
Saturday, April 04, 2020

Pentagon's hypocrisy on aircraft carrier's covid case met with signature campaign

Star Online:

Over 120,000 sign online petition to reinstate U.S. Navy carrier commander

FILE PHOTO: Captain Brett Crozier addresses the crew for the first time as commanding officer of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt during a change of command ceremony on the ship’s flight deck in San Diego, California, U.S. November 1, 2019

U.S. Navy/Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Sean Lynch/Handout via REUTERS

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 120,000 people have signed a petition calling on the U.S. Navy to reinstate the captain of a coronavirus-stricken aircraft carrier a day after he was relieved of his command for a letter sent to superiors urging stronger measures to halt the outbreak.

Captain Brett Crozier was relieved of his command of the USS Theodore Roosevelt on Thursday after a scathing letter in which he called on the Navy to take "decisive action" to halt the spread of the virus aboard the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was leaked to the media.

"His actions possibly saved many lives," the online petition said. "Although he was fired, his plan to safely remove crew members was still implemented. He is a hero who should be rewarded."

On Friday, one day after the launch of the petition on, over 123,000 people had signed, well on the way to the goal of 150,000.


kaytee notes:

The plan of Captain Brett Crozier, the commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt to evacuate most of his crew to safe quarantine facilities on shore has been implement, proving that his courageous recommendation in the face of officialdom's usual obdurate recalcitrance, has been sound. His urgent request will save lives.

As he has so correctly stated in his urgent request to hsi superiors: 

"We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die. If we do not act now, we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset - our sailors"

But sound as his recommendation has been, nonetheless he was still relieved of his command, putting an ignominious end to his career.

It shows the typical hypocrisy of the bureaucrats in the Pentagon.

My Uncles had, over the years of their respective services, witnessed the same Malaysian Armed Forces' top brass' hypocrisies in similar circumstances in our military.



  1. Remember the RMAF Major who was not only fired but charged in court for going to the press ?

    1. the major warned against Covid-19?

      Captain Brett did NOT hold any unauthorised press conference as the RMAF did

    2. kt is bias, always hv diff std for diff people, press conference as excuse is laughable.

    3. HY, I kid you not, holding unauthorised press conference is VERBOTEN (prohibited) for armed forces personnel - it's in the AFCI (Armed Forces Council Instructions)

      if you think it's an excuse, please continue to be like a frog in a well, wakakaka

    4. what brett did oso against the military rule, y u think its okay?

    5. Captain Brett practically copied his e-mail to the whole world, including people not authorised to know operational issues concerning the aircraft carrier.

      THAT is Verboten.

    6. HY, he did not hold press conference nor write to them. His letter were only distributed to military people who needed to know. He ONLY did that AFTER Pentagon ignored his earlier appeals. There's no denying that he did hope that one of his military bosses or colleagues would leak that out to the press, his last resort given his superiors were ignoring his appeals

  2. This Captain, like Dr Ong the Lonely Jogger, is my TANK MAN.

    One Lonely Jogger handcuffed and humiliated, against the entire might of the Big Bad Unelected Government.

    One Brave Captain standing defiant against the might of the Pentagon.

    All 5,000 sailors, their families and friends will stand behind him.

    And so do I.

    1. what did Dr Ong do that could be liken to Capt Brett Crozier's selfless sacrifice?

    2. Dr Ong is risking his medical lesen if he is found guilty and receives a heavy sentence. Loss of income if he is jailed. Even if he wins the legal case he may lose a few patients.....

    3. a doctor does NOT lose his medical licence for breaking the MCO - there's no relationship - stop kerbbau-ing again

    4. A doctor can lose his license to practice if convicted of a criminal offence.
      Dr Ong faces two charges.
      The charge of breaking the MCO is a relatively light one, and not considered a severe offence.
      The charge of obstructing a civil servant in his duties is far more severe, and he could face a jail sentence.

    5. MCO was implemented because of a health issue no...?

      Doctor....Health relation....? OK if you say so.

    6. pray tell me how was violation of the MCO related to or had affected his safe and ethical medical practice?

      stop bullshitting lah

    7. Monster, RM1000 for 1st one, and RM10,000 for 2nd one - no one will jail him for such a trivial issue

  3. For the record, the MCO Act.....

    Dr Ong was charged under Section 3(1) of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the Infected Local Areas) Regulations 2020, punishable under Section 7(1) of the same Regulations.

    Sounds pretty medical to me.

    And if you read Section 7.1 of the Act it says:

    Maximum fine is 1,000 and JAIL 6 MONTHS.

    Look it up yourself, nah...

    His second charge was: under Section 186 of the Penal Code which carries a maximum two years’ jail or maximum RM10,000 fine or both upon conviction.

    Even if he was jailed for a week the MMA will review his licence, especially if it involved the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases. For a doctor to break this law is pretty serious.

    The PN gomen may sting him up as an example and KT is a little bit responsible for rousing up the initial criticism via this hugely popular blog for "such a trivial issue"...ha ha ha....say sorry properly please. If it was so trivial why hentam him in the first place?

  4. People are already being jailed 4 months for breaching the MCO, and this is after they pleaded guilty...!!!

    Brave Dr Ong pleaded not guilty, I hope he TANK MAN.

    Four accused in Sibu jailed for breaching MCO
    Friday, 27 Mar 2020

    SIBU: The Magistrate's Court here sentenced four people to two months' imprisonment each on Friday (March 27) after they pleaded guilty to not adhering to the movement control order (MCO) implemented to curb the spread of Covid-19.

    They had committed the offence on Thursday (March 26) at different locations, contravening Regulation 7 of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within the Infected Local Areas) Regulations 2020.

    The offence provides for a fine not exceeding RM1,000 or jail not more than six months or both.

    All of them had failed to provide good reason why they were still outside after 10pm when caught by the police.

    1. TS, don't comment anymore on Dr Ong here. I am allowing the last two because it started with you comparing Dr Ong and Capt Brett, but since then your comments have focused only on Dr Ong, making them out of thread
