
Saturday, April 04, 2020

Pak Hadi misuses Islam to soil Malaysian politics for foreigners' entertainment


PAS leaders mum on 'Hadi letter' attacking Harapan, defending PN

PAS leaders have kept mum on the authenticity of a letter purportedly written by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang in Arabic to Muslim leaders worldwide.

A translation of the letter, which attacks Pakatan Harapan and defends Perikatan Nasional, had gone viral on social media since yesterday.

However, Malaysiakini's attempts to get confirmation from top party leaders, including Hadi's aides, have been unsuccessful with no replies given.

In the letter, Hadi in his capacity as special envoy to the Middle East, purportedly said that after the 2018 general election, PAS leaders had met with then prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad to discuss the position of Muslims in the country.

"Hence, PAS took the political step to cooperate peacefully. PAS had chosen a relationship with Mahathir because of his nationalism and spirit in defending Islam.

"PAS had rejected working with Anwar Ibrahim's faction because we were not confident of his personal character and his faith as well as his dangerous political pragmatism," read the letter.

T'was rumoured Pak Hadi possesses a long time grudge against Anwar Ibrahim because Fadzil Noor (PAS President 1989 to 2002) picked Anwar Ibrahim (instead of a jealous Pak Hadi) to succeed him as PAS president

that Anwar subsequently chose to join UMNO has not stop Pak Hadi's grudge from simmering over the years until now

The letter said Harapan's victory in 2018 had sided with the non-Muslim majority and that Mahathir had been used to topple former premier Najib Abdul Razak.

"They (Harapan) had used him as a stepping stone to achieve power through treachery without taking into consideration the composition of the Muslim majority which had exceeded 69 percent compared to the minority races [...] this encouraged internal strife," Hadi allegedly said.

He added there were also opportunities for foreign powers who were anti-Islam to meddle in the country as was what had supposedly happened in other Arab countries.

dei Pak Hadi, were you pooing my poo? 

The letter also took a swipe at Amanah which it said were "secular liberals" who relied on support from Western embassies for strategies, media, and finances.

DAP, meanwhile, was categorised as a Chinese-majority party.

The letter also defended the formation of the Perikatan Nasional government saying the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong had acted in accordance with democratic and constitutional practices when appointing Muhyiddin Yassin as prime minister.

"Thus was foiled the opposing movement even though they had outside help from Western ambassadors and Freemason and Zionist advisors," Hadi alleged.

dei Pak Hadi, was Netanyahu the Zionist adviser? 

He also reportedly defended the PN government as being clean as those who were currently on trial for criminal charges were not part of it.


  1. letter oso the backdoor type.

    1. AI has a lot of support from the Middle Eastern leaders/countries even untill now. Indeed the letter is purportedly leaked out by friends of HARAPAN Jordon.

      Nothing unreal in that letter to explain that the government of Perikatan Nasional is not a revolutionary or a backdoor government. It is indeed democratic government.

      Yes it did attack PH but that is always being the case after PAS quarrelled with DAP and left PH.

      And, wakakaka, HARAPAN offered PAS the DPM position if PAS support HARAPAN and not Muafakat Nasional/Perikatan Nasional? DAP agreed? Wakakaka again.. well that's politics.

    2. who said "we rejected backdoor government offer, we'll enter through the front"?

      come on la friend, dap n pas say so much but do nothing or did worst, 2 x 5, u n me r just idiot to believe in what they said.

  2. Ha ha..Hadi the most hypocrital Muslim ever. He will be the death of multi racialism in Malaysia. I always question how the non-Muslim supporters can support an ultra party like PAS. Can't they see how racist Hadi and PAS are?

    Ultimately if PAS ever get control of the government, the nons will really understand what it means to be marginalised.

    The thing I wonder is; "how does he (Hadi) sleep at night?"

  3. Come On Wee KHAT Siong Menteri Jaga Kereta and Saravanan Menteri Cap Buruh, as KT says:

    Silence Means Consent......

  4. We are not querrelling about its legality nor constitutionality, but wait a minute, democratic? It's debatable. If it was clear from the onset, before any rakyat mark their ballot papers on 9 May 2018, do you honestly believe there can be a Perikan National government today? Without a bunch of scambag traitors? Beside the immorality, it's definitely not what the rakyat want, so how does it qualify to be democratic? It's a BACKDOOR government no matter how many times and how much you deny it.

    If DAP lied about PAS, they are sinners, they deserve it. If PAS (pray 5 times a day, with we are holy they are all dhimmi attitude) lied (and AH lied every other day), that's okay mah, this is the real thing! See the difference? The Chinese learn the word SHAME from very young ........ ketuanan ........... !

    "..... HARAPAN offered PAS the DPM position...." don't ever daydream about it!!!

    1. Have you read the letter or not?

      Here is the relevent extract (translated into Bahasa and translated into English):-
      ("Then there was a counter-movement of Pakatan Harapan in support of Tun Mahathir only to represent a form of deception by the Anwar Ibrahim, AMANAH and DAP groups. They had gone to meet Mahathir in the morning..........
      Later, PAS was invited to join the government under Mahathir's leadership and we have been nominated for the Deputy Prime Minister's seat and also been appointed to serve in several ministries.")

  5. "In the letter, Hadi in his capacity as special envoy to the Middle East, purportedly said that after the 2018 general election, PAS leaders had met with then prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad to discuss the position of Muslims in the country.

    "Hence, PAS took the political step to cooperate peacefully. PAS had chosen a relationship with Mahathir because of his nationalism and spirit in defending Islam.

    "PAS had rejected working with Anwar Ibrahim's faction because we were not confident of his personal character and his faith as well as his dangerous political pragmatism," read the letter.

    The letter said Harapan's victory in 2018 had sided with the non-Muslim majority and that Mahathir had been used to topple former premier Najib Abdul Razak.

    "They (Harapan) had used him as a stepping stone to achieve power through treachery without taking into consideration the composition of the Muslim majority which had exceeded 69 percent compared to the minority races [...] this encouraged internal strife," Hadi allegedly said.

    He added there were also opportunities for foreign powers who were anti-Islam to meddle in the country as was what had supposedly happened in other Arab countries.

    The letter also took a swipe at Amanah which it said were "secular liberals" who relied on support from Western embassies for strategies, media, and finances.

    DAP, meanwhile, was categorised as a Chinese-majority party.

    The letter also defended the formation of the Perikatan Nasional government saying the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong had acted in accordance with democratic and constitutional practices when appointing Muhyiddin Yassin as prime minister.

    "Thus was foiled the opposing movement even though they had outside help from Western ambassadors and Freemason and Zionist advisors," Hadi alleged.

    He also reportedly defended the PN government as being clean as those who were currently on trial for criminal charges were not part of it."

    As reported by Malaysiakini


    1. "In the letter, Hadi in his capacity as special envoy to the Middle East,"

      Date of letter : 22 March 2020. When was Hadi appointed SE to Middle East? 2 April 2020

  6. A reply by a commentator to Hadi's letter :

    "The letter is beneath contempt and the work of an unprincipled hypocrite. This person was and is willing to enable corruption, kleptocracy, abuse of power and immorality in the name of his religion.

    There are only 61% Muslims in Malaysia. In GE14, 40% of them voted for Umno, 30% for Pas and 30% for PH that included PKR, DAP, Bersatu and Amanah.

    Between 1999 and 2015, PAS cooperated with PKR and DAP in one form or another. In fact, they formed the state governments in Kedah, Penang, Perak and Selangor together with PKR and DAP between 2008 and 2015. So how was Muslim rights eroded then? Even in PN, PAS is working with GPS, MCA and MIC that consists of Christians, Buddhists and Hindus. In Sarawak, Christians make up a whopping 44% of the population and yet PAS can work with GPS. Isn't all of this a tacit acceptance of religious pluralism and the reality that 39% of the population is non-Muslim?

    If Anwar's morality is in doubt, what about Azmin from Bersatu and Hisham of Umno? Where is the evidence that PH parties like PKR and Amanah are supported by Western liberalists and Zionists? On the contrary, Hadi is viewed as a terrorist by Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt. The DAP is a Chinese majority party with Indians and Malays but what about parties like MCA and MIC that are 100% communal based parties?

    Hadi can spin the appointment of the backdoor PN government whichever way he wants to but the fact remains that in GE14, the majority of the voters supported PH and not Umno or Pas who were not aligned then. So where is the mandate from the voters for PN? Royal approbation does not give legitimacy to the PN government when it does not have the mandate of the people. The PN's fear of facing Parliament suggests that their leaders may have deceived the King when they claimed to have majority support in the Dewan Rakyat to form the government. The least they could have done was go back to the people for a fresh mandate. Even Islam does not condone treachery and the betrayal of voters. If PAS was consistent in their support of Mahathir, Muhyiddin would never have become the 8th PM. So what moral high ground do they claim to have? "

  7. So the existence of that letter was true! Know the implication of writing such a letter in his new capacity (note: writing of the letter, not the content, the credibility of the content is another matter also debatable)?

    Anyway, if you want to continue your day dreaming, believe what AH has said and written, that's your right. I only know AH lied every other day. E.g. quote HY "who said "we rejected backdoor government offer, we'll enter through the front"?" unquote
