
Saturday, September 05, 2020

Why I have always respected Hanipa Maidin


Amanah MP urges govt to help musicians, nightclubs despite personal beliefs


The plight of nightclubs and musicians due to Covid-19 pandemic has touched Sepang MP Hanipa Maidin despite him having his personal beliefs on the industry.

“I may have my own beliefs on this industry, but I am deeply touched by their plight. I really hope that the government can do something to bring them out from this nightmare.

“If there is any initiative to set up an emergency tabung (fund) for us to donate and help them, I am more than willing to donate.

“As Amanah is greatly motivated by the slogan ‘Islam is merciful to all’, I sincerely believe that my religion would strongly urge me to be merciful to them,” Hanipa said in a statement today.

He referred to a report yesterday which highlighted the plight of pubs and live musicians, such as live musicians living paycheck to paycheck without any Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF), Socso, insurance and medical benefits.

In the report yesterday, distraught musicians and nightclub owners joined Federation of Malaysian Entertainment Industry president Liew Poon Siak in expressing dismay over Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s remark that it might be best for nightclubs to remain closed since it would be difficult to observe physical distancing in these premises.

“Malaysians are quick to acknowledge the richness of our cultural diversity, but very quickly forget that this unique diversity also comes with a tolerance of beliefs and practices that are different from one's own.

“The recent decision to keep the pub and nightclub industry on lockdown in Malaysia is an example of a decision made with a low level of tolerance for our cultural and economic diversity,” said Adil Johan, Research Fellow at UKM’s Institute of Ethnic Studies, who also plays the saxophone for Nadir and Azmyl Yunor Orkes Padu.

It was also reported that some musicians have resorted to selling their beloved instruments just to survive while others are selling home-cooked food and stuff at bazaars.

Ever since the movement control order (MCO) was implemented in March, bars and pubs have not been allowed to operate, disrupting not only their businesses but also the livelihood of live circuit musicians.

Muhyiddin had made his remark at a Perikatan Nasional (PN) convention in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday.

He said the economy has shown signs of recovery after the government reopened almost all sectors.

“Only pubs and nightclubs have yet to resume business. But I feel it may be a good thing if they don’t open at all,” he added with a smile.

A video of the event showed PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang and controversial preacher Ridhuan Tee Abdullah among those who applauded this remark.

Sheila Steafel: Bastards — Fantom Publishing

At this point, Muhyiddin added: “Because (it is) hard to practise physical distancing for obvious reasons.”


(2) Hadi Awang's PAS - be afraid of divine wrath!


  1. It takes a Muslim opposition MP to speak up against the PM. The silence of Wee KHAT Siong and all the other non-Muslims in PN is a DISGRACE. They never spoke up when beer factories were ordered closed during MCO. Wee KHAT Siong only obeyed PAS to impose tougher laws on drunk driving, when in actual fact accidents caused by drunk driving is only minimal.

    Boh Lam Phar.

    PAS patted him on the back....good boy MCA....

    PAS MP says he backs Dr Wee's efforts in campaign against drink-driving
    Thursday, 03 Sep 2020

    PETALING JAYA: PAS MP Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh says his statement on all religions forbidding the consumption of alcohol was meant to support the campaign against drink-driving, and not to insult other religions.

    The Pasir Puteh MP said his statement was "veered away" from the real issue, which was to support Transport Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong in his campaign against drink-driving.

    "When I stood up in Dewan Rakyat on Aug 26, my main intention was to give my full support to Dr Wee, the MCA president who is also Transport Minister, in his campaign against drink-driving, which has taken so many lives and destroyed many families.

    "It is with this noble intention that I brought up the issue of all religions forbidding the drinking of arak, or consumption of alcohol, which can lead to drunkenness," said Nik Muhammad in a statement Thursday (Sept 3).

    1. Wee Khat Siong is a lap dog pretending he is a bulldog

  2. Unfortunately, he is but one among only a handful of muslims who truly practise what islam teaches.

    Still, I applaud him for his open heart.

    And please consign the name of the Malay wannabe Chinese R.... T.. to the dustbin. I don't know where he learnt that to be a muslim is to forsake his cultural roots, which is Chinese.

    He disgusts me!!!

    1. That Rid One Tea is despicable but is he any different from those yellowed skinned bananas who had their heads neck-deep into the Angmohs' butt holes and reveling in the shit holes too ? We always have such so-called Chinese in history...they are the running dogs and are so boastful about it too.

  3. I have learnt to distrust many in Amanah..instead of trying to educate the Muslim demographic on moderation in Islam, they are instead trying to outPUS PUS.

  4. u use to respect saifuddin. many chinese hv this naive thot that whenever a malay take the side of the non malay, he become a likable object n earn their respect.
