
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Mahathir should NOT cakap ayam

MM Online:

Dr Mahathir, four MPs say Parliament tainted by ‘illegality’ of new Speaker’s appointment

Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad reacts during a session of the lower house of parliament, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia July 13, 2020

Reuters pic

KUALA LUMPUR, July 14 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and four other Opposition lawmakers accused today the new government of tainting Parliament by appointing a new Lower House Speaker through what they termed as illegal means.

The Langkawi MP and four former Parti Bersatu Pribumi Malaysia MPs said Datuk Azhar Azizan Harun is not the Speaker legitimately picked by members of the Lower House, as his appointment was not put through a vote.

The lawmakers also suggested the appointment was rushed through, noting that little time was provided to debate both the motions to replace Tan Sri Ariff Mohamad Md Yusof and install Azizan, despite the magnitude of such motions.

“We regret the incident that transpired in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday when the prime minister had tabled a motion to replace Speaker Tan Sri Datuk Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof,” the five said in a statement of sharp rebuke against Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyhiddin Yassin.


MM Online:

Was the law broken in the appointment of the new Speaker? — Dharm Navaratnam

Art Harun named new Speaker without a vote, boots Amanah MP Khalid ...

JULY 14 — Iqra. Read. The first word of the Quran proclaimed to Prophet Mohammad. I am not Muslim but I do read and that is why I know about this. You may then ask why am I making reference to Iqra?

There has been tremendous uproar by some members of the public as well as Opposition members on the way Azhar Harun was elected Speaker yesterday. In fact, the August house of parliament was filled with shouting and yelling from both sides of the divide. Clearly a bad example that our supposed honourable members of Parliament displayed to all and sundry.

Apparently the opposition was expecting to be able to vote for the Speaker but Azhar, commonly known as Art, declared that as there was only one candidate nominated, there was no need to vote. This statement was met with derision by many, many people.

This was troubling me and so I decided to take a look at the Standing Orders of Parliament, which incidentally is easily available online. This is what it says in relation to the Procedure for election of the Speaker (Yang di-Pertua).

4. The procedure for the election of a Yang di-Pertua shall be as follows:

(1) Every member who wishes to propose a person who is either a member of the House or is qualified for election as such for election as Yang di-Pertua shall ascertain previously that, that member is willing to serve if elected, and shall notify the Setiausaha of his proposal in writing at least fourteen days before the meeting.

(2) A member addressing himself to the Setiausaha, shall propose some other member or person then present to the House for its Yang di-Pertua, and move “That ......(naming the member) do take the chair of this House as Yang di-Pertua”. The proposal shall be seconded, but no debate shall be allowed.

(3) If only one member or person be so proposed and seconded as Yang di-Pertua, he shall be declared by the Setiausaha without question put, to have been elected. If more than one member or person be so proposed and seconded the House shall proceed to elect a Yang di-Pertua by ballot.

Looking at the Standing Orders, everything was done in accordance with procedure. Only one person was nominated. No vote is needed.

The fact that the opposition is crying foul seems to imply that they do not understand the Standing Orders or perhaps were ill prepared in thinking that they could defeat the motion for a new Speaker. They had time to nominate a new Speaker to fulfil the 14 days’ requirement but did not.

This then brings up the question about the vacancy for the Speaker. Again, lets refer to the standing orders. Item three states:

3. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of Yang di-Pertua whether as the result of a dissolution of Parliament or otherwise the House shall, as soon as a quorum is present, proceed to elect a Yang di-Pertua.

The key word here would be OTHERWISE. The vacancy arose because a motion was put forward to dismiss the Speaker. Going against convention perhaps but that does not make it illegal. So again, the Opposition seems to have either been ill prepared or not fully understanding the Standing Orders. This is cause for concern.

My point is simply this. Don’t object of make disparaging remarks against anyone or anything for the sake of it or just because you don’t agree with it.

Based on my understanding of the Standing Orders, I believe everything was done in accordance with the law. Maybe I am missing something because clearly, I am not a lawyer. Some may argue that I have no place talking about Standing Orders or the law as after all, I am just an engineer.

But engineering has taught me to look at the facts. To make a decision or opinion based on facts and to then present this decision and opinion using facts and not emotion. We engineers are often accused of being a rather unemotional lot as we rely so much on facts but that’s another story altogether.

And before anyone accuses me of being a BN Supporter, let me just say that my political leanings should not be a cause for concern in pointing this out. I am simply calling it as I see it and I trying to be objective — based on facts.

So please, if I am mistaken, show me which part of the Standing Orders or Constitution or any other law was broken. Educate me so that I may learn. I humbly apologise if I am wrong.

We are often quick to deride. We are even quicker to make our dissatisfaction known, especially on social media, and in turn influence others — either directly or indirectly. It is very easy to find fault with things that we may not agree with but this is where we need to rely on the facts and not just let emotion take control.

And that brings me back to Iqra. That brings me back to why it is so important to read and to understand. The only way to learn and to get facts is to Read. Iqra.


  1. KT always moan and groan and say Malaysian parliament must follow Westminster system because we inherited it from our Mother-land (ha ha ha).

    Under the Mother-land system:

    The House must elect a Speaker at the beginning of each new parliamentary term after a general election, or after the death or resignation of the incumbent. Once elected, a Speaker continues in office until the dissolution of Parliament, unless they resign prior to this.

    So did the previous Speaker resign, die or did we call for new GE?

    KT's QUOTE from July 4, 2020
    WTF - it seems there was an amendment that allowed non-MP to become House Speakers. I can guess when and under whom did this nonsense came in (no doubt during the time I was in Australia - wakakaka).

    Under the proper Westminster parliamentary system (as practised by UK and Australia) the House Speaker must be elected from the pool of MPs (not House of Lords or Senate). How the eff can a non-elected person become the most powerful person in parliament?

    The proper procedures towards electing the Lower House (Dewan Rakyat) Speaker require an election (following is based on the UK process)..

    1. i love my mother land when it suit me, i also read the quran when it suit me. 2x5 wakaka

  2. KT never do any research, just simply quote others then hide his own hands when found to be wrong.

    Dharm (who is an engineer but here gives us a lesson in Law and English) quotes from Standing Order 4 which clearly shows that 14 DAYS NOTICE to the Setiausaha was required to nominate a new Speaker. But Dharm himself did not fully IQRA (READ) Order 4 and understand.

    Dharm's QUOTE
    So please, if I am mistaken, show me which part of the Standing Orders or Constitution or any other law was broken. Educate me so that I may learn. I humbly apologise if I am wrong.

    Dharm, KT, both of you are mistaken, but need to apologise....both of you are just careless or lazy to check, IQRA and understand.

    1. "KT never do any research, just simply quote others then hide his own hands when found to be wrong."

      Huhu...this is simply too rich to allow it to pass quietly. Are you suggesting that KT had joined your 3 Blind Mice Club where you three Anglo sphere parrots did exactly just that...never do research, simply quote others and then hide your hands when found to be wrong. Remember Tiananmen Square so-called massacre, Mao killing 30 or is it 45 million or 78 mil or whatever ? Xinjiang infamous 1 Muslim prisoners based on interviews of exactly 8 Uyghurs, SCS bullying by your West overlord....Tibet, Hong Kong and Taiwan ?

      The shit on your faces are grotesque and revolting but you 3 blind mice seem to think you look so good and smell heavenly. Hypocrisy is your God

    2. Old moneyed mfer, WHO is yr god, yah?

    3. CCP might not be god, but at least compared to the Anglosphere devils, China can be considered as a saint. And yes, I make no bones about preferring a saint to a Satan, hehe.

      You blind mice simply worship the very ground of these white supremacists walk so that every fart they let out is loving captured by you bananas to stuff into your nostrils and go into a satanic high, braying sanctimoniously about democracy, freedom and liberty, human rights ! LOL If you blind mice care so much about human rights, first of all, get those white mastah criminals captured for their crime of killing at least 2.4 millions Iraqis civilians and 500,000 Iraqis children starved and killed in their invasion Iraq based on fabricated lies of WMD. Stupid cow Madeline Al-not-bright had the damn arrogant to trumpet that 'it was worth it' murdering those children.

      Yup, these are the kind of monsters you bananas blind mice worshiped.

  3. Art's resignation was officially made via Media Release on July 9, and it announced his resignation was effective from 29 June, ie it was back-dated. Why was it kept SECRET from the public for a FULL 10 DAYS?

    EC had no Chairman for 10 days and it was kept SECRET.

    Parliament convened July 13, EXACTLY 14 days from the date of Art's back-dated resignation. How convenient....!

    But was the Setiausaha of Parliament informed IN WRITING on June 29 as well? If so was the letter to the Setiausaha also backdated for convenience? What was the date of the letter to the Setiausaha and the date it was chopped received by the Setiausaha? Please show.

    And if the Setiausaha did receive this notification for a new Speaker on June 29, why wasn't this news made officially public so the Opposition could nominate a new candidate? It was only announced officially on July 9 via EC's Media Release on Art's resignation, ONE WORKING DAY before Parliament was to convene. How convenient...!

    So, effectively the notification was made known ONLY 1 WORKING DAY before Parliament convened. This does not meet the Westminster standards, or our Standing Order 4.

    Dharm and KT should dig deeper.......

  4. Wakakakakaka…

    Iqra. Read!

    Read what?

    Trash - as in garbage in garbage out!

    Truth - as a hit in one's face!

    Then, how about understanding?

    As the words written?

    Or as the intrinsic meanings that a real learnt person SHOULD interpret?

    Or like so many of u, demoNcratic mfers, like to scream yr lungs out - personal freedom & choice?

    Interpretation of wriiten words included!

    Perhaps the current resurgence of a more lethargic pandemic of covid-19 in USofA COULD teach these mfers some mild insights about personal freedom & choice!

    1. resurgence of pendemic? u mean flood?

    2. Flood in US ofA, now?


      犬养 mfer, trying to showcasing yr understanding of world events from under that fart filled well!

      Don't forget, u can revolve around the circumference of that well. The world won't remember there is such a fart filled well. More so a know-nothing yet keep croaking katak on heat.

    3. flood in ccp china, lets the yangtze water to submerge all the evidence of yunnan bat.

    4. 1st get yr moronic 台毒 dickheads to improved their “台湾之光”的雄风导弹 to target the 3 Gorge Dam lah!

      These frustrated mfers have been chanting that for ages & yet the 雄风导弹 is as good as been shown in the recent 汉光 military exercise that resulted in many negligent & unnecessary deaths of young Taiwanese soldiers!
