
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Military in MCO? Padan Muka


The price of indiscipline

The military is out to control movements after people fail to stay put

NSTP file pic

THE military is out because we asked for it. The Movement Control Order is based on a simple logic: Covid-19 spreads when people mingle and mix. Stay at home, the prime minister called on the people.

Some turned a deaf ears to the call and headed for a walk in the park and “kari kepala kambing”. When the police stopped people to ask where they were headed on the first day of the MCO, one even had the audacity to say that he was going to pick up his girlfriend.

Such frivolity is neither good for him nor others. If we don’t watch it, there will be levelling up of measures. We do not want Malaysia to be an Italy or a Spain, but our indiscipline is asking for precisely that.

in just the last 24 hours 

military trucks conveying coffins out of city 

Perhaps we should not be surprised. When traffic lights are red, buses, taxis, and cars accelerate past them, with little concern for the lives of pedestrians. Because the police aren’t looking.

Some park their wheels — don’t be surprised, Bentleys and Maseratis are there too — on bicycle lanes (ah, how perversion equalises). They rather park free than pay RM5 per hour. This is the way to the Forbes rich men’s list, they seem to teach the 99 percenters. Misers and manumission don’t mix. People are really stubborn learners.

But even the stubborn have examples to learn from. Look at China, where it all started. They just locked down and brought the numbers drastically low. There is a science there: melding and merging with the crowd will circulate the infection exponentially.

Drastic though the measure is, some of us seem to be asking for the Chinese treatment. Malaysia did not go for it because there is a “softer” way. Working from home, avoiding crowds when going out for essentials, with isolation and quarantine for the infected, have brought down Covid-19 infections in several countries.

But as some Malaysians have shown the authorities, we are too indisciplined for such “soft” treatment. Now the best has passed, just settle for less than that: the MCO, with a little help from the military.

The MCO is about little things. Stay put at home and be heavy on hygiene. If you underestimated water and soap before, this is the time to respect them. They save lives. Leave home only when replenishment is needed, and that, too, do not go into the crowd.

For there lurks the danger to your life and the lives of others in virus-filled droplets. One who appears asymptomatic may be an unsuspecting carrier. You may just be bringing home an unwelcome visitor.

Covid-19 virus is teaching us an old lesson: be good. To ourselves, others and everything around us.

But people are a forgetting kind. We break rules, regulations and restrictions, even if it means more of these. Perhaps things things will change when they inadvertently infect their loved ones.

Perhaps they will mend their ways when infection numbers spike and Covid-19 patients fill hospitals up. Some people’s threshold of fear may be high, but death has a way of changing bad behaviours.

But let’s hope that we don’t have to come to that. The deployment of our military may just stop us from paying that heavy a price.


  1. The country to be hit hard now by the coronavirus is the US.The small dicky rapper Donald Trump did not take the intelligence agency report as early as January seriously.And now he has been cursed and fucked as if the disease was his own making.His hatred for the intelligence agencies and FBI are well known.Serves this small dicky right.

    1. serves him right but alas, the poor people suffer because of him

    2. ("WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump’s insistence on speaking of a “Chinese virus” has a dark historical precedent for some Asian Americans, who say his word choice is fueling an at times violent backlash.") ~ AFP

  2. The MCO took effect from March 18 and will last till March 31, 2020.

    On March 19, the Chairman of the NSC balik to his home state Johor to visit the Sultan. He broke his own order. The same order he wants everyone else to obey. STAY AT HOME, he bleated on National TV.

    They could have just Skyped.

    No doubt he had his outriders and polis escort accompanying him, so it was not like he was jogging alone in the Botanical Gardens.

    Leadership starts from the top. To-date he has shown none. Instead of scolding the common folk about obeying the MCO, KT should scold the PM.

    Muhyiddin briefs Sultan of Johor on Covid-19

    March 19, 2020

    JOHOR BAHRU (March 19): Sultan of Johor Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar today granted an audience to Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for the latest development on COVID-19.

    In a posting on his official Facebook page, Sultan Ibrahim said that he was informed on the latest development on COVID-19 by Muhyiddin during the audience, which lasted for almost an hour.

    Sultan Ibrahim granted an audience to Muhyiddin, who is also Pagoh Member of Parliament and Gambir assemblyman at Istana Pasir Pelangi here.

    This was Muhyiddin's first audience with Sultan Ibrahim after being sworn in as the 8th Prime Minister on March 1.

    Also present were Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Ir Hasni Mohammad and Johor state secretary Datuk Azmi Rohani.

  3. Soldiers are trained to kill. That is their job.
    I fear a fatal misunderstanding, miscalculation , at one of the many roadblocks around the country.

    Some Chinese youths, disrespectful of authority, as some youths can be, an M-16 armed askar Melayu , tired from standing in the hot sin the whole day.

    Things could get very ugly very quickly.

  4. KT is right to scold the law-breakers, even if the law was invoked by a unelected government.

    But he had huge problems listening to a legitimate government before. Complain complain complain KT(mock) KT(mock) KT(mock) ridicule ridicule ridicule every day. Podah this podah that...ha ha ha...

    For example in the past KT was quick as a fiddle to mock Menteri Kasut Hitam when he issued a stupid directive to change the colour of school shoes. Pictures of black shoes every other day on his blog. Deservedly so.

    But a few days after Menteri Air Suam issued a stupid (and potentially dangerous piece of advice) on National TV, I am still waiting for the mock and ridicule, because that is what it deserves.

    Losing his focus perhaps? Like TK Chua perhaps; not wanting to "complain too much"...?

    Please don't say others have already ridiculed him, waste of time, that has not stopped you before, like the Black shoes.

    1. Of course we won't see KT-Mock posting endless rounds of the picture of Dr MinumAirSuam, not even one picture because Why Bother when others had beaten him to it, hehehehe.

      In conclusion, we have to remind ourselves how he and his sifu Rpuki earn their daily bread.

      As for the Dr walking/jogging alone in a deserted garden park, KT-Mock would be disappointed soon enough that the Army will not be sending the troops to ensure the garden is absolutely without a single soul, not even a lone jogger. What we will see is the troops going round to cluster areas where people as usual will mill around without a care about 'social distancing', holding hands, laughing, eating along on the road, cars on the road with a whole load of family cramped inside all heading to god knows where, maybe to an outing or a picnic or the beach, or visiting grandma.

    2. Siapa bodoh cakap air suam tak bagus, bodoh

    3. How many people died from wearing black shoes? Yet KT was hounding, pounding, mocking and ridiculing the Minister, demanding he resign.

      But having a Menteri Air Suam when there is a health crisis, people dying everywhere, is a totally different matter. Yet.... ...silence from KT.

    4. are you Maszlee or a supporter? Wakakaka

      How many people died from drinking warm water?

  5. Muhyiddin and Agong No gOOD England speaking so the Whole world ignore No English PM BUT Khat Jawi-BM first and his arab Malay Supremacist cabinet....what is new?? Only appealing to their own kind who are Now avoiding listening to Backdoor approved PARIAH-KATAN GOVERNMENT...I turn off RTM...Boycott local paper...No money!!

  6. I am also surprise that the Tabligh Main Speaker Zakir Naik is either hiding from the sickness or dying slowly surrounded by his fellow muslim Dakwah friends.....Why No Arrest Warrant for HIM for withholding List of attendees...Surely these people need IC, info for catering purposes!!....The Lies of Paraih -Katan Muhyiddin Backdoor Useless Government....Will be new 9th PM by June at the rate these useless bunch are doing...and padan muka Rakyat Malaysia...keep bailing up CIMB, Bank Rakyat, Gamuda, Sime Darby...Maybe even Petronas....with oil going under USA$20...briefly...,,Malaysia sudah Bankrupt!!
