Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Menteri2 more trouble than help


Enough senseless statements from ministers during virus crisis

Politicians should stop playing politics in order to make themselves popular during this difficult time. They should also stop making senseless statements on how to manage the Covid-19 pandemic, which could be an insult to the intelligence of frontliners who are performing their duty professionally.

There are ministers who have been tactlessly making things worse for the frontliners tackling this pandemic. They seem or pretend to know better than doctors or health workers about how to handle the issue.

A minister has just suggested that barber shops and hair salons be allowed to operate during the movement control order (MCO) period. Before this, another minister suggested that drinking warm water would take care of the virus. These are the ministers who are making things difficult for the frontliners who are trained to handle health matters.

sayang I need a haircut

ok sweetheart, I'll look into it

Malaysians must understand that this is no time for politicking, seeking popularity, or egotism. Politicians should seek common ground in a bipartisan effort to respond to this shock attack on the country’s health and economy. Partisanship should stop for now, and the people should rise together to combat this threat. Only together can we defeat this invisible virus that has been sweeping across the world.

The virus makes no discernment between race or religion. So just put political interests and differences on hold. The nation needs a united front to quell the pandemic, and the role of the people now is to pull the nation together. Identity politics, polemics and ministers making silly statements during this crucial time will be the end of us.

Note that while the people hunker down to weather this storm, the country’s health workers are moving mountains to attend to its victims. Frontliners like doctors and healthcare staff are working 24/7 to help contain this peril. Their immediate task is to defeat the enemy’s attack, but the threat to them is grave. Some have already succumbed to the virus in the course of their duty.


At this time, the people must depend on teamwork, discipline and solidarity to overcome the odds and to accomplish feats that require the best that humanity has to offer.

Youngsters seem to be taking the MCO lightly, flouting the law and believing that they are less susceptible to Covid-19. But the idea that it only affects the elderly is untrue as a recent report by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 38% of those hospitalised for the virus are under the age of 55.

The younger generation should realise the danger of going out to socialise in the midst of this crisis. Just stay home for a while, and go out only when it is necessary. Ignoring the directive to stay at home will only cause permanent damage to the country. It is vital that both young and old do their part in order to flatten the curve.

Just because you don’t have any symptoms if you’re infected doesn’t mean you won’t pass the virus to the elderly without knowing it.

The government is simply asking the people to practise social distancing so that fewer people are infected with the virus. Social distancing and self-discipline can only bring us to our goal if everyone plays their part. Let us therefore weather this time as a united people irrespective of race, religion or political affiliation. Make humanity our platform to overcome this threat, and for the nation to come out of this stronger and better. At this crucial time, the frontliners need the support of the people.

But regrettably, some ministers dealing directly and indirectly with this pandemic have not lived up to the people’s expectations.



  1. all tis backdoor ministwr still work very hard on the backdoor thing, thats y the people still no idea what they r doing especially the backdoor pm. r all tis backdoor master masih duduk kat msia, or go somewhere far away using backdoor lane?

    1. there is, ccp virus, no people mandate, malukan cina.
