
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Bring out the rotan

Star Online:

Time to come down hard on selfish, clueless Malaysians

by Terence Fernandez

The government has been under a lot of criticism over its handling of the movement control order (MCO) meant to curb the spread of the Covid 19 pandemic.

This is a newly minted government seeking legitimacy from 60% of the electorate, following the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan Government at the end of February.

While some may argue that time should be given to this government to sort itself out – since Covid 19 escalated in the same week as the power grab was happening – there is also the opinion that the new administration consists of veteran ministers who should be better equipped at responding to a national crisis.

However, while Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s government sorts itself out and lubricates its administrative wheels, perhaps its critics should take a breather and ask if we are doing our part to help to flatten the curve in arresting the pandemic.

It's obvious from the days leading to the MCO and the first day of its enforcement that Malaysians are a stubborn and disobedient lot.

This was evident from the panic buying (what are you going to do with a year’s supply of instant noodles and toilet paper) to happily driving aimlessly about town to see the latest tourist attraction – empty city streets – and eating packed foods seated at tables in restaurants and food courts.

Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, the Defence Minister and coordinator of the MCO, had warned that if the level of disobedience to the controlled movement remained at a 60-70% of non-adherence, there would be no choice but to bring in the military to complement efforts by police and Rela to chase loiterers home.

Well, the order has now been issued for the army to assist the police with enforcement on March 22.

Large numbers of Malaysians have been taking things easy and either have no understanding or refuse to comprehend the grave situation we are in.

Two people have died – a Muslim tabligh attendee and a Christian pastor. These are two deaths too many.

The Prime Minister and his ministers have tried in complex, as well as simple, terms to advise Malaysians from multiple socio-economic backgrounds to adhere to the MCO.

Celebrities like Azwan Ali @ Diva AA – the brother of Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Seri Azmin Ali – was more direct, scolding with choice words Malaysians who horde and sabotage the government’s efforts.

Sometimes, you need to speak to people in language only they can understand.

The coronavirus is billed as the largest threat to human existence since the bubonic plague and Spanish flu. But as has been proven in Wuhan, stringent enforcement of lockdowns and a disciplined populace can arrest the spread of the virus.

Wuhan, the epicenter of the virus, recorded its first zero new infections in 14 days.

In Italy, the second worst country after China, swift reaction by authorities in tiny towns such as Codongo, which were in total lockdown with military-style enforcement have managed to stem the increase in Covid-19 infections.

Many countries hit by Covid-19 are seeing improvements after lockdowns and MCOs of an average of three weeks. So such measures work. Social distancing works. Isolation works. Quarantine works.

Malaysia can get through this if we just abide by the regulations. Unfortunately, we are masters at bending and breaking the rules.

What can the authorities expect from a society that litters, park illegally, mess up public toilets and dine along pedestrian walkways and road kerbs?

Does Foreign Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein truly believe that the 83 Malaysians returning from the cancelled mass tabligh gathering in Indonesia will voluntarily self-quarantine?

The language used and approach by our government has been too soft. Understandably, this was done to maintain calm.

However, Malaysians are our own worst enemies and the authorities have no choice but to bring out the rotan to ensure that the country does not self-destruct due to the actions of the selfish, the stubborn and the stupid.


  1. Back door government,stupid and dumb government,brainwashed and stupid ketuahnan Melayu populace.What else can the country ask for.What you see is what you get.A moronic government made up of hentam belakang kakis.

    1. Just curious, are you willing to offer your goodself to be suckered by COVID19?

  2. Sigh. Unfortunately Bruno has been unduly influenced for a very long time by an obnoxious commenter who has since left for that last great gig in the sky. Hehehe
