Monday, April 13, 2020

Type A coronavirus, root of Covid-19, from US


3 Coronavirus Variants Discovered – Surprisingly, “Type-A” Found In Americans, Wuhan’s Type-B And Type-C In Europe.

Scientists were flabbergasted at the speed of Coronavirus spreading to around the world. With cases fast approaching 2-million and more than 100,000 deaths, everyone is asking the same question – when will a Covid-19 vaccine be ready? If you believe Microsoft founder Bill Gates, an effective vaccine is not likely to emerge until another 18 months.

Even if that’s true, there’s another problem. Scientists have discovered that the virus has been mutating at an extraordinary speed. Peter Forster, a geneticist at the University of Cambridge, said – “There are too many rapid mutations to neatly trace a Covid-19 family tree. We used a mathematical network algorithm to visualise all the plausible trees simultaneously.”

At the same University of Cambridge in the UK, researchers also discovered 3 distinct “variants” of Covid-19, consisting of clusters of closely related lineages, which were labelled as “A”, “B” and “C”. The jaw-dropping discovery would not only be useful to produce vaccine, but could certainly help scientists to explain why the Covid-19 is so contagious, as well as to identify its source.

Using genetic network techniques, the scientists analyzed the first 160 complete virus genomes from human patients around the world between 24 December 2019 and 4 March 2020. Together with researchers from Germany, they mapped some of the original spread of the Coronavirus through its mutations, and successfully reconstructed an early “evolutionary paths” of the Covid-19.

As the infection spread from Wuhan to Europe and North America, the paths show how the Coronavirus mutated to “type-A”, “type-B” and “type-C”. “These techniques are mostly known for mapping the movements of prehistoric human populations through DNA. We think this is the first time they have been used to trace the infection routes of a coronavirus like Covid-19,” – said Forster.

Mr. Forster and his team found that “type-A” – supposedly the “original human virus genome” – was closest to the Coronavirus discovered in bats and found in Wuhan, the epicentre of the initial outbreak. But surprisingly, the type-A was not the Chinese city’s predominant virus type. Instead, the most common variant found in Wuhan was “type-B”.

Variant “A”, most closely related to the virus found in both bats and pangolins, is described as “the root of the outbreak” by researchers and scientists. Type “B” is derived from “A”, separated by two mutations, then “C” is in turn a “daughter” of “B”. Type A was found in Americans who had lived in Wuhan, and in other patients diagnosed in the United States and Australia.

Even though Wuhan’s major Coronavirus type was “B” (when it should be “A”), the variant reportedly didn’t travel much beyond the region without further mutations – suggesting that there was some sort of “resistance” against variant “B” of Covid-19 outside East Asia. The variant “C”, meanwhile, is the primary type in Europe, found in early patients from France, Italy, Sweden and England.

The genetic network analysis discovered that while “type-C” is absent from samples in mainland China, they can be seen in Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea. In the same breath, the research suggests that one of the earliest introductions of the Coronavirus in Italy came via the first documented German infection on January 27.

In that German infection case, an employee of car parts supplier Webasto Group in Munich had contracted the infection from a Chinese colleague. The Shanghai-based Chinese employee, now known as Germany’s Case #0, coincidentally received a visit from her parents from Wuhan before she travelled to Stockdorf, Germany to attend meetings at the Webasto’s HQ.

Last month, a team of Italian scientists believed that Italy’s Coronavirus epidemic might have come to the country via Germany – not directly from China as many experts initially assumed. They matched the Italian genetic sequencing of the pathogen to a case that emerged in Germany in January. Another early Italian infection route was related to a “Singapore cluster”.

Likewise, in Brazil, a group of researchers had isolated SARS-CoV-2 from two patients confirmed to have been infected with Covid-19 and sequenced the complete genomes of both samples of the virus. They found that not only did the genomes differ from each other, but they were also very different from the genomes of the virus samples sequenced in Wuhan, China.

Previously, scientists announced the good news that Covid-19 virus mutates so slowly that when a vaccine is eventually developed, it would be most likely be effective for years, the same way measles or chickenpox vaccine does. In fact, the researchers said the latest Coronavirus is more stable than the flu because the SARS-CoV-2 does not seem to mutate much.

However, based on the latest study done by the UK and Germany scientists using the “Phylogenetic” network analysis, obviously not only is the Covid-19 capable of performing too many rapid mutations, it has also mutated itself into three types of variants for different continents – Asia, America and Europe.

China has been accused of covering up the spread of the virus, not to mention the suggestion that the spread of Coronavirus from China might have originated in bats that the Chinese people consumed before being passed on to humans. But the same bats are also favourite indigenous protein in Indonesia, particularly in North Sulawesi.

More importantly, why Americans who had lived in Wuhan had “type-A” of Covid-19, the root of the outbreak, but most of Chinese infected in Wuhan had the “type-B”, which can’t exist without type “A”? Two thirds (70%) of the 310 virus samples sequenced in the U.S. were type A. Naughty speculations would say this as proof that it was the America who first spread the Coronavirus.


  1. The scientists were just talking about how the virus has mutated and spread rapidly in a few months.

    Twisting this into an allegation that it was the US that spread the virus is desperate pro-CCP fake news.

  2. Sorry Rhan, the Covid-19 is now the Yankee Virus.

    1. wakaka, but forest mention clearly in his article the all sort of mutation from a to z can traced back to ...... wuhan.

      but at least this sucker use the word naughty, in case other call him a ccp sucker, wakaka again.

    2. Wakakakaka…

      R u still want to showcasing yr level of England comprehension skill?

      Never mind… keep to it.


  3. Cambridge researcher interviewed in this clip :

    So, to sum up order for Type B to exist, it has to come from Type A, which is found in the US and could a daughter be able to come into life without the father, or a tree branch to grow, it needs the root of the tree ?

    1. read the original thesis, not the mutated one. n dun spread fake news.

    2. No need to educate these morons who r not only functionally illiterate about the causality of medical science, they r been biased by their cocooned upbringings!

      U tell them about virus phylogenetic studies, they twist them into their meme-ed understandings of the faulty Darwinian evolution & creationism!

      Mfers, the original source of SARS-CoV-2 will put pay to those WASP inspired illogical humongous compensation claims initiated by those incompetent blame-shifters of the demoNcratic usurpers!


      Desperate pro-CCP fake news???

      Who initiated the original source of SARS-CoV-2 & refused to cooperate to trace its origin.

      China has been fighting the chronically propagating fake news that SARS-CoV-2 originated in Wuhan.

      Now the table is turned & these demoNcratic asslickers r foaming in the mouth running to the defences of their uncle Sam!

      Mfers, u can play with bush fire on broad daylight while we can't light a lantern to lead the way in the dark!

      Urban legends of SARS-CoV-2 DON'T grow out of thin air!

      Series of coincidental events r leading to their creations with human deductive ingenuity.

      Soon… the real science would solve this problem. & by then, have a teloq to own up to yr foul thinking!

    3. Mfer, here is the original thesis

      But with yr level of England…

      Hiya-le… wasting time!

    4. my england is gd enuf to grasp the main point ie yr dad n u r both from wuhan.

    5. Wakakakaka…

      Good enough to grasp the main point of dad son cucu grandpa daughter mum cicit all r from wuhan, using phylogenetic network analysis?

      Walau-eh!!! Prof Foster will be crying in shame that his studies CAN he interpreted by a England deficiency know-nothing to such a simple fart!

      Do continue to propagate this monkey show - very entertaining le.

    6. The CCP Father, Son and Ghost all from Wuhan.

    7. Now, u r calling yr demoNcratic Trinity for helps!

      What a loser.

  4. Cambridge University yesterday published a paper that Covid19 Type A is the root cause of the virus outbreak, and Type A appears in the United States and Australia. The virus that appears in Wuhan belongs to Type B, which is derived from Type A mutation. This paper was published in the Proceedings of The American Academy of Sciences.

    The report pointed out that the new coronavirus is divided into three variants : A, B and C. Type A viruses are more commonly found in infected people in the United States and Australia. There are only a few cases of Class A in Wuhan, and they come from Americans who had lived in Wuhan. Type A is most similar to viruses extracted from bats and pangolins. Researchers call the class A virus " the root of the outbreak".

    Type B strains are the main type in China (re Wuhan) and have not spread out of East Asia. Class C viruses are the main type in Europe. Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea all have this type. It was not found in mainland China.

    The researchers believe that strain Type C evolved from Type B, and Type B evolved from Type A ( the 'daughter of Type A' ).

    Original address :

    1. what the research mean by "spread from china n asia to europe n north america."?

  5. The US actually has an outfit known as The US Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

    It is located at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.

    After the horrendous experience of SARS, this Agency embarked on further study and research on the various types of coronaviruses. Among one of its studies, it collaborated with the University of Wilmington, DE which extracted the virus from the Chinese horseshoe bats.

    The Cambridge research made news that it has now ascertained that Covid19 has three strains...Type A, Type B and Type C.

    But as far back as last year, Japan and Taiwan had filed reports that Covid19 originated from North America. According from their studies, in order for that strain in Wuhan ( now labeled as Type B ) to happen, it needs a Parent Strain to reproduce. Their report stated that US got ALL the five strains and all the sub groups of it, and it mutated.

  6. I believed for the first time ever, a Chinese official publicly said some US politicians are liars and morally depraved, hehehe. Good on you Ms Hua Chunying ! She had more than amply answered the Bloomberg reporter who asked her " Is China under-reporting cases and deaths ?".

    Check out this video, worth watching...hopefully YouTube does not resort to its time-honored "freedom of speech" policy of taking down news and reports which are not aligned to US propaganda. Hopefully also, it will stick to Google's slogan of Do No Evil ( Google is the owner of YouTube ) , hehehe. Not doing evil from the these kwailohs is like asking the sun not to come up every morning. Pordah hypocrites, hehehe

  7. wow, this blog almost mutated into a ccp faker site. 1) a type is not predominant in wuhan, doesnt mean wuhan elek. 2) the writer did talk abt founder effect, which the propagandist forgot to point out. 3) the writes still imply the a type is spread from wuhan to usa, the sample is american in wuhan. 4)the bat virus sample used is yunnan bat, not california bat. 5) the chart show clearly the route of spread, bat to china then to the world.

    dun syok sendiri la.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      "1) a type is not predominant in wuhan, doesnt mean wuhan elek."

      Mfer, it means the most prevalent typeB evolved from typeA. Of course typeA MUST present in order for typeB to exist!

      What can u deducted from this?

      " 2)founder effect"

      Mfer, explain founder effect lah. Don't just quoted.

      Better still quote the full explanation given by the author & why typeB is confined mostly in Wuhan?

      Wakakakakaka… a f*ckhead non scientist trying to con others with scientific jargon he doesn't understand!

      "3) the writes still imply the a type is spread from wuhan to usa, the sample is american in wuhan"

      Where did the writer point this one out?

      Furthermore, in an interview with BBC, foster specifically mentioned that the earliest genome placed in the research database IS NOT necessarily the origin of the disease!

      His example of Scotland sample FIRST placed in the database DOESN'T imply Scotland is the origin!

      " 4)the bat virus sample used is yunnan bat, not california bat"

      Wow… u know more than prof Foster!

      Coronavirus is presented in all species of bat!

      No mention of the bat was from Yunnan! Keep farting lah.

      " 5) the chart show clearly the route of spread, bat to china then to the world."

      Wakakakaka… reread reply to (3) above!

      U really know NUTS about phylogenetic network analysis.

      Better to consult yr 台毒水炮 (type3 - Formosan) about phylogenetic network analysis before u fart again. U have shamed types1&2 of the Taiwanese - just like yr twisted fart about Taiwan knowledge of human-to-human transmission in dec2019. Even Taiwaneses themselves tak bolih tahan about this stink to high heaven FART!

      I'm truly syok-ing myself no ends with yr kind of know-nothing trying to act knowledgeable.

      Do continue…

    2. 1&2) founder effect = chinese characteristics. diff ethnic hv diff resistence /immunological to virus, for eg, whiteman rarely infected virus with chinese characteristics, vice versa. in short, a type no chinese characteristic, while b type yes. but abcde all from china, can understand simpla eng kah?

      3)These American patients are reported to have had a history of residence in the presumed source of the outbreak in Wuhan

      4)Node A is the root cluster obtained with the bat (R. affinis) coronavirus isolate BatCoVRaTG13 from Yunnan Province

      5) u color blind or diagram blind?

    3. When these echo chamber parrots of the Western propaganda start twisting and twirling out their own version based on their own limited understanding but arrogantly behaving as though they themselves are indeed geneticists and epidemiologists...that's when you know they are no different from those fanatic religious bigots that they like to this case, they worship the very ground their white master ever trodden...mouthing 'democracy, freedom of speech, human rights, rule of law' like a fake new religion likening Trump and his hardcore neocons/war mongers the likes of Bannon, Navarro, Stephen Miller, Lighthizer, Larry Ludlow and John Bolton etc to Jesus and his 12 disciples, wakakakaka.

    4. jerk, look into a mirror la, here r some humor for ccp lover, its ccp vs thai, phip, viet, twn, hk n msia exclude yr type.

    5. Truly know-nothing (made worst with lousy England) explaining phylogenetic network analysis in virus genome propagation!

      "&2) founder effect = chinese characteristics. diff ethnic hv diff resistence /immunological to virus, for eg, whiteman rarely infected virus with chinese characteristics, vice versa. in short, a type no chinese characteristic, while b type yes. but abcde all from china"


      In a phylogenetic network, the largest sample implies dominance in a cluster note. It happens bcoz

      Wuhan's major virus type, 'B', was prevalent in patients from across East Asia. However, the variant didn't travel much beyond the region without further mutations -- implying a "founder event" in Wuhan, or "resistance" against this type of COVID-19 outside East Asia, say researchers.

      "resistance" DOESN'T mean immunological to virus!

      These viruses r ALL SARS-CoV-2. Types A&B r just variants (know what's that? mfer) with specific targeting hosts. Outside the range of the target host, the respective variants show different dominance in number BUT can still br lethal to infected patients.

      No explanation for such toxicology yet! But, mfer, there r researches currently done to investigate whether such FAST founder effect IS natural. ie most likely artificiality incubated due to such short period of rapid mutations!

      In natural environment, founder event requires millions of years in evolutional mutations to be achieved. This is used to explain WHY in certain geographical location, ONLY a particular valiant of a common species is predominant.

      For a different variant of the SAME SARS-CoV-2, to target different hosts - same rule applies. There IS NOT fast track.


      3) another example of a lousy England & worst, science comprehension!

      Forster and colleagues found that the closest type of COVID-19 to the one discovered in bats -- type 'A', the "original human virus genome" -- was present in Wuhan, but surprisingly was not the city's predominant virus type.

      Mutated versions of 'A' were seen in Americans reported to have lived in Wuhan, and a large number of A-type viruses were found in patients from the US and Australia.


      "Mutated versions of 'A' were seen in Americans reported to have lived in Wuhan"

      Quick, give me a new twist, mfer!

      4) mfer, I would really LIKE to believe u yrself come up with this piece of brilliant 'shit'!

      BatCoV RaTG13 is a genome sequence specific to ALL bat. It's NOT specific to the intermediate horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus affinis) from Yunnan. Yr California bat ALSO has that genome sequence.

      I strongly believe u r just simply sourcing yr infos from 台毒 hp6 write-ups w/o due diligence & counter checkings. But for a mfer with yr shown calibre, this IS NOT unexpected!

      Do continue with yr monkey show. I'm sure there r more readers out there enjoying yr 'writes' than just me.

    6. Walau-eh!!

      R u trying to earn advertising chits from them 台毒?

    7. 1&2) no ned panjang lebar, the author explain diff race/ethnic might hv diff immune sys, thats y abcde in diff area, in fact abcde is still virus, wuhan virus.

      3) i copy from that ori article. y not u go argue with the author?

      4) no need tok tiger lion lembu kerbau, its still a yunnan bat isnt?

      5) dun skip 5, the diagram show clearly yellow color started in china, in case u color blind. there is a small bat at the corner, a yunnan bat.

      the ccp wumao n pinky want to conquer south east east, they wanna fight anyone that disagree with them, they really thot they r the no 1 world super power. read the Twitter, no one behind ccp wumao n pinky except yr type chinese. chinese under winnie xi is digging a grave to fight the whole world. i no more calling lge a stupid, i idolise his prophecy, i am msian, not chinese.

    8. First thing 1st - do cast deeply in yr f*cked head - u r NO Chinese!

      I don't care yr other tags - be they m'sian, 3rd kind Formosan or whatever.

      BTW, the followings r not for u (too cocooned to be awaken). They r written for others to understand - along the way knowing yr kinds of f*cked tactics in twisting infos.

      1&2) scientific explanation requires detailings to minimize misunderstanding. Yet these detailings always penned with terminologies only related experts can grasp & understand. There r no malice for the general public.

      Lay man needs good teachers of science to explain to them about the real meanings hiding behind those terminologies.

      "the author explain diff race/ethnic might hv diff immune sys, thats y abcde in diff area, in fact abcde is still virus, wuhan virus."

      The author is using founder event to explain the presence of a common predominant valianic behaviour of a common species within a geographical setting.

      A adpt example of the founder effect in this context is the higher incidence of fumarase deficiency in a population of members of a fundamentalist church. Practices of the church included endogamy, or marrying within the religion, and polygyny or the practice of taking several wives.

      It has nothing to do "with diff race/ethnic might hv diff immune sys"!

      3) this is what I have c&p from the author's ORIGINAL text.

      Forster and colleagues found that the closest type of COVID-19 to the one discovered in bats -- type 'A', the "original human virus genome" -- was present in Wuhan, but surprisingly was not the city's predominant virus type.

      Mutated versions of 'A' were seen in Americans reported to have lived in Wuhan, and a large number of A-type viruses were found in patients from the US and Australia.

      How original IS yr origin? A typical 台毒 copy?

      4) so what's yr bat from Yunnan & not from California fart?

      Know-nothing, just shotfromthemouth, right!

      5) AGAIN, that diagram is a phylogenetic network analysis tree for LINEAGES, not of origin &/or transmission lah!

      Tau, apa tu, lineages?


      Now u r back to yr 台毒 foam in the mouth pigeonholing tactics AGAIN er!

      Keep spreading yr lies lah bcoz mfers, like u, r indeed digging a grave to fight the whole race of CHINESE, wherever they are.

    9. 12) so u accept the author comment on a type n not founder effect?

      3) ori art is pnas, yrs is "news"

      4) i beliebe there is great posibility yunnan bat fly to california during summer when trump is having a orgy....with bat.

      But I see your true colors
      Shining through
      I see your true colors
      And that's why I love you
      So don't be afraid to let them show
      Your true colors
      True colors are beautiful
      Like a rainbow.

      communist is not chinese, that is what we tell the umno bigot n pas fanatic.

    10. Truly lousy England!

      Since I have mentioned that the clarifications r not for u. U can interpret them in yr own f*cked ways. I don't care.

      Can I strongly suggest u get yr 台毒 pals, who have a good command of England to explain to u what I have been written? Just for a laugh?

      But, don't puke OK when u see them laughing quietly behind yr back during that karaoke translation time!

      Who is Chinese IS NOT for u to say - a confirmed non Chinese f*ckhead!

    For Dungus who only watch CCP Propaganda.

    "All Virus types A,B,C lead back to Wuhan"
    Quote Unquote

    1. So now u resolve cut&paste!

      Mfer, quote the full sentences lah!

    2. The YouTube above recommended by Monsterball is the infamous China in Focus -NTD.

      NTD stands for New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD, Chinese: 新唐人電視臺) which is a television broadcaster, founded by Falun Gong practitioners, based in New York City with correspondents in over 70 cities worldwide.

      As most would know, Falun Gong is banned in China. This cult was started by one Li Hongzhi who declared himself a God...greater than the God of Catholics, greater than Buddhism. To the Falun Gong practitioners, Li Hongzhi is The One, a living God whose body emits Gong ( Energy/Capacity in Chinese)...hence the name of his so-called religion is Falun Gong or Falun DaFa ( Great Magic ). Those with incurable diseases will be cured just by merely touching any part of Mr Li's body and will be cured. But this Mr Li God is also a superb marketeer...he came up with the brilliant idea of hocking a type of glass, which he claimed is stronger than stone and this glass is imbued with his God-like "Gong" and those who buy this glass will be cured of any illness and there's absolutely no necessity to seek conventional medical help. The Chinese government stepped in when reports started to circulate that a grandma, or a father or a cousin refusing to see a doctor and instead seeking out this God for a cure. But when reports came in that this Mr Li God promised that he can help young girls to be rid of any disease afflicting them by sleeping with him, on the principle that his Gong will pass through them... hey presto, the cure is almost instant, yeah...his big dong gong going into these young girls, LMAO..that's the last straw for the Chinese government.

      As expected, the whole Falun Gong after the ban moved the whole set up to US, with its headquarter located in New York. America welcomed this cult outfit with open arms and financial assistance...this is one more fantastic avenue for the US to continue its destabilization of China.

      Watch the video CNN, its all twist and spin, even to the very splicing in of fake scenes and giving out huge figures seemingly plucked from the air, like the brazen CNN claim that Xinjiang re education centres are concentration camps with 1 million prisoners, then it went up to 2 millons and finally, Amanpour's program had reporter Will Ripley claiming a figure of 3 millions. Eventually, even these blatant spinners and liars themselves realized that a 3 million figure won't they decided to bring it back down to 1 million, which is bunkum of course, hehehe. Perhaps all these NTD anchors had a stint at Fox News, CNN and the like too learn their polished forked tongue "news reporting", hehehe. Porrrdaahhh !

    3. we know of Falun Gong, wakakaka, only too well. I'm always leery of cult leaders who promote "themselves" as god or god's representative on earth

      Monsterball, didn't realise you're an acolyte of Falun Gong, wakakaka again and again

    4. falun never kill, steal n go against the law, falun is everywhere include msia, a predominantly muslim country. msia ban communist but not falun. whats wrong with people calling themselves god? jesus oso did that what?

    5. Li Hongzhi, founder-God figure of Falun Gong, lives happily and luxuriously in New York while his gullible followers suffer in China. US Congress endorses his movement as it does Joshua Wong's movement, both being anti-China

    6. msia ban communist, communist fight back, many communist oso live in china. china ban falun, falun fight back, not using any weapon. n joshua yet to live luxuriously in either hk n us.

      i dun know who is falun, but i yet to see they go against any law in any countries except china, odd isnt?

    7. 轮子(Falun) do the worst in human adventurism.

      Its standard subterfuge is in the same mould of the Orthodox Abrahamic faiths.

      The believing of that omnipotent onemanup-ship!

      It exploit it's herd of sheep's via brainwashing in time of destitute.

      It should be banned everywhere there is human!

    8. see, its a tradition when it suit yr type.

    9. Yes, my tradition strongly requires me not to take advantages of the destitute.

      Unlike yr Formosa induced traction of 落井下石.

    10. Dumbo brain HY..."i dun know who is falun, but i yet to see they go against any law in any countries except china, odd isnt?"

      If some one runs around calling himself God and market a glass pendent which he claims to have the power to cure all diseases if worn hung around one's neck and then lure lame-brain parents to bring their young daughters to sleep with him because he is God and can cure whatever ailment they might have..what do you call such a scum ? A charlatan and a con man, right ? Then he ought to be thrown into jail and if possible be given at least 20 strokes of the rotan. The odd one is you lah...hehehe

  9. It may be a site you hate, but there is no denying the respected experts quoted.

    "All Virus types A,B,C lead back to Wuhan"
    Quote Unquote

    Dungus like you two get their orgasms from watching CCP propaganda like CGTN - Communist China Global Television Network.

    1. CNN too quoted experts, AND they even brought in the very experts to show proofs what a liar Trump is. In the deadly fight between the Democrats and the Republicans, what the Chinese would have said "Kwai tah Kwai", hehe, since CNN too have experts to verify, would you not say that "there is no denying the respected experts quoted" there to show up your hero Trump, the true scumbag that he is ? Would you accept CNN's verdict that Trump is as what they claimed ? since they 'quoted respected experts' too ?

      You get your orgasms from watching that Orange Buffoon denying his lies uttered just only a minute ago, then turned around without a single tinge of shame or embarrassment to say the very opposite the next, and shoved down the reporter to shut up for daring to point what that he actually lied. That's your kind of 'hero'? Mmm...

  10. The CCP Virus has infected the brains of many , especially those who uncritically swallow CCP Propaganda videos.

    It is ironic, of course, that CCP is propagating their propaganda via YouTube and Facebook, which are banned in CCP-land.

    1. Why can't China ban Facebook when it resolutely withheld critical information to track down ISIS activities. A country who can't protect its citizens from terrorists have no right to rule and China did exactly what it takes to shield the Chinese from terrorist attacks. By the by, Facebook and YouTube and Google spy on its customers and users. Podah.

      It is a blessing in disguise that these Western propaganda vehicles were banned...karma works in such marvelous ways...this timely banning prevented the 1.4 billions from being infected with the rotten fake DEMON-crazy virus so religiously preached by these hypocrite West and at the same time, give rise to multi billions homegrown giants like ZTE, Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, Huawei, Xiaomi, SenseTime and TikTok creator ByteDance. Eat your heart out, hehe

  11. The demoNcratic Virus has infected the brains of many , especially those who uncritically swallow its Propaganda videos.

    Wakakakaka… mfer, heard of VPN yet?
