
Monday, April 27, 2020

GLC - Mahathir's power tool PART II

Extracts from Malaysiakini:

YOURSAY | Don’t expect PN to learn from our 'plunder the GLCs' history

YOURSAY | ‘GLCs are seen as cash cows and gravy trains to line pockets with little accountability.’

Abu Sahid could have gotten the PLUS tolls but for the sudden change of government - now, someone else will


Slumdog: Why would the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government want to learn from history? The PN government is a clone of Umno. It is no different from their past masters who have a penchant for plundering and mismanagement.

GLCs are seen as cash cows for certain politicians and their equally corrupted cronies to ransack the coffers, make dubious investments, pay inflated property prices and drive the GLCs to the ground. Then they put out their hands for bailouts. This is their gravy train.

Would you want to learn from history when you can line your pockets without accountability?

Simple Truth: Yes, blame Mahathir. He started it all with the likes of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and the banks and Proton.

He wanted to make Malay tycoons at that time and succeeded, except that they became millionaires at the expenses of the GLCs, and taxpayers had to bail them out.

Since Mahathir had set the tone, the likes of PAS have tasted corrupt money and now want more for their followers.

4,000 parts? But you couldn't even get this one to work 

If this continues, and the Malays continue to harp on a Malay-Muslim government, the nation will go bankrupt in no time. Thanks to the ‘only Malays can be ministers’ cry by these so-called nationalists.

RelatedGLC - Mahathir's power tool in which was written:

Mahathir 1.0

And then there was Mahathir from 1981 to 2003 who brought new meaning to the terms patronage and power. His cronies were everywhere prevalent. He gave away plum government offerings to his cronies, orchestrated together with Daim Zainuddin – independent power producers, mobile telephony, gaming companies, tolled roads, naval vessels.

Sovereign fund Khazanah Nasional Bhd was formed during his time, the Employees Provident Fund had a subsidiary Makuwasa formed in a failed attempt to corner the London tin market, and he pushed people into moribund heavy industries such as steel and cement, costing the country dearly when they had to be rescued.

'SENIOR" Minister BerDIAM-DIAM & MenHEN 


  1. i thot mahathir got his powwr from general election unlike tis backdoor pm?

  2. The DAP tried to emulate Mahathir Get-Rich Scheme by ransacking Tabung Haji and PNB and putting their polical goons to head most GLCs. In Penang LGE had a field day stashing millions from dubious projects. Unfortunately their luck ran out aprubtly in only 22 months. Now everybody is searching the billions collected as GST that was supposed to be returned to the depositors. In other words, Same Same lah.

  3. We know KT is ignorant about 1MDB, that is why he never comment about that scandal.

    But why KT also sidestep PKFZ scandal which LKS always highlight...?

    Is it because Kuala Dimensi was under Kong Kali Kong the new Duta Tiong-kok, the twin-brother of Wee KHAT Siong...? Ha ha ha...

    If MCA can proudly claim all credit for TARUC then PKFZ scandal is entirely theirs too because all the Transport Ministers have been from MCA.

    Today Transport back to Wee KHAT Siong; why doesn't KT hentam him to re- investigate, after all that earlier cover-up. Toonsie and LKS now not in government.

    DAP says MCA minister dismantling steps to uncover PKFZ scandal

    By Shannon Teoh
    The Malaysian Insider
    Apr 16, 2012

    KUALA LUMPUR, The DAP today accused Transport Minister Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha of conspiring to reverse previous efforts to reclaim losses from the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.

    Publicity chief Tony Pua claimed the Port Klang Authority (PKA), which comes under the Transport Ministry, has decided to withdraw all legal action against turnkey developer Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB) for failing to carry out RM1.6 billion in work.

    He said the MCA secretary-general “is doing everything in his means to dismantle and reverse all painstakingly agreed steps to get to the bottom of the scandal and cover up for all guilty parties.”

    After latest acquittal, Kit Siang urges bipartisan call for RCI on PKFZ
    Wednesday, 15 Jan 2014

    KUALA LUMPUR — Lawmakers from both sides of the divide must call for a royal commission to probe the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ), DAP’s Lim Kit Siang said today after the last of the “big fish” was cleared of the scandal.

    Lim said the recent acquittal of two former transport ministers over fraud charges stemming from the controversial project has caused “great disappointment, frustration, pain and despair” to Malaysians hoping to see some form of justice served.

    “I would call for bi-partisan support when Parliament reconvenes on March 10 for a 20-day meeting till April 10 for the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal or Malaysia will be international laughing stock as ‘land of mega-scandals without criminals’,” the Gelang Patah MP said in a statement.

    On Monday, the Kuala Lumpur High Court acquitted former transport minister Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy on three charges of cheating the government in the PKFZ project, after the prosecution decided to drop all charges following his application to strike out the case.

    Chan Kong Choy should follow Chua Soi Lek’s brave example in taking responsibility for his actions by admitting that Chan exceeded his ministerial powers in signing financial undertakings granting government guarantees to the contractor in the RM 4.6 billion Port Klang Free Trade Zone (PKFZ) scandal.....
    Press Statement
    by Lim Guan Eng

    Media Conference Statement by Lim Kit Siang in Parliament
    Wednesday, 17th June 2009

    MCA President Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat is most irresponsible in absconding overseas to avoid parliamentary accounting on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal, which will result in his absence from this week’s Cabinet meeting
