Saturday, October 03, 2020

Remembering Malaysia’s first special forces mission & our heroes

The Star Online:

Remembering Malaysia’s first special forces mission

On this day 60 years ago, Malaysia’s (Malaya then) first ever contribution to a United Nations’ peacekeeping operation, the Malayan Special Force (MSF), departed for the Congo.

Earlier, on Sept 28, 1960, the wheeled element consisting of 18 Ferret armoured cars and all soft-skinned vehicles and stores motored down to the Royal Malaysian Naval Base in Woodlands, Singapore, awaiting the arrival of two US Navy landing ship, tanks (LSTs).

After loading, we departed Woodlands on the evening of Oct 2 for Port Swettenham (now Klang).

The two LSTs arrived at Port Swettenham at 0800 hours. At the wharf, we joined the main contingent, which was already formed up, for the address by the Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Alhaj.

The scene at the port was spectacular, the area packed with relatives, friends, well-wishers and others who had arrived to send off this special force.

The full complement of 43 officers and 613 men paraded at the wharf, led by Commanding Officer Lt Col Ungku Nazaruddin Ungku Mohamed (Bruno).

One significant point the Prime Minister made was this: “... while you are abroad you will uphold the good name of the Federation of Malaya. I hope you will remember the Malay proverb, ‘Biar puteh tulang, jangan puteh mata’ (better death than dishonour).”

This piece of advice was taken to heart by the nation’s first MSF.

As soon as the speech was over, Single Pioneer and Twin Pioneer aircraft flown by our young Royal Malayan Air Force flew past in salutation.

The troops then boarded the two LSTs to begin a most memorable 28-day nonstop voyage to the Port of Matadi in the Congo.

“Tanah tumpahnya darahku” (the land for which I spilled my blood).


Lt Col (rtd), Armour


For valour in Congo under UN flag:

Kapt David Fu Chee Ming PGB 

Kolonel Maurice Lam Shye Choon PGB

Mejar Lee Ah Pow PGB


For racism in Malaysia by a detested PM

Mahathir: “.. Orang asing berasa selesa dengan negara kita dan mereka ingin tinggal di sini. Nak tak nak pun, kita terpaksa terima, kalau tidak kita tidak akan mencapai ” 

(The foreigners felt comfortable in this country and wanted to stay. Like it or not, we were forced to accept or we would not have achieved independence)

The 'orang asing' or foreigners he referred to are non-Malays (Chinese and Indians)


  1. That's the true spirit. Serve your country wholeheartedly first before claiming citizen's rights. Show that your heart is no longer with the former motherland.

    1. Mfer, can u paraphrase it as:

      Serve your country wholeheartedly first before claiming citizen's rights. Show that your heart is no longer with a spurious racial claim.

      Truly meme-ed inferiority syndrome!

  2. Classic Cheap Shot by KT. Using Malayan war heroes to ketuk people people he hates.

  3. all tis colonel major captain kena conned la, like tunku.

  4. Maybe kt should write about

    1) Tan Tong Hye, aka Mohammad Tahir

    2) 陈修信

    3) 梁宇皋, Tun Leong Yew Koh, the first Governor of Malacca

    been conned, manipulated & turncoated by tunku into 汉奸.

    Tunku was a politikus, too! He was been just outplayed by his own people whom he wanted to bootstrapped by ALL means - even going against his religious purity!
