
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Wan Saiful reveals a double crossing treacherous Mahathir


Finally, Wan Saiful lets the cat out of the bag

YOURSAY | ‘The truth hurts. Now Malaysians know that Mahathir is playing both sides’

Resilient On Our New Hope: This essay by Bersatu leader Wan Saiful Wan Jan validated our understanding on the matter all this while.

It is sad that Bersatu and Dr Mahathir Mohamad forgo the new hope and mandate given by the GE14 voters to transform the country which will benefit the whole country. Instead, they prioritised race- and religious-based agenda which will likely achieve the opposite.

Despite DAP and Amanah realising the hidden agenda by Mahathir (for now at least), they are still so eager to lobby him for support just because they believe that he will be able to get extra Malay votes to complement the existing Pakatan Harapan’s strength.

However, they have forgotten that the pursuit of power with this compromise (as happened in the 22 months of Harapan government) will again cost the actual mandate and the ‘reformasi’ that the country required and their support base will ultimately abandon them anyway.

Thus, my original respect to the so-called DAP strategist (Liew Chin Tong) has vanished completely as all of his 'strategic' moves have indeed based on the power grab considerations which do not recognise how the alliance of convenience with the non-believers of Harapan’s manifesto will do more harm than good in the long run.

DAP's Liew Chin Tong defends Dr Mahathir – Malaysia Today

Please focus on the right policy and ‘reformasi’. Educate and address the fear of our rural/suburban Malay/East Malaysian friends more.

It may take longer but it will be a more solid journey that will bring real change to the country and it will not be hampered by the hidden agenda of non-believers as happened in the Harapan government’s days.

Anonymous 5035: Well, the cat is out of the bag and confirmed what the rakyat have suspected all along. Mahathir was never a man of his word.

This revelation by Wan Saiful shows that there really is no honour among these Bersatu thieves. Today they will say they stand with you. Tomorrow they will stick a knife in your back.

They use race and religion to bait the Malay masses. To what end? To keep only themselves in power and enrich themselves, their families and their cronies?

God forbid if you are not one of them - you will still be your poor self, stealing canned food to survive or even living in your car while these so-called champions of your race and religion are eating caviar and living in mansions.

Kawak: What is being narrated by Wan Saiful is plain simple. The fall of Harapan is due to Bersatu. Bersatu teamed up with Umno-PAS combo and Azmin Ali's gang to install a majority Malay government.

Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS), a Muslim-controlled party, grabbed the opportunity to share the power at a national level.

His storyline is also indicative of the fact that non-Malays in Malaysia are second-class citizens who could not participate in key political positions in the government.

Vijay47: A Malay-led government? What have we been saddled with ever since independence? The presence of MCA and MIC and lately even of DAP did not deter from the fact that Malaysia has been ruled by overwhelmingly Malay forces.

Yet if after 63 years, the Malays still believe a government made up almost exclusively of their fellows was vital for their progress, then it is more than about time they awake from their slumber and realise that Malay-dominance in the government is the worst formula for Malay well-being.

This sorry state was not caused by non-Malay unwillingness to cooperate, rather it was achieved by Malay leadership itself which discovered soon enough that the lavishing of trinkets was sufficient to ensure perpetual support and undeserving gratitude.

In their fervour to continue with their self-humiliating demands, the Malays never paused to consider that the non-Malays, without any special treatment, managed to reach reasonable and even admirable levels of success on their own steam.

In the recent flood of emplacement as government-linked company (GLC) heads, not a single appointment was justified on grounds of merit, all that mattered was Malay-party subservience.

So Mahathir, true to self, wants to further entrench Malay dilemma and against any norm of fairness and wisdom, insists that only Malays can govern this country. To what end? Has he not brought about enough havoc in his 22 years and 22 months in power?

Perhaps a Malay of some intelligence should ask why Malay government leaders are rich, and their children richer.

RR: Wan Saiful’s analysis is crystal clear that the man behind dividing the citizens into Malays and non-Malays is Mahathir himself. He does not want a united Malaysia where all citizens being equal. He wants non-Malays subservient to Malays.

He acted very well, saying repeatedly that PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim would succeed him. What an unethical act for a man of his age. It is a bad example if leaders are not honest. He will go down in history for this.

Indeed, it is very disgusting to read Wan Saiful's write-up. We pray that the young generation of leaders will cut across all races to build a united progressive Malaysia where no one is left behind.

Don’t Just Talk: Ouch, the truth hurts. Now Malaysians know that Mahathir is playing both sides - one is Bersatu uniting with Umno and PAS for the sake of Malay unity and dominance, while the other with Harapan to give him the MP majority to govern as the prime minister.

The good lord gave Mahathir to be PM again at the age of 93 to correct his past mistakes but he screwed up the opportunity for the second time, leaving Malaysia's fate to hang in the balance.

IndigoTrout2522: Leaders of DAP, Amanah and PKR should wake up. This article by Wan Saiful is what the rakyat knew all along from day one.

The main stuff regarding Mahathir’s intention on preventing Anwar to be the PM, denying DAP and making Bersatu stronger and to join up with Umno and PAS to set up a Malay-ruling government is obvious to the rakyat.

He was just using others to reach his goal. Harapan will continue to lose trust and support if it does not keep Mahathir far away.

BlueShark1548: This essay explained many of the events that had happened, especially the Malay Dignity Congress which was very out of place compared to what Harapan was advocating in its manifesto. It also revealed Mahathir’s bad faith towards Anwar and the other partners of Harapan.

It looks like Mahathir disliked DAP and must have tolerated Lim Guan Eng's arrogance for long-term gain.

It’s certainly not off the mark to suggest that Mahathir had a Malay agenda in his heart and was building support from Umno MPs and PAS. Mahathir already had Warisan and GPS in the bag but failed to get Umno MPs to join Bersatu en bloc to provide him with the numbers so that he could get rid of Anwar and DAP.

The reality now is that Umno is not likely to get a majority by itself and would need strong partners to form a coalition to be the government in future. What a sad end to Mahathir’s story in Malaysian history.

And Justice For All: I believe this story and I never believe Mahathir would keep his word from the day he met Anwar in court to shake Anwar’s hand.

That was needed to get PKR's full weight behind the deal. Even the PKR deputy leader Azmin Ali, who was already working with Mahathir at that time, didn’t have the clout in PKR to do that. So much for PM material.

From day one in the office, Mahathir has been cynical and even downright hostile towards Anwar, in the media and even in public appearances.

Do you have a conscience, Mahathir? I pray that you live to see the day that Anwar becomes the PM. DAP and Amanah, read, digest and memorise this article. What are you doing with Mahathir and his band of merry men?

Mano: For all we know, Wan Saiful has added the spices and garnished them well into his essay. He had to. I wonder whose instruction it was. He would not have done it alone to a 95-year-old who gave him a seat to contest. There is more agenda behind all these than we will ever know.

Whether what Wan Saiful says are facts or not, do not matter anymore. We saw what Mahathir did. That is enough for us. His first 22 years should have been enough but we, fools, fell hook, line and sinker pre-GE14. Enough lah.


  1. So Wan Saiful is saying he is just as treacherous as Toonsie, he knew all along. So by revealing now he is a hero or what? What education did this guy have?

  2. conman dun wan to work with thief but tis saiful is okay, n we r well kéep informed n posted abt tis, odd.
