
Saturday, October 17, 2020

PODAH to European 'Freedom of Expression'


Teacher knifed to death in France after showing class cartoons of prophet


A middle school history teacher in France was knifed to death near the school where earlier this month he had shown his pupils cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, considered blasphemous by Muslims, French officials said on Friday.

The attacker was shot dead by a police patrol a few streets away from the scene of the attack late on Friday afternoon, in a residential suburb north-west of Paris.

"One of our fellow citizens was assassinated today because he was teaching, he was teaching pupils about freedom of expression," French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters at the scene of the attack.

"Our compatriot was flagrantly attacked, was the victim of an Islamist terrorist attack," Macron said. "They won't win... We will act. Firmly, And quickly. You can count on my determination."

The incident carried echoes of the attack five years ago on the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. It published caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed, unleashing divisions that are still casting a pall over French society.

Friday's killing, by targeting a teacher, was interpreted by many public figures as an attack on the essence of French statehood, with the values it espouses of secularism, freedom of worship, and freedom of expression.

"This evening, it's the Republic that's under attack," Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer wrote in a tweet.

The victim of Friday's attack sustained multiple knife wounds to the neck, according to a police representative. One law enforcement source said the teacher had been beheaded in the attack.

French broadcaster BFMTV reported that the suspected attacker was 18 years old and born in Moscow. Law enforcement officials did not name the attacker, or his victim.

A police source said that witnesses had heard the attacker shout "Allahu Akbar", or "God is Greatest".

The attack took place in the street in front of the middle school where the victim worked, in the suburb of Conflans Sainte-Honorine.

The area is a middle-class neighbourhood with many residents who commute to work in Paris.

According to French media reports, the teacher who was killed had earlier this month shown pupils the cartoons as part of a civics lesson.

A Twitter thread posted on Oct 9 contained a video of a man who said his daughter, a Muslim, was one of the pupils in the class, and that she was shocked and upset by the teacher's actions.

The man in the video urged Twitter users to complain to the authorities and get the teacher removed from his post. Reuters was unable to independently verify the authenticity of the video.

France has over the past years seen a series of violent attacks by Islamist militants, including the 2015 Charlie Hebdo killings, and bombings and shootings in November 2015 at the Bataclan theatre and sites around Paris that killed 130 people.

Less than a month ago, a man originally from Pakistan used a meat cleaver to attack and wound two people who were on a cigarette break outside the offices where Charlie Hebdo was based at the time of the 2015 attack.

The issue of the cartoons had been revived last month when Charlie Hebdo decided to re-publish them to coincide with the start of the trial of accomplices in the 2015 attack.

Al-Qaeda, the militant Islamist group that claimed responsibility for those killings, threatened to attack Charlie Hebdo again after it republished the cartoons.

The magazine said last month it published to assert its right to freedom of expression and to show it would not be cowed into silence by violent attacks. That stance was backed by many prominent French politicians and public figures.

Reacting to Friday's attack outside the school, Charlie Hebdo wrote on its Twitter account: "Intolerance has crossed a new threshold and does not seem to give ground to anything in imposing its terror on our country."

- Reuters


Thursday, January 08, 2015

Massacre at Charlie Hebdo - who is guilty?

TMI - 12 dead, including policemen, in Paris shooting at satirical publication office

I join the condemnation against such violence which doesn't prove nor achieve anything but where innocent people instead are killed.

But let's not just leave it there - we need to put the total picture in perspective where we need to also condemn Charlie Hebdo for its unnecessary provocations against Muslims.

The (then) French Foreign Minister was damn angry with the earlier provocation of Charlie Hebdo in publishing the Prophet Mohamad caricatures, where he stated:

"In France, there is a principle of freedom of expression, which should not be undermined. In the present context, given this absurd video that has been aired, strong emotions have been awakened in many Muslim countries. Is it really sensible or intelligent to pour oil on the fire?"

What was Charlie Hebdo's excuse or if we want to be kind to it, reason for re-publishing (not first to publish as the Norwegians did it first followed by the Danes) something which had already inflamed Muslims all over the world?

As TMI reported: Despite being taken to court under anti-racism laws, the weekly continued to publish controversial cartoons of the Muslim prophet.

In September 2012, Charlie Hebdo published cartoons of a naked prophet as violent protests were taking place in several countries over a low-budget film, titled "Innocence of Muslims", which was made in the United States and had insulted the prophet.

French schools, consulates and cultural centres in 20 Muslim countries were briefly closed along with embassies for fear of retaliatory attacks at the time.

Why was it so adamant about being provocative against Muslims?

Charlie Hebdo's director, Stephane Charbonnier, pompously claimed that his magazine was not really fuelling the (angry Muslim) fire but rather using its 'freedom of expression' to comment on the news in a satirical way.

Its editor responded to the French ministerial rebuke: "We do caricatures of everyone, and above all every week, and when we do it with the Prophet, it's called provocation."

'Freedom of expression'? Kerbau!

Oh, that thick-skinned double standard hypocritical claim again, again and yet again by those European press.

Okay then, can Stephane Charbonnier or anyone in Charlie Hebdo please explain why it sacked its former cartoonist Siné (real name Maurice Sinet) in 2008 for his cartoon-article on the marriage of Jean Sakorzy, the son of France former president, to Jessica Sebaoun-Darty, a Jewish heiress, after a (obviously) Jewish journalist described Sinet's comments as anti-Semitic.

For more see my post Charlie Hebdo - further Western hypocrisy.

Thus Charlie Hebdo's publishing "sin" was not so much in its claimed pompous right to exercise the European's so-called bull about "freedom of expression" if even in an unnecessary provocative manner, but in its double standard hypocrisy in sacking its former cartoonist Maurice Sinet for a mere seemingly innocuous comment about the wedding, where Sinet said of the young bridegroom: "He'll go a long way in life, this lad!"

Whether Sinet was referring to the heiress' wealth or Jewish heritage was not known but regardless, please tell me, how was it in any way anti-Semitic?

And compare Sinet's remark with the degree of provocation in publishing the Prophet Mohamad caricatures.

"Freedom of expression"? As we Malaysians would say: Pordah!

But more interestingly, we must ask why Charlie Hebdo has persisted in its provocations against Muslims while over pampering to Jewish issues, even when there had been no issue as in the case of Maurice Sinet's comment?

Yes, why? Do read my 2007 post The 'O' in SWOT regarding the 3 'I'-s in the ME particularly in its latter section about Daniel Pipes and Flemming Rose, cultural editor of a Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, the bloke who published the Prophet Mohamed caricatures.

By the by, have you heard of David Irving?

He was jailed by Austria for questioning details about the Holocaust. Read my post European 'Freedom of Expression' took nosedive!

"Freedom of expression"? Pordah again!


  1. the perspective is when i call u a dickhead, u put me in jail for 18 years, or stab me to death.

    1. All these foul gaseous!

      U miss out the glaring fart of spurious labellings based on yr meme-ed DemoNcratic inclinations on all costs.

      Just for that, which u so reluctantly insides, u should just pact yr brain in!

    2. i think both french n twnese wont slap u for calling napoleon or iwasato masao a idiot.

    3. Batty-the-Stupid, jangan merepet yang bukan-bukan di sini la. Your mud-infested brain can't see any perspective at all...mana ada la..just because you call someone kepala butoh, you get stabbed sampai you mampus or being put in jail...the government who really do this will be more stupid than you la...imagine having to feed a useless moron bat for 18 bloody years just because you had a foul mouth.

      The real perspective is : when Wuhan execute lockdown to contain Covid-19, the hypocrite lying Western media promptly screamed "BRUTAL", " Human Rights Violation". When Italy did the very same later on, the headlines by these very same media read " Unprecedented", " BRAVE".....Pordah la

    4. Wakakakakaka…

      Infused yr rants to the Napoleon & that dead as poo mfering, 岩里政男 lah.

      The French & Jap would most likely do nothing but blow yr farts away.

      Font know the 台毒 dickheads since u guys r living in the same fart filled well!

    5. the west media said many thing if u care to read, though i always doubt how jerk can read, however ccp media only said one thing, thats freedom of speech with ccp kharacteristics, or jerk characteristic.

    6. Again - ccp kharacteristics, or jerk characteristic.


      Western media is yr gospel of fair news!

      More like demoNcratic twists with 台毒 characteristics.

      That's how a proper England is been used to expressed a f*cked jerk characteristics!

      But then, keep to yr 南魔萬 England. My advice isn't for u to read.

  2. Di sana juga "Don't Spook The Spookies" nanti kena potong kepala.....but so far I think no Jews in Europe ever beheaded anyone for anything.

  3. KT only refer to Western press, of course their reports lean one side. KT should read and quote the press from "Islamic" countries to get the other One-Side.....ha ha ha oso "free press" there what.....

    There they report:
    Israeli civilians killed = casualties of war.
    Palestinians killed by Israeli attack = Innocent victims

    Sama sama lah, same same double2 standard.

    1. No other media in the whole planet could match the lying conniving rogue media of the West...the rest pales to nothing in comparison !

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      What a f*cked interpretation!

      Any of yr bullying farts initiated by yr nominated bullyland media?

      Farting is indeed easy for all these yellowed katak under that 'famed' well.

  4. What do you call a person who first says he condemns an action , then spends the rest of the long article justifying why the action was inevitable, perhaps even appropriate?

    A hypocrite, apologist and propagandist

    1. piss-poor reading skills, wakakaka

      did I ever approve Islamic violence?

      to help you with your piss-poor reading skills, wakakaka, let me reproduce just a teeny weeny fraction of what I wrote above, as follows:

      "... we need to also condemn Charlie Hebdo for its unnecessary provocations against Muslims.

      The (then) French Foreign Minister was damn angry with the earlier provocation of Charlie Hebdo in publishing the Prophet Mohamad caricatures, where he stated:

      "In France, there is a principle of freedom of expression, which should not be undermined. In the present context, given this absurd video that has been aired, strong emotions have been awakened in many Muslim countries. Is it really sensible or intelligent to pour oil on the fire?" ...:

  5. Many Muslims claim the right to kill and massacre if tbey feel their Prophet is insulted.

  6. The correct comparison of the Charlie Hebdoh cartoons is to those in Western society who every day publish, criticise, make fun of, insult the history, beliefs and practices of Christianity and Judaism.

    Never mind they are considered fringe players and heavily criticised.
    As long as they do not advocate violence, such groups are free to express their opinions.

    FUCK, Ktemoc himself has indulged in such insults against the history of Judaism and their beliefs. Without any legal consequences or censorship.

    So , in the context of Western society, most Westerners do not see why Muslims have a special right to censor other's Freedom of Expression.

    I emphasise, in Western Society.
    We are not talking about Malaysia, Malaysian laws or values.

    Holocaust deniers are trying to deny the greatest single act of violence intended and committed against followers of a religion in modern history. Even though other groups were also victims, there is Zero doubt the Jews were the primary target, and the primarily of victims of the Holocaust.

    It is chalk and cheese to compare Holocaust denial to Charlie Hebdo cartoons.

    1. Old moneyed mfer, perhaps u have forgotten what u had written!

      "Asians need to consider carefully how they can correct and improve on their own faults, instead of jumping up and down about the faults of White societies on the other side of the world."

      U r just one hell of a hypocrite, with nth doses of double standard!

      Using yr loud declaration, WHY r u so upset with what happened outside Asia?

      Humanitarian concern or just upstaging yr admired white trashy superiority that is so brazenly disguised as regional but in actual fact just pure racial!

    2. Spot on CK ! this Monstrous WhiteyCocksucker is the worse of the worse...he talks from both side of his sucking mouth. Pordah laaa

  7. There is no such thing as holocaust, but the devious invention of the zionists and the evangelical front in trying to justify the sordid plans they have in this world.
    Now is payback turn for the French and European former colonisers who caused untold harms to the natives around the world.

    1. I think there was no such thing as Tanah Melayu either. It is a devious invention by BTN and Malay-supremacist parties for their own selfish interests.

      P/ source below is "reputable".....ha ha ha....

      Who says that the Peninsular was ALWAYS called “Tanah Melayu”? This is a recent British Term!! Let me dedicate this Article to the foremost “so-called reknown Historian” of the country. Prof Dr Emeritus Khoo Khay Khim (and anyone else who claims to be as competent in History as well).

      Prior to “Tanah Melayu” being a British Tag in the 19th century, the peninsular was formerly known as Malacca in the 15th century. The newly-renamed book “Sejarah Melayu” (previously known as “Asal-Usul Raja-Raja”) mentions every other place from India to China, including the tiny-speck-of-dirt called Temasik EXCEPT “Tanah Melayu”. Why was Tanah Melayu NEVER MENTIONED in Sejarah Melayu? Simple!! Because that was not it’s name!!

      Tanah Melayu was NEVER the name until the British came and colonized the Peninsular.

      Since UMNO has a habit of believing that “whatever is older is better”, let’s take a short walk down this slippery slope of history. (Also, BTN-Baru syllabus planners should start taking notes.)

      For starters, “Malaya” in Tagalog means “Peaceful” (go ask your Pinoy maid).

      “Malai” means “Hill” in Tamil; as in “mini-Himalaya” to describe the Titiwangsa Range on the said Peninsular since the 2nd century by the Gujerati Traders who helped the local Malays set up their formidable Hindu Empire at Lembah Bujang.

    2. Oi, Eduard the Backduard, jawab la, jangan tak jawab. Pordah laaaa

    3. eduard, u can always apply ccp logic n their dialectical twist to respond, for eg genghis khan can be a national hero when the topic is territory, however he bocome a foreigner when educating the inner mongolia mongolian, so whether yuan is one ccp china dynasty n great empire depend on who u talk to n on what topic, similarly one day in future ccp china may name 1937 to 1945 as one of ccp china greatest japs dynasty, with hirohito as their most loved emperor that almost conquer the whole asia, then 9 dash line can kept in drawer.

      but i strongly believe most malay/umno historian can easily match ccp, if u really hv difficulty to reply, ask them.

    4. If a blurred f*ck, like u, has to listen to a 犬养mfer's fart, then u r very likely have been done in kaux2!

      Genghis Khan has NEVER conquered the whole of China. His grandson, Kublai Khan did. Atmost Genghis Khan was the initiatorr of the Mongolia empire.

      The traditional Mongolian script, known as Hudum Mongol bichig is a vertical form of writing. It's very different from the horizontal Cyrillic script adopted from Russian writing by Mongolia.

      Mongolia has almost no fluent traditonal Hudum Mongol bichig users now due to Russian political influences.

      But in inner Mongolia, a Chinese territory, many schools r still using traditional Hudum Mongol bichig as the mean of instruction. The Mongolian Chinese r encourage to learn Mandarin as a second language to assist their career advancements.

      In fact Kublai Khan had greatly promoted Mandarin as the court official language side by side with the traditional Hudum Mongol bichig.

      So mfer, what territory? What foreigner r u farting about?

      Trying to con unknowing readers, just acting liken to those 台毒 katak!

      "one day in future ccp china may name 1937 to 1945 as one of ccp china greatest japs dynasty, with hirohito as their most loved emperor that almost conquer the whole asia"

      So u r showing yr 岩里政男 influence lah. Very typical of those 台毒 dickheads who keep chanting that the colonized Jap had 'liberated' their f*cked Formosa! Have u been trained in history redecorations by the ultra right-wing Jap yet?


      Mfer, u read Japanese yet?

      Indeed, malay/umno historian can easily match these 台毒 dickheads with the help of nonchinese doggie like u.

    5. so genghis khan is a chinese hero or a mongolian hero? yuan is a chinese dynasty or a mongolian dynasty?

    6. So, who build yuan dynasty in China? Genghis Khan?

      Don't forget that at that time frame even Mongolians were condidering themselves master of the land, which wad China!

      Yuan dynasty was a Chinese dynasty build by Mongolian Chinese. Definitely not in the category within the understanding of a nonchinese dickhead who know-nothing yet want to twist history.

      Using yr farted analogy, is Formosa a Chinese territory or a Taiwan territory?

      Is Taiwan a country as defined in the UK charter?

