
Sunday, April 05, 2020

French journalist insulted China's mourning of Pokemons

MM Online:

Fury at ‘Pokemon’ jibe on French TV during China virus ceremony

An aerial view shows the deserted Place de l’Etoile and the Arc de Triomphe, during a lockdown imposed to slow the spread of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in Paris, France April 4, 2020
Reuters pic

PARIS, Apr 4 — A French rolling news channel was forced to apologise on Saturday after one of its reporters was heard to whisper “they are burying the Pokemons” during coverage of China’s day of mourning for coronavirus victims.

BFMTV and its journalist Emmanuel Lechypre were lambasted as racist and “shockingly insensitive” on social media after the business reporter made the comment over live footage of the three-minute silence observed across China.

Motorists in Wuhan blasted their horns on April 4 as people across China held a three-minute memorial for the thousands of victims of the coronavirus pandemic 

Some 3,300 have died in the pandemic there, according to official figures.

Lechyre later apologised, saying that he did not know his microphone was turned on.

“I allowed myself to say something totally inappropriate, thinking that the microphones were off. I am very sorry.”

The channel’s boss Marc-Olivier Fogiel also apologised to viewers, although it remains unclear whether Lechypre will be sanctioned.

Many on social media called for his sacking, with others pointing out that Pokemon characters are in fact Japanese.

The Chinese homage was led by President Xi Jinping with the entire country coming to a halt as cars, trains and ships sounded their horns, and air-raid sirens wailed.

Beijing said the tribute was a chance to mourn virus “martyrs” — an honorific title bestowed by the government this week on 14 medical workers who died fighting the outbreak — including the doctor who was punished by officials for raising the alarm.


  1. what abt those missing reporter, whistleblower n not yr type chinese that criticise ccp handling of wuhan virus, could it be they also now become a "martyrs" with chinese characteristics?

    1. Mfer, care to give names & substantiate with evidences about missing reporter, whistleblower n not yr type chinese that criticise ccp handling of wuhan virus?

      U have been at this shot-from-the-mouth diarrhea for far too long to think others have noticed yr blaming tricks.

      Don't mind those mentioned in yr favourite 台毒水炮 diarrhoea, too. They r so easy to defunct - just do a search in the all-things-go weibo media.

      BTW, weibo can also disprove ALL of yr f*cked diatribes about freedom to speak, comments & condemn about ANTIBODIES in China, 习大大 included!

      But, what can u know. U ONLY trust western demoNcratic trashes & 台毒水炮.

      Incidentally, becoming a "martyrs" with Chinese characteristics IS definitely more worthy than a forever genuflecting minion of demoNcracy.

      Again, what do a stupid who doesn't know things stupid while keep labelling others stupid, knows about stupidity?

      Thus, the monkey shows continue… hopefully to his dying day!

  2. Careful Frenchy....the Pokemons buy a heck of a lot of your wine, brandy, Louis Vuitton and Renaults....not to mention Airbus. You will need them post-covid.
