
Friday, April 03, 2020

Justice for Menteri and Bukan-Menteri


In a letter to Malaysiakini, EDICT (Eliminating Deaths and Abuse in Custody Together), is alarmed by the imbalance in treatment between Housing and Local Development Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin and Dr Ong Hean Teik, a cardiologist in Penang.

EDICT's letter:

Handcuffs for Dr Ong, microphone for Zuraida, jail for 18-year-old youth

Eliminating Deaths and Abuse in Custody Together (Edict), is alarmed by the imbalance in treatment between Housing and Local Development Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin and Dr Ong Hean Teik, a cardiologist in Penang.

Videos are circulating of Zuraida using a public address system to speak to a crowd assembled in the open, at a market in Petaling Jaya. A video also shows her, in a “hazmat suit” spraying “disinfectants” on a street.

tahukah saya MENTERI, tengoklah label di dahi saya


She claims that spraying disinfectants reduces the risk of people contracting Covid-19. We presume her ministry is footing the bill for the operation, though she is probably seeking a “donor” to pay for it.

Medical and other expert professionals have criticised her on two principal grounds.

First, such spraying is ineffective. Second, the “hazmat suits” are hard to come by and are needed by frontline workers in hospitals.

Edict stresses on a third ground: Zuraida, a non-expert, spoke to a public assembly – videos show and news portals report that members of the public were amongst her audience. By participating in a public assembly, she contravened the movement control order.

Worse, she is unrepentant. Probably inspired by reports of “disinfection spraying” in other countries, Zuraida insists that her actions are good.

Yesterday, in a statement, we called upon the cabinet, led by Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin to censure Zuraida.

until recently my fave punching bag


Today, we compare Zuraida’s case with that of 61-year-old cardiologist Dr Ong Hean Teik, who was charged in court for contravening the movement control order (MCO). Dr Ong was charged with not staying at home.

Dr Ong was even charged under the Criminal Procedure Code for “obstructing a public servant in the performance of his duty” – although the video of his alleged infraction shows no verbal or physical violence.

After his alleged infraction on March 19, he was not detained. He went home. 11 days later, on March 30, he was charged. A news report stated that he was handcuffed and brought to the court in a police car.

poor Dr Ong Hean Teik - maybe I have been too harsh in my criticism of him

but people in general dislike him because of his seeming arrogance and loyar-buruk-ish behaviour in his dealing with frontliners

Worst was yet to come. The maximum fine for the offence of “contravening the MCO” is RM1,000 and the maximum fine for the offence of “obstructing a public servant” is RM10,000 – a total of RM11,000.

The magistrate set bail higher, at RM13,000, higher than the maximum fine if Dr Ong is found guilty!

Then yesterday, a news report appeared with the self-explanatory headline: “Unable to post bail of RM800, youth is jailed because he went out to buy Maggi mee.” Man, 18 years old, is a Form Six student in Kelantan. He is being held in Marang Jail along with 16 others who are said to have contravened the MCO.

disproportionate punishment against 18-year old Form 6 student 

We summarise:

On Day 2 of the MCO, a senior medical professional disagreed with two officers over how to interpret the MCO. 11 days later, he was remanded, handcuffed, charged in court and made to post bail of RM13,000.

On Day 12 of the MCO, a minister launches a “disinfection operation” mocked by medical professionals, wastes precious resources and addresses a public assembly. She defends her actions. She’s a free woman.

On Day 15 of the MCO, an 18-year-old Form Six student is jailed because, out of hunger, he went out in the late evening to buy Maggi Mee.

18-year-old Form Six student  

Edict calls upon the government and public institutions such as local councils, the police and the judiciary to reflect on the unequal treatment meted out to these three persons. Learn from this. Stop this nonsense. Respect the rule of law. Show compassion.

Zuraida must be censured by the cabinet.

Just as they did with Dr Ong, the authorities must report, charge and prosecute Zuraida. By doing so they will demonstrate they are serious about enforcing the MCO and will do so without fear or favour.

People like Man must be released on compassionate grounds. Justice must be tempered with mercy.

Dr Ong will have his day in court.


  1. Poor Dr Ong the lonely jogger in the park was arrested and charged in court, two senior citizens jogging up Gunung Lambak near Kluang got detained, 24 seminarians playing football in their seminary, they kwai kwai pleaded guilty and got sentenced to community service. The lady in Kota Damansara who shouted a few rude words at the polisman also got arrested.

    So how many Seri Petaling tabligh attendees who went into hiding to avoid being tested but eventually got caught have been arrested or charged?

  2. Adakah Dr Ong terlalu istimewa

    1. Yes of course he was istimewa. Within days, speed of light really, he was remanded, handcuffed, had to pay bail RM13,000 and maybe faces jail time if found guilty.

      How about the tabligh runaways who refuse to get tested? Shouldn't they be istimewa too?

    2. Dr Ong tu kafir ! Patut la kena di tangkap and di hukum, walau pun dia hanya bersenam in a deserted empty park. He made the great mistake of insisting that MCO is not a curfew and the from 3 school graduate polis tak suka di cabar. Marah la these napoleons when a doctor refused to act servile and minta ampun.

      The tabligh runaways pula...mereka ni hamba Tuhan who will eventually go to heaven and enjoy eternal bliss. Stupid mortals should not pass judgement on them...bukan ka Ustaz Hanifa sudah bilang : kuman dari Allah...apasal takut kuman. Lagi pun menteri perempuan PAS ada cakap : we are 100% sure to die one, so why are we making a huge fuss over the 1% chance of dying of covid ? Bodoh lah nak takut kat covid, hehehehe. So we don't understand why the polis worried about Dr Ong spreading covid in an empty park...maybe the police is worried that the animals there kena jangkit ? Ooops, in the park there, animals pun tarak. Methinks the form 3 polis do not like being cabar..Dr Ong is not humble enough to kow tow to yes sir, yes sir, 3 bags full. Moreover, he is not orang kita pun.

      Anyway, let's see how the judge will punish this istimewa Dr Ong, hehehehe

  3. MCO 1 started on March 18, announced by Muhyiddin

    STAY AT HOME, he bleated repeatedly on National TV and Radio.


    But the very next day he broke his own "law". He balik kampung to Johor and had meeting with the Sultan.

    Muhyiddin briefs Sultan of Johor on Covid-19

    March 19, 2020

    JOHOR BAHRU (March 19): Sultan of Johor Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar today granted an audience to Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for the latest development on COVID-19.

    In a posting on his official Facebook page, Sultan Ibrahim said that he was informed on the latest development on COVID-19 by Muhyiddin during the audience, which lasted for almost an hour.

    Sultan Ibrahim granted an audience to Muhyiddin, who is also Pagoh Member of Parliament and Gambir assemblyman at Istana Pasir Pelangi here.

    This was Muhyiddin's first audience with Sultan Ibrahim after being sworn in as the 8th Prime Minister on March 1.

    Also present were Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Ir Hasni Mohammad and Johor state secretary Datuk Azmi Rohani.

  4. i am sure there is backdoor law that tell backdoor activity n backdoor politician show is essential services.
