
Sunday, October 18, 2020

Never trust US and Israel - both are partners in stealing Palestinian land


Land of steal

Israeli soldiers detain a Palestinian protester lifting the national flag as he protests Israeli settlement building activities on their land in the village of West Bank Yatta, near Hebron. - EPA pic

ISRAEL has made nonsense of the normalisation of ties with Gulf nations by going ahead with its plan of building illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

On Friday, foreign ministers of five European nations — Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Spain — issued a joint statement condemning Israel's latest move, saying it is against international law and long-term peace (NST, Oct 16).

They are right to condemn Israel. But they should not stop there. They should compel Israel to withdraw from all the occupied land and work towards a two state solution.

Israel and the Gulf states must be told that without a Palestinian state for the Palestinians, there will never be peace in the Middle East.

This noise of words from Europe will not stop the recalcitrant Zionist regime from stealing Palestinian land. If all Europe could do is issue one lame statement after another against illegal Israeli settlements, the world will one day wake up to see the whole of Palestine turned into one big apartheid Zionist state.

The Europe of 1948 watched in silence, nay, it even encouraged, South Africa to go apartheid white. Europe, especially Britain, had a role in the forceful eviction of Palestinians from their homeland to create Israel.

Is Europe on a public relations campaign, condemning the Zionist regime in words, but quietly urging on the right-wing Israelis?

We have known such Western sham before, but what is shocking is the abandonment of an old Arab understanding by the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain: normalisation of relations only after surrender of occupied land.

Little wonder the Palestinians are calling the Emirati and Bahraini move a betrayal of the Palestinian cause.

To be exact, a stab in the back of the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people, as Al Jazeera put it.

Israeli Huzam Zomlot's op-ed in Haaretz, an Israeli English daily, says it all: the UAE and Bahrain have rewarded Israel for nothing.

Two is not enough for United States President Donald Trump and his Zionist-leaning evangelist sponsors. They want more Arab states to reward Israel for nothing. They are bent on enticing Saudi Arabia next.

On Wednesday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made this enticement public as he met Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan, who, Al Jazeera says, was in Washington "for a US Saudi strategic dialogue at the State Department... that included discussions about relations with Israel, the US' 'maximum pressure' campaign against Iran and the war in Yemen".

Interestingly, all this hoodwinking is happening as the Zionist regime builds more illegal settlements with the nod of the Trump regime.

Palestinians may be happy, at least for the moment. Media reports coming out of Washington point to Saudi Arabia being not ready to normalise relations with Israel.

We hope this is true for the sake of the Palestinians. The Arabs mustn't buckle under pressure. They must stand by their "land for peace" accord, come what may.

No doubt, the Zionist regime and the Trump administration are hard at work undermining the "land for peace" principle.

American propaganda is thick with reports of this and that Arab country being ready to sign a "peace for peace" agreement with Israel.

Notice the Trump trickery: "land for peace" has become "peace for peace".

The "land" is now all Israel's. It is May 14, 1948, all over again. Only now it is, Eretz Yisrael. The world is being prepared for another genocide of the Palestinians.


  1. Jews believe The West Bank was Allah’s gift to them, it is written in their Holy Book, just like Malays believe Malaysia belongs to Melayu, because in an old map somewhere somebody scribbled “Tanah Melayu”.

    Like Toonsie say the Chinese and Indians are “orang asing” invited by the British to stay, Jews say Palestinians are “immigrants” allowed by others to stay in the West Bank. Under Jewish rule they can continue to stay as “guests”, no problem. But cannot become PM.

    Transport Minister maybe.

    Also we cannot question their Holy Book, that would be seditious and spook the Jews.

    Jewish people call the West Bank Judea and Samaria, the land mentioned in the Torah. The Torah mentions about Eretz Israel (The Land of Israel) as the homeland of the Jewish people.

    Judea is the modern version of Judah, referring to the southern part in the region of Palestine.

    1. pls dun draw conclusion without verifying ccp historical text first, they might hv a 18 dash line that cover until west africa.

    2. Islamic dash lines today stretches from Morocco in East Africa all across North Africa, Middle East, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Tanah Melayu (ahem) and Philippines. 1.8 billion Muslims, millions of square kilometers. Filled with riches, oil and gas, luscious fertile tropical land. Allah was so kind and generous to Muslims.

      To Jews, of which there are only 10 million, Allah gave only a few thousand square kilometers of rocks, stones and desert, called the West Bank. No oil or gas. Air pun tak ada. But that barren land oso the Muslims want to Bully and Rampas from the poor Jews. No brotherhood spirit.

    3. Islamic dash lines today stretches from Morocco in East Africa all across North Africa, Middle East, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Tanah Melayu (ahem) and Philippines. 1.8 billion Muslims, millions of square kilometers. Filled with riches, oil and gas, luscious fertile tropical land. Allah was so kind and generous to Muslims.

      To Jews, of which there are only 10 million, Allah gave only a few thousand square kilometers of rocks, stones and desert, called the West Bank. No oil or gas. Air pun tak ada. But that barren land oso the Muslims want to Bully and Rampas from the poor Jews. No brotherhood spirit.

    4. Yaloh, no thanks to the ambivalent nature of the ancient Chinese about lands outside China proper.

      Otherwise yr vexed 18 dashed lines would indeed cover up till west Africa!

      AND the best part, is none of those land enclosed were forcefully taken as yr demoNcratic masters.

    5. Ancient Chinese had no intention of claiming ANY land masses surrounding the South China Sea though they had been visiting & using those land masses as seafaring shelters while out at this part of the world since time immemorial!

      Yr vexed Nine Dash Lines, encompassed those islands, reefs, banks and shoals scattered within the South China Sea, was the handy work of yr uncle Sam. He was using ROC to cement his aimed maritime controls in that sea front. Just like enslaving SKorea & Japan as his military serfdom! With US helps, roc drawn up the Nine Dash Lines using a map from the New Atlas of China’s Construction and published in 1936 by Bai Meichu, a Chinese cartographer and founder of the China Geography Society, at a time when Chiang Kai-shek’s Republic of China (ROC) governed from Nanjing.

      Present day China inherited that Nine Dash Line claim. & stay true to the words of not lossing ANYMORE rightful territories entitled under historical facts!

      General maritime passages through that area can be negotiated but foreign sovereignty entitlement claims would be resisted by force if necessary.

      Yr uncle Sam is claiming right of passage, under the maritime convention that he didn't recognise. While at the same time provoke every surrounding nations to claim for a twisted EEZ right interpretation san off historical facts!

      Mfer, maybe u should shout to yr 蔡妹妹 to first return Taiping Island to China before making all yr twisted rant about any dash lines!

    6. One day travelling between East/West Malaysia have to seek Bullyland permission/visa for crossing Bullyland airspace.

      Price of fish oso increase because sampan cannot go far out without visa.

      Oil and Gas semua hangus. Sarawak have to negotiate with Bullyland for O&G sales tax. But we can use Royal Musang King supply to negotiate best deal.

      And we still have two Scorpenes that can hide underwater, the Bully Navy cannot see them.

    7. Simple minded farts from a yellowed katak from that fart filled well!

  2. The behaviour of the Palestinians thus far in Gaza, especially, shows that Israel faces a "land for no peace" future with any likely future Palestinian regime.

  3. The Jews wandered into ancient China as traders. What a shame they didn't claim Tibet for themselves saving the Indians and Chinese from the current border conflicts.

    1. The Jews have NEVER claimed territories other than what is in their Torah as given to them by Allah, a narrow barren strip of land called Israel. At one time before the world war there were Jews living all over Europe, but did they claim any land there as theirs? Any claim of Tanah Yahudi in Poland or Hungary?


    2. No one gave them the land - they invaded, massacred the locals (Canaanites, etc), raped their women, sacrificed the children to their meat-loving god, and declared themselves the "Chosen Ones" a.k.a "Ketuanan Yahudi"

      They were subsequently taken away as slaves by the Babylonians (1st Diaspora), saved by a Persian King who they designated as a non-Jewish Messiah, allowed to return to the Middle-East, chased away by the Romans (2nd Diaspora), allowed by the Brits to migrate there (they're migrants under British connivance - Balfour is probably another of their non-Jewish Messiah) and resume their genocidal elimination and cleansing of locals. Today their position has bene fortified by their 3rd non-Jewish Messiah, one with a carrot head.

      What the eff is the Torah but a book written (retrospectively) by the House of Judah to justify the murderous treacherous adulterous actions of one of their Kings who did not have the right of primogeniture

    3. Jews wandered into ancient China as trader?

      What a historical fart!

      The camel towel headed Arabs, partly included the ancient Jews, all shared that monotheistic Abrahamic faith WOULDN'T be able to do anything with the multi deities dogma of the ancient Tibetans. Besides, they all had ONLY fortune in their eyes, NOT evangelical/dawah missions. Tibet, as a high attitude plateau was least adaptable to these arid land dwellers.

      Hilter tried but failed, ended up been influenced to used the sacred Buddhism swastikas as his calling sign!

      Instead, many of the fragmented old Mongolian states scattered far & wide within that central Asia were converted into Mohammedan inducrd nations via falsely gospel indoctrination!

      The current Sino-India border conflicts have the seeds germinated by yr old all empowered auntie pommie when she left that bordering regions with tail behind her back.

      Mfer, read more REAL history & use more often of that quite petrified brain of yrs to analyse before u fart like those yellowed katak under that fart filled well.

    4. Eons ago invasion, massacre, rape, slavery etc were common in ALL cultures and societies. Not unique to Jews.

      No one gave Palestine to the Palestinians either, just as no one gave Tanah Melayu to Melayus. In fact some scholars quotes the Quran as saying Allah gave the Holy Land to the Jews.

      BTW has any Muslim ever fought for the Kurds, who are Muslim, for their homeland?

    5. Who the eff are the Palestinians ?

      They conquered the land, forced conversions of the inhabitants to their eff-ing book at the point of the sword.
      A thousand years later, all that was left was a desert wasteland with scrawny goats and no crops grew.
      The Jews returned and made Israel into one of the most productive agricultural land in the region, as well as a technological powerhouse.

  4. If one were to go back to 1948 and the years preceding, we would understand why the Israelis are obsessed with land acquisition.

    In 1948, all the Arab armies were arrayed against a fledgling Israeli nation and the Arabs vowed to drive the Israelis into the sea.

    In 1956, tge Arab armies lost a big chunk of the Sinai in the war known as the Sinai Campaign. And of course the famous Israeli victory over all the Arab armies in The Six-Day War in 1967 where Israel anniliated the Arab armies in 6 days of fighting.

    The last major war was the Yom Kippur war in 1973 where the Egyptian army enjoyed initial victories until the 3rd Egyptian army was encircled by Gen Ariel Sharon's (later to become PM) soldiers. A truce was called and the war ended.

    The outcome was that Egypt gained a measure of respect for its early victories and which enabled Sadat to pursue for peace several years later.

    So, we cannot blame Israel as they (the Israelis) have not the guarantee from the Arabs of Israel's existence. There is always the worry that the Arabs will want to drive the Israelis into the sea.

    1. The largest part of the chronic Middle East conflicts, between lsreal & surrounding Arab nations, is the bleeding hearted Machiavellian plan of the pommie govt then!

      End of WWII sees the influx of many dislocated & destituted Jews, many were imprinted with a notion of Eretz Israel - a country of their own as many of saw their long resided countries totally ignored their plights & many a time collaborated with the Nazis.

      Many european war fatigued nations had had no ability & stamina to reabsorbe these disenchanted Jews. Many too had inbuilt prejudices against them.

      Moving them out to some outlandish place, no see no guilt, would be the best solution.

      Churchill was the prime moving hand in shipping these Jews to Palestine, w/o the concerns & negotiations with the natives.

      Thus, planted that never ending MiddleEast conflicts!

  5. Who really is behind all these "unpeace" in virtually every inch of land on the planet, minus perhaps the extreme north and south poles land ?Presenting the Most Evil Empire Ever, wrecking the planet :

    With its demise after WW2, this Most Evil of Empire passed on the baton to its 'kith and kin', who continues merrily to re colonize the world with their so-called " democratic rules-based" new order which puts many countries in destitution still struggling to get out of its onerous debt-trap financial "assistance" via WB and IMF; and strutting about the globe cockily bristling threats to those refusing to bend to its will.

    The world will get a semblance of peace when these White Supremacists are brought to their knees and be buried off forever.

    1. sound exactly like those tuan tuan n puan puan, everything blame yellow dap.

    2. The type of CCP Zombie who are supporting CCP Sea of Steal, and artificial islands concocted to support the Sea of Steal.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      江郎才尽 - running out of fart, thus resolve to shit stirring using petrified shits from the bottom of that fart filled well!

      Can u even move the stick?

  6. Historic Day Indeed.....Jews and Arabs can be fren fren. Just give the Jews that tiny strip of barren land Allah promised them.

    And Give Thanks Allah gave the Arabs/Muslims a thousand/million times more.

    Etihad makes ‘history’ with first UAE passenger flight to Israel
    AFP -October 19, 2020

    JERUSALEM: The first ever passenger flight from the United Arab Emirates to Israel landed near Tel Aviv on Monday, a month after the countries signed an agreement normalising ties.

    Etihad Airways flight EY 9607 from Abu Dhabi landed at Ben Gurion Airport early in the morning with only crew on board, a spokesman for the Israel Airports Authority told AFP.

    The plane picked up Israeli tourism professionals, who would be flying to the UAE for a two-day trip visit organised by Israeli company Maman Group, the spokeswoman said.

    “Etihad has become the first Gulf airline to operate a passenger flight to Israel. And this is only the beginning,” the airline said on Twitter.

    Etihad planes had landed in Ben Gurion with medical supplies in May and June to help the Palestinians cope with the coronavirus pandemic.

    The Palestinians, who object the agreement Israel forged with the UAE, refused to receive the aid.

    In August, Israel and the UAE announced that they had reached a US-brokered deal to normalise ties, following years of discreet economic and security cooperation.

    The UAE and Israel were due on Tuesday to sign an agreement to have 28 weekly commercial flights between the countries, a transportation ministry official said.

    In Manama on Sunday, Israel and Bahrain signed a deal to establish relations, making the UAE and Bahrain only the third and fourth Arab states to normalise ties with Israel, following Israel’s 1979 peace deal with Egypt and a 1994 pact with Jordan

    1. and that's precisely why Malaysians and the world canNOT trust the US for fairness in the Middle-East when it's only a religious slave of Israel

    2. Another historical day.....make no mistake, these “small” Arab countries would not dare normalize relations with Israel without the nod nod wink wink nudge nudge from big brother Saudi Arabia.....and risking no haj pilgrims allowed to Mecca.....

      Sudan becomes third Arab state to set aside hostilities with Israel this year


      Israel and Sudan agreed on Friday to take steps to normalise relations in a deal brokered with the help of the United States, making Khartoum the third Arab government to set aside hostilities with Israel in the last two months.

      US President Donald Trump, seeking re-election on Nov 3, sealed the agreement in a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and Transitional Council Head Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, senior US officials said.

  7. Barack Hussein Obama was the US president least friendly towards Israel and most sympathetic towards the Palestinians. It is no secret Obama's attitude towards Israel was icy.

    Him being a Black man, brought up in Indonesia, allegedly a closet Muslim, definitely symphetetic towards Muslim concerns.
    They had 8 long years of Barack Hussein Obama as an opportunity to advance peace. What did Palestinians do?

    They carried out the most intense campaign of terror , especially attacks from Gaza.
