
Monday, July 13, 2020

Why did Tony Pua lose out in DAP Selangor election 2018?

I have never denied that of all DAP people including KHAT-ass (wakakaka), I dislike Tony Pua most. And I still do, wakakaka again.

Malaysian Chinese Association

I've explained this particular political disposition of mine in an earlier post un-Chinese Tony Pua which I published in October 2017. I won't say too much on that other than to suggest that if you are interested to know why I dislike him, please read above post, wakakaka (3rd time 😂😂😂).

Tun Faisal on Twitter: "Selepas puas dirompak oleh kerajaan ...

Today, whilst browsing through the posts of a number of bloggers (especially those who are on my blogroll) I came across Another Brick in the Wall's article on Tony Pua. I have extracted just two paragraphs of that post which interest me, as follows:

Anyone with their ears on the ground to hear the grumbling by businessmen, irrespective of race and include Chinese businessmen complaining on Tony Pua and Lim Guan Eng, they will absolutely doubt the words of Tony Pua.

There must be reasons he lost out in DAP Selangor election and got booed out at Chin Meng festival celebrations. Even in DAP's pow wow session after losing the government, Tony Pua was told to not speak as he was blamed as the cause for lost in confidence in DAP.

YB Tuan Gobind Singh Deo – Malaysia Tech Week 2019

Selangor DAP members dumped Tony Pua for Gobind Singh Deo

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 15 [2018] ― The downfall of some of DAP’s biggest names in the party’s state elections may be a result of a grassroots uprising against unilateral decisions made by its top leaders.

Citing Tony Pua’s failure to win in the Selangor DAP party election, insiders believe that the results are indicative of a larger issue - one of leaders making decisions that go against the wishes of the grassroots.

As a result, these leaders are being rejected by majority of the DAP’s ordinary members.

“It’s not about who’s more Chinese. It’s a sign of protest from the grassroot after all the years. All around the country, the pattern is similar,” said a DAP party source.

He said that the leaders, or “elite” made decisions against the grassroots, citing candidate selection and positions among others. He also said that the pattern was not just in Selangor and DAP but across the country.

Seng Giaw: Malaysia not going bankrupt – Malaysia Today

Dr Tan Seng Giaw

A 40-year DAP veteran and 8-term MP for Kepong, he was dropped by the DAP from re-election to his seat in the 2018 GE with no explanation nor justification by the party - though of course we the grassroots know why   

Eric See To Wants To Debate Both Rafizi, Tony Pua - YouTube

Tony Pua will not debate nobodies – Malaysia Today


'Nuff said!


  1. nothing to talk in 2020?

  2. I don't think those are the real reasons you dislike tp, I think it was more about him being the persistent prick that got your idol pregnant, of course we know you are not one who forgives and forget easily, if maddy was michael douglas in fatal attraction, you'd be glenn close

  3. Ktemoc need to be honest...he dislikes Tony Pua because of Tony's very effective demolishing of Ktemoc's Idol Ah Jib Kor prior to GE14.

  4. Awww come on, Tony Pua is one of the "younger generation" to take over from LKS and Guanee. Otherwise who else can KT hentam after the oldies have retired?

  5. I completely lost trust and confidence in Tan Seng Giaw after his 2016 declaration that there was no criminal wrong doing related to 1MDB, just "weaknesses" that need to be corrected.

  6. Nuff Said....? Ha ha ha not so fast.......

    KT is so blind-sided by hate (yes hate, not dislike) he has to resort to dig so deep to find something bad to say about his most hated DAP leader.

    So let me provide some balance.

    Tony is unpopular within Selangor DAP because he got a lot of national and international limelight prior to GE14 (1MDB revelations etc) and the fact that he got to contest in the most winnable seat, Damansara.

    Tony polled 121,823 or 89% of the votes, THE LARGEST number of any constituency in GE14. And since KT is so upset about gerrymandering as he raised the subject on another blog I will run with this giving an example using Tony Pua...ha ha ha

    Tony got more votes in Damansara than Toonsie (18,924), Jibby (43,854), Muhyiddin (23,558) and Tengku Adnan (12,148) combined in their respective constituencies (total only 98,484).

    In fact Tony still had enough votes leftover (23,339) to kick KT's favourite kid-gloves MP Wee KHAT Siong out in Ayer Hitam (he only polled 17,076 there).

    So one MP from multi-racial DAP got more votes than 4 Malay-based parties plus another one from a (self-proclaimed) Chinese party thrown in (and I mean thrown in ha ha ha).......

    Nuff said.
