prevent the ascension of Anwar to the post of the prime minister?

As I have commented earlier, whether Anwar has submitted the list of MPs supporting him or not is really not the concern of the police.

Even if Anwar had submitted the names to the Agong, is it a crime of high order?

Anwar has denied the submission of the list but at the same time, it is not the concern of the police as what transpired between Anwar and the Agong.

Surely the police in the country have much to do in addressing and solving criminal activities, so why bother with Anwar if he has not broken the law?

Hundreds of police reports have been made against Anwar and many other politicians.

I am not sure whether the police have investigated these reports thoroughly.

It is also agreed that many of the reports have no basis but frivolous and political in nature.

Is it a coincidence that Anwar is being investigated for other matters after he sought an audience with the Agong to form the next government?

Why are the Malay conservative establishments trying their best to derail Anwar’s plans?

Isn’t Anwar entitled to become the prime minister if he can demonstrate support from the MPs?

The Perikatan Nasional coalition with the rudderless Bersatu is on the brink of collapse from dissatisfied forces with and without.

As Pakatan Harapan was brought down through a sinister and diabolical backdoor initiative early this year, it is about time the gross wrong committed be rectified by none other than forces headed by Anwar.

Government agencies such as the police should remain professional and disengaged from the political process that is fast unfolding in the country.

It is simple: if Anwar cannot demonstrate support from the MPs, he cannot aspire to be the prime minister.

But for heaven’s sake, at least do not prevent him from demonstrating the support he has.

P RAMASAMY is the state assemblyperson for Perai. He is also deputy chief minister (II) of Penang


  1. When a bunch of rabies dogs turn on themselves, all bystanders SHOULD just stand far far away. Not even a sound.

    Just watch.

    When the frenzy stops, just shoot the last one remained!

  2. lims not act dunno la, they, like me, support whoever that have the number, provided dap r wanted.

    base on latest happening, i think i rather support berjuang demi bangsa, being orang asing is better than forever waiting.

  3. Aiyah, why always Guanee and his fudder's problem.....they are not in gomen, ask lah Wee KHAT Siong and MCA, 2 MPs can bring down Muhyiddin...42 in opposition cannot....

  4. Life long Deputy CM speaking up for life long PM in waiting!

  5. To ask the police to be professional is like asking pigs to fly.

    We all know the police and the AG Idris Harun is just waiting for instructions on the next steps by the powers that be

    Professional, my foot!!

  6. DAP is no one's fool la ... they, more than anyone else, know where they stand in this land of Moolayoos. They, more than anyone else, know that they are surrounded by buayas.

    They, more than ever, know that that Old Man was and is making use of them (just grin and bear it la), and they also know that for Anwar, whom they had championed right from the very beginning to be the PM, is nearing the end of his rope to ever realize his obsessive ambition. That's why DAP is skeptical that UMNO will not lead Anwar into a trap in the midst of their own latest jousting for ultimate power.....CK's analogy of rabies-infected dogs growling and fighting to the death is very apt, except maybe we won't get to shoot the last dog standing...this last anjin will be exuberantly and wholeheartedly embraced by the majority Moolayoos to bring the country to the next level of doom.

    DAP is saying to Anwar..hey buddy, wake up now and smell the coffee...kalau sudah 100% confirmed you tak kan jadi PM, you memang takde the numbers, best la to work with even your worst enemy to get back to power and this time around, we try to beat the Old Evil at his game...

    The Chinese here know their places la...but they see no harm in trying their best, right ? so notwithstanding all the previous eggs pelting, the Chinese are still 100% standing behind DAP.

    1. i yet to potong, n i am not the sneaky type, thus dun say 100%.

    2. Suci-ed or not, 犬养mfer, u have NO claim in the name of Chinese M'sian.

      Don't u forget that!

    3. "i yet to potong, n i am not the sneaky type, thus dun say 100%"

      Ummm...reading skill quite wanting, no ? you obviously can't make out "the Chinese are still 100% standing behind DAP" to mean that THOSE Chinese that voted DAP are NOT abandoning this party and is still a solid 100% supporting it.

      By the by, this is the first time you admitted, in spite of repeated taunting, hehe... "yet to potong", however, your mere words are not good enough, nothing less than a picture as proof will do, wa ka ka ka... Urgh, on second thoughts, please cancel that, such disgusting sight will haunt us for days LOLOLOL

      From your admission of belum potong, you obviously implied you are cina...oh, please, you ini bukan cina la...your know full well you are OCBC, I believe I had inform this about yourself quite a few times and moreover, your virulent hatred of DAP is such that every one and his dog here knows you would never ever support DAP, so you are counted out, Batty-the-Stupid, the sneaky, petty squabbler, who forever are nit-picking missing the forest for the trees. Pordah la

    4. the chinese vs most chinese.

      jerk is jerk.

    5. Wow!!!

      Chinese vs most Chinese?

      Typical 台毒 fart that only meme-ed drmoNcratic dickheads like to pronounce!
