
Monday, April 27, 2020

Disgraceful, disgusting and dreadful KHAT eSS

MM Online:

One-day Parliament sitting due to MOH? Health D-G says only advising on Covid-19

Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah speaks during a press conference on Covid-19 in Putrajaya April 27, 2020

Picture by Choo Choy May

KUALA LUMPUR, Apr 27 — The Ministry of Health (MOH) said today it is only advising the government on matters pertaining to Covid-19 and nothing else, after de facto law minister Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan said the one-day Parliament sitting was based on its advice.

Health Director-General Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said today that the ministry does not have the jurisdiction to advise Putrajaya over other matters.

“We advise based on data and facts on Covid-19. Whether the cases are increasing or decreasing and the progress of transmissions in the country.

“Other than that, it’s beyond MOH to advise the government on policy matters,” he said during his daily briefing.

DAP MP Lim Kit Siang had earlier in a press statement cast doubt on Takiyuddin’s claim, and asked Dr Noor Hisham to explain whether the MOH has a hand in Putrajaya’s decision

KHAT eSS as an experienced parliamentarian (of the Westminster variety) ought to know better than to ask a civil servant (or for that matter, a military man) to comment on political issues.

KHAT eSS shows no limits to his arrogant abysmal audacity in violating that fine line where civil servants (including the military) should never be harassed into commenting on areas they aren't allowed to.

His action shows his thoughtless reckless-readiness couldn't-care-less propensity to violate civil service etiquette, with the potential to embarrass the DG of the MOH.

KHAT eSS is just disgraceful, disgusting and dreadful.

if KHAT wants to tok-kok, why won't he tok on above, which he had raved, ranted and railed on for 45 years 


  1. KT has his Knickers in a Knot again.....

    It was Takiyuddin Hassan who dragged the Health Ministry DG into this, not LKS.

    It was Takiyuddin who claimed the one-day Parliament sitting was based on the advice of the Health Ministry. But how can this be possible, the MCO3 is only until May 12 how can Takiyuddin fortell that restriction will still be in place on May 18...?

    So LKS cleverly called his bluff and opened the door for Dr Noor Hisham to clarify if this was true, since Minister Air Suam is never at the Covid-19 daily briefings.

    And indeed Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah did categorically state that MOH was used as an excuse to gag Parliament from having a proper sitting by the PN "government".

    LKS's challenge clearly gave Dr Noor Hisham the opportunity to expose the political play by Muhyiddin who said "people are sick of politics" ha ha ha...

  2. If health and safety is the issue LKS already gave the solution. Have 26 MPs physically attend to meet quorum, seat them far apart, and the remaining MPs participate online. Easy Peasy Lemon Squezy.

  3. Clearly it is the PN "government" that is being Disgraceful, Disgusting and Dreadful, for shutting up the voice of the people but KT chooses to attack KT for defending Parliament. KT must be blinded by hatred.ha ha ha.

  4. Khat-emoc is attacking Lim Kit Siang who is simply doing his job holding the government accountable.

  5. KT shd respond to TS@7.26 pm.

  6. all of you seems to miss the point that KHAT eSS dragged a civil servant DG Noor Hisham into his syiok-sendiri attack at PN - KHAT eSS is welcomed to attack PN as much as he likes but not in dragging an apolitical civil servant (or a military personnel) into a political issue - it's unethical and unbecoming of an experienced parliamentarian which in his act shows his complete disregard for the position of public servants who should be left uninvolved.

    Some of you might have been unaware of the convention regarding the apolitical or non-political characteristics of public servants (including the military) but for those who are aware, SHAME on you.

    1. Takiyuddin claimed that the 1-day superficial Parliamentary sitting was necessary based on CCP Virus-related health considerations.

      So what is wrong with Lim Kit Siang then questioning the Health Ministry Civil Servant , and holding them accountable, to confirm what is the actual health advice ?

      Even Donald Trump's health experts have openly disavowed their Boss statements when factually incorrect or not in accordance with health practices.

  7. KT is missing the point that it was PN that dragged the Health DG into politics, by implying it was the DG who recommended the one-day parliament sitting. Everybody knows theDG is in charge of the ministry, not the Menteri Air Suam.

    LKS only opened the door for the DG to defend himself and his ministry from PN politicians, which he did.

    Shame on KT.

  8. KT is so conveniently ignorant when he said:

    "Some of you might have been unaware of the convention regarding the apolitical or non-political characteristics of public servants (including the military) but for those who are aware, SHAME on you."

    In Malaysia civil servants from top to bottom all serve under the mercy and pleasure of politicians.

    The Chief Secretary serves the PM; all the DGs, deputy DGs, Heads of Departments all "menurut perintah" politicians. How else to get promoted? From top to bottom of the civil service they know who supports which political party.

    The ongoing sacking of GLC heads is another example, to be followed by their directors and senior staff soon.

    Malaysian military is apolitical? So what happened to the senior officer who supported the opposition party?

    So what "convention" is KT talking about?

    1. TS continues to tok-kok as he is so fond of, not the first time I've caught him, but shameless as ever he continues on his favourite hobby.

      Civil servants do the bidding of ministers (who are usually political appointees) and cannot defy their political heads who are the people's representatives - naturally civil servants provide best advice but if the political bosses want to ignore those advice, then they the politicians take the responsibilities - normal convention.

      Whether the civil servants appear obsequious or not, that's not the issue. Indeed they are at the mercy of their at times idiotic political bosses, but that isn't the issue we are discussing.

      If Takiyuddin claimed one-day parliamentary session was at the behest of the MOH, then KHAT eSS should have interrogated Takiyuddin, not a civil servant - got that, Thick head?

      As for the sacking of GLCs' heads, those were political appointees, thus when a party is out of power they too could be asked to leave. It all depends on the incoming power. Nothing abnormal. GLCs' heads are NOT civil servants - got that, THICK HEAD?

      As for that senior officer who supported the opposition party, and I presume it's Major Zaidi of the TUDM, he was sacked because he held an UNAUTHORISED press conference which military officers are NOT allowed to do, got that, THICK HEAD?

      That were conventions, got that, THICK HEAD, wakakaka

    2. The KSN took the rap for Muhyiddin's political mistake not inviting the MBs of opposition states to the Covid19 meeting, because he said it was his (not the PM's) mistake. But even KT did not believe the bovine excuse.

      The politician in this case, Muhyiddin, did not take the responsibility for the mistake.

      Sucking up to whoever is in power in order to survive/not lose job/get promoted....hhmmm isn't that playing politics even if it is done by a civil servant?

      Like what KT always accuse LKS and Guanee of doing to Toonsie...always obeying and allowing the Old Fart to do whatever he wants ...ha ha ha....

      Chief Sec gives excuses for Muhyiddin....

      Malaysiakini (extracts):

      Government Chief Secretary Mohd Zuki Ali has apologised after chief ministers and menteri besars of pro-Pakatan Harapan states have been left out of a meeting to coordinate efforts to combat Covid-19.

      Zuki said Prime Minister Muhyiddin had instructed the meeting’s secretariat for all heads of state government to be invited to the meeting, without exception.

      “On behalf of the meeting secretariat, I wish to apologise for the mistake in relation to the invitation, which was only sent out to chief ministers and menteri besars of federal government component parties.

      “For Penang, Kedah, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, and Sabah, only the state development director was invited,” he said in a statement today.

      Kerbau, if Muhyiddin had asked for all Heads of state governments (meaning MB's and CM's) why then were only SDO's of the 5 Harapan states invited, and not their MB's and CM's?

      Mohd Zuki Ali has made himself responsible in order to cover up for his Boss, the PM's very shameful (and also harmful) politicking in the midst of a national emergency.

      Mohd Zuki Ali, your excuse is not even as good as their excrement

    3. WTF has this got to do with KHAT eSS thoughtlessly involving DG MOH - stop barking lah, wakakaka

    4. When Mister A says he took action based on Mister B advice, the surest way to ascertain the truth is to ask Mister B ,did he give such advice ?
      No need to beat around the Mulberry Bush.

      Comprehende ?

    5. point is DG MOH is NOT a minister but a civil servant - comprehende??? Thick Head

    6. Backdoor PM has already used the KSN, who is NOT a minister, but a civil servant, as his alibi for not inviting non-PN Chief Ministers and MB to a crucial meeting.
      Essentially embroiled the Civil Servant in a political strategem.

      So it is perfectly right for Lim Kit Siang to ask , directly to the MOH DG this time, was there a Health advisory given for the 1 day Parliament sitting?

    7. wakakaka, what an eff-up equivalence - you're desperate nut with kosong ideas - sheer kerbau
