
Friday, April 03, 2020

Pak Hadi Awang Magnificent Manna-ish Ministerial-level Appointment


Hadi appointed Malaysia’s special envoy to Middle East

Abdul Hadi Awang is fluent in Arabic and is among the most influential figures in PAS 

PETALING JAYA: The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has announced the appointment of PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang as Malaysia’s special envoy to the Middle East, a post with ministerial level.

This comes about a month after the PAS strongman assured his party’s support to back Muhyiddin Yassin as prime minister following the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government in February.

The statement from PMO said Hadi, who is fluent in Arabic and was the vice-president of the influential World Union of Muslim Scholars whose members include prominent Egyptian-born scholar Yusuf al-Qaradawi, was chosen for his Islamic credentials.

“He was listed as among the 500 most influential Muslims in the category of Preachers and Spiritual Guides by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies based in Jordan in 2016,” the statement added

Alhamdulillah, God be praised - I'm very happy for Pak Hadi on his magnificent ministerial-level appointment.

As Malaysia’s special envoy to the Middle East, to be truly effective, he should ideally be positioned near his sphere of operations, to wit, the Middle-East.

He can reside in elegant splendor as a powerful plenipotentiary of Malaysia in Riyadh, just a mere 1 hour's flight to Medina where he as a young man had studied successfully for his Shariah bachelor's degree at the Islamic University of Madinah, or ...


... Cairo where he did his Masters in Siyasah Syar'iyyah (Political Science) at Al-Azhar University, or ...


... Baghdad, or ...


... Tehran where  the Ayatollahs are very friendly with him during his visit there in December 2016 to attend an Islamic Conference, notwithstanding their Shia-Sunni differences, or ...


... Amman or Beirut or even Ramallah-East Jerusalem.


He deserves to be there, near Islam's 3 holiest cities (Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem) and we'll all root for him to obtain his prestigious posting, and god willing we'll even see him off at the airport ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š.



Meanwhile (wakakaka), the Star Online reported in Fahmi questions Hadi’s appointment as special envoy, asks Tuan Ibrahim for his views, reproduced in full as follows:

An MP has questioned the appointment of Marang MP Datuk Seri Dr Abdul Hadi Awang as Malaysia's special envoy to the Middle East.

According to Lembah Pantai MP 
Fahmi Fadzil, it raised an eyebrow as the appointment came in a time of a public health crisis.

The PKR communications director also trained his guns on PAS deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, as the Kubang Kerian MP had once criticised the appointment of Cheras DAP MP Tan Kok Wai as special envoy to China, during Pakatan Harapan’s administration.

“What are the views of Tuan Ibrahim about the appointment of the special envoy to Middle East, especially during a worsening economy? Kesal (regret)? Redha (accepting Allah’s decision)? Syukur (grateful)?” Fahmi asked in a statement on his Facebook page Thursday (April 2) night.

He had attached a screenshot of a posting by Tuan Ibrahim, criticising Pakatan for following the footsteps of the former Barisan Nasional government over Tan's appointment then.

Prior to Fahmi’s remarks, Tuan Ibrahim had congratulated Abdul Hadi, saying that the appointment was important to strengthen diplomatic ties and to carry forward the Muslim unity agenda at an international level.


  1. hadi now choose to work n live in the various islamic stat,congrat him, next we want to know when rpk is going to join him, while we waiting for ck n kt to move to ccp china.

    1. Wakakaka, if pro Taiwan HY posts me to China, I will chose Hanzhou - as Chinese used to say: "Heaven above, Hanzhou below", wakakaka again

    2. just give an excuse u wanna cover alibaba n req yr boss to send u there, no more wuhan virus new case in hangzhou, in fact entire china according to ccp china, much safer than aussie, so that u can have better change to go heaven wakaka.

  2. The best place for him to be parked is Damascus.
    And let him try to stop the slaughter of Muslims by Muslims on an industrial scale

  3. But Big Brother Saudi and Second Big Brother Egypt Don't like Hadi....

    Saudis accuse ulama body linked to PAS chief of terrorism
    FMT Reporters -November 23, 2017

    KUALA LUMPUR: Saudi Arabia and its three Gulf allies today extended their so-called “terror list”, naming an international organisation of Muslim scholars whose leaders include PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.

    The Saudi-led quartet comprising Egypt, the UAE and Bahrain, which recently joined forces in its diplomatic onslaught aganst Qatar, has added the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) on its list of organisations and individuals they accuse of supporting terrorism.

    In a statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency, they said IUMS was “working to promote terrorism through the exploitation of Islamic discourse”.

    IUMS is one of two new entities and 11 individuals that have been added to the list. The other is the International Islamic Council “Massaa”, and 11 individuals.

    “The two listed entities are terrorist organisations working to promote terrorism through the exploitation of Islamic discourse and its use as a cover to facilitate various terrorist activities,” the statement said.

    The Qatar-based IUMS was formed in 2004 and is headed by the influential Muslim scholar Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who has also been named by the Saudis for links to terrorism. Hadi Awang is the Vice-President of IUMS.

    IUMS members include Saudi cleric Salman al-Awdah, who was arrested by Saudi authorities in September, Tunisian moderate Islamist leader Rached Ghannouchi, and Moroccan scholar Ahmed Raissouni.

    The quartet again accused Qatar of aiding terrorism, saying the individuals had “carried out various terrorist operations in which they have received direct Qatari support at various levels, including providing them with passports and assigning them to Qatari institutions with a charitable appearance to facilitate their movement”.

    Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE and Bahrain severed ties with Doha on June 4, accusing it of supporting terrorism, in what is a move to punish the oil rich sheikhdom for its friendly approach to Iran, Riyadh’s arch-enemy in the Middle East

    Hadi this week lashed out at Sunni-Shia sectarianism, saying he would choose Qatar, Turkey and Iran over other Arab powers in the Middle East.

    “I return to the Quran although the ruler who is the servant of the Two Holy Cities has forged intimate ties with Israel and the United States, because my faith is not with the Kaabah but with Allah,” Hadi said in an article published by PAS mouthpiece Harakahdaily on Tuesday, referring to Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Abdul Aziz.

    Hadi had in the past attracted criticism by some quarters for attending a conference in Iran. Qaradawi, then a critic of Iran, had distanced his organisation from the visit.

    IUMS comprises of tens of thousands of Muslim scholars worldwide, and has worked towards reconciliation between Shia and Sunni Muslims.

    Shia Muslims are frequently attacked by Saudi ulama, who follow a strand of conservative Islam promoted by 18th-century scholar Muhammad Abdul Wahhab.

  4. Middle East is a conflict/war zone. Thus, chemistry matters. There is an urgent need for the OIC to be more functional and successful in producing a desired result for the Muslim countries. Our SE can play/give a pivotal assistance to the OIC, and Malaysia can be the game changer.

    There is no need for the SE to reside in any of the country that you have indicated . The SE can work from here, even from Rusila. Of course he should be given an office and a small staff. Of course he needs a capable deputy.

    Anyway, in an unlikely case if you happen to be at the airport to send him off, please hold a placard 'KT WORSHIPS YOU PAK HADI. COME HOME SOON'. Wakakaka...

  5. Manna is given by god!

    This Pak unta propagandist is just getting his ministerial gaji-buta pay for his role play in the backdoor govt!

    His god WOULDN'T recognize that as manna, but rasuah.
