
Saturday, April 04, 2020

Brazil's Bolsonaro Turns to Prayer in Coronavirus Crisis

New York Times:

Brazil's Bolsonaro Turns to Prayer in Coronavirus Crisis

BRASILIA — Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, agreeing to a request from evangelical Christians, said on Friday that he was calling for a national day of fasting and prayer this Sunday to "free Brazil from this evil" coronavirus epidemic.

As the death toll mounts in the country, along with criticism of his handling of the public health crisis, Bolsonaro met with Pentecostal evangelical pastors outside his official residence. Evangelicals have been among the right-wing leader's most faithful supporters.

"With the pastors and religious leaders we will call for a day of fasting by Brazilians so that Brazil can free itself from this evil as soon as possible," he later said on radio station Jovem Pan.

On Friday, the country's coronavirus deaths increased to 359 from 299, while confirmed cases jumped to 9,056.

Brazilians overwhelmingly disapprove of Bolsonaro for minimizing the epidemic and support governors and health officials that he has attacked for advocating social-distancing measures, two polls showed on Friday.

Bolsonaro has become increasingly isolated politically as he continues to rail against state and municipal shutdowns, calling them economically disastrous responses to an over-hyped risk.

The idea of fasting and prayer gained momentum on Friday among Bolsonaro supporters and evangelical preachers on social media.

"Brazil is in a serious crisis. The forces of evil are rising against a God-fearing Christian president and family defender. Sunday will be a day of fasting," Congressman Marco Feliciano, an evangelical pastor, said in a Twitter post.

Pastor Silas Malafaia, a leader of Brazil's largest Pentecostal church, the Assembly of God, proposed on social media that the fast begin at midnight on Saturday and last until midday Sunday.

Bolsonaro's approval rating has fallen to its lowest level since he took office last year. He was elected in a conservative swing by Brazilian voters, with massive evangelical support for his family values platform opposing abortion and gay marriage.

A former army captain turned politician, Bolsonaro was raised a Roman Catholic and was re-baptized by an evangelical pastor in the River Jordan in 2016 in Israel, as he began to plan a run for president.


  1. When the body count increases he too, like the others, will bow to the virus and look to science for salvation.

  2. He is known as the clone of Trump in Brazil.

    Protect the economy at ALL costs!

    People, especially the Poor's, r nothing & can be bred like rabbit within a generation.

    1. Mahathir has been like that, favouring big business and always ensuring labour cost in Malaysia is lowest, purported to attract investment, yes, eff the people, also radioactive industries in Bukit Merah and Lynas

    2. dun tell that to a mahathir fanboy, waste of time, similarly no point to blame najib in kt blog, the host just buat tak tahu.

    3. No fair, Jibby oso favour big projects, not just Toonsie. Don't pick on him.

      ECRL, HSR, TRX, Bandar Malaysia, LRT2, MRT1, MRT2, MRT3, Malacca Port, Petronas Pengerang RAPID, Lynas, Iskandar, Danga Bay, Forest City..the list is endless...all under Jibby's watch.

      In fact Jibby favour big business so much he went to the White House and stumped Trump by offering to make huge orders of Boeing planes and pump Malaysian money into American Infrastructure. Even Toonsie's head wasn't that big.

    4. diplomacy tok-kok - Najib was ankgating Trump. Mahathir was worst, angkating the Muslim countries to win Malay support for his own PRIBUMI party, and did you think Imran Khan was not angkating mahathir and at the same time, staying away from the Muslim Congress to angkat Saudi?

  3. I am surprised the Catholic Church in Brazil seems silent about this madness by Bolsonaro since the Pope himself has exemplified the need to follow medical advice ie stay home..missing Church services not considered sinful.

    There are Catholic Masses televised for Catholics to worship at home.

    I won't be surprised if Bolsonaro is ousted by the masses when the pandemic becomes more rampant in Brazil.

    The curse of a country to have such a leader
