
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Delusional King Minus

The Leaders Online:

Tun M, you lost. Accept it!

When Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad became the 7th prime minister, the country and other world leaders went euphoric. Countries around the globe suddenly saw the awakening of a ”saviour” whose mission was to save Malaysia from kleptocrats, thieves and corruption that had gangrened the country.

He was stacked with honorary awards and was shuttling universally to denounce the former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. He boasted how he made a historic comeback from retirement as there was no one capable of leading the country and that the Pakatan Harapan he captained was the ultimate answer for Malaysians.

He ran the country for 22 years earlier and thought that after a 15-year hiatus, his political resurrection by PKR, DAP, Bersatu and Amanah was a calling that was too good to pass.

But his dicing was just not working out. First, he had appointed a bunch of ministers that were overzealous. They practically rushed and shoved policies after policies that could only work in a robust and tested corporate world. Hard hitting policies and new taxes were implemented without proper collective consultation.

his personal business, Cybervillage in Sing, suffered six straight years of continued losses from 2002 to 2007, whereafter he packed his bags, left Singapore for Selangor and joined DAP to bless the party with 'his technical expertise on financial matters'

for more, see my post un-Chinese Tony Pua

Mahathir’s ministers, inexperienced in public service per se, were seen and perceived as being gung-ho and autocratic; bordering arrogance and ignorance.

Second, Mahathir and team were just too obsessed in blaming everything and all on Najib for every single shortcoming that hit the country. From finance to the civil servants. They were madly and moronically fixated to the idea that as long as they keep hounding Najib and Umno, Malaysians will keep supporting them no matter what they did.

Frankly, Mahathir and his entire Pakatan team were going berserk over Najib and that actually strengthened Najib and Umno, or Barisan Nasional.

Mahathir and team slowly but surely became the outcast among Malay/Muslims and inevitably pushed the Malay/Muslim agenda further to gel. And all Najib had to do was to ride on the wave provided by Mahathir’s lead actually.

Najib was in the opposition and in as much as he is embroiled in multiple court cases, that did not mean he has been defeated, and Mahathir was unintelligently providing all the weapons on a silver platter to Najib and his followers.

xiè xie nimen tai siao


Najib is a clear leader when it comes to social media warfare. His reach was greater and wider as compared to Mahathir and his half-past six Cabinet members, who were seeking more glamour and fame by posting selfies.

I am not defending Najib or anybody for the matter but Mahathir cannot blame anybody today for his failures. He must accept that he failed to appoint good and well deserving people to manage the country when he became the prime minister in 2018.

Mahathir is trying very hard to justify his resignation, which ultimately brought Pakatan to its grave, even to the point of blaming prime minister in-waiting Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for not being patient.

He also blamed Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and others who left him to form Perikatan Nasional.

Finally, after blaming the entire world, he makes a grand revelation and crowns Najib as the master tactician behind the entire fiasco that had brought the country to a grinding halt for nearly two weeks.

So, is Mahathir insinuating that he is actually not all that smart? That he underestimated Najib and that he got is all wrong from the day he started hammering Najib all round the world?

Whether Najib is guilty or not for all the alleged crimes, that is for the court of law to decide. And the writer reiterates that this is not in defence of Najib. But one should always remember that Mahathir should not have overstretched his luck badgering Najib.

And today Mahathir once again uses the Najib factor.

Come on Mahathir! Just say it that you were incapable of running the country with a team that was assembled purely to justify them agreeing that you become the prime minister after the last general election.

It is no more about Najib or Umno. Mahathir just cannot digest that his time is over in politics.

Yes, Mahathir created history. Longest and shortest-serving prime minister Malaysia ever had to date. 22 years versus two years.

Mahathir should just take the 9% bonus for being a government servant and retire gracefully from politics.


  1. If KT is so sure Toonsie's political career is over why keep hounding and pounding the Old Fart? Still fear he may make yet another comeback? Or just plain Hatred? Ha ha ha.

    And why keep reminding us of the PH government failures? Focus on the NOW. The PN government.

    Our new wet-behind-the-ears banker FM can confirm that our national debt has miraculously dropped by about 400B overnight. No more >1 trillion like what book-keeper Guanee claimed. It was only 600B like what BossKu the tax evader said.

    So the PN govt has 400B to pump into the economy straight away. Why the need to start the Tabung COV-19 with a measly 1 million?

    Tabung COVID-19 dilancar bantu mangsa kuarantin

    PUTRAJAYA: Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin berkata, kerajaan melancarkan Tabung COVID-19 dengan dana permulaan RM1 juta, bagi bantu rakyat yang terjejas akibat tidak dapat bekerja kerana dikuarantinkan.

    Perdana Menteri berkata, semua pihak sama ada orang ramai dan syarikat diminta menyumbang kepada tabung berkenaan yang akan diagihkan semula kepada pihak yang memerlukan.

  2. most know whats the problem but not willing to say it out loud, dap really think the people vote them in to do a mca job? lets the malay leader do/lead the reform task, they know malay psyche well.

    n chinese pls give up uec recognition, most cis student do pretty well in both academic n working life. dun waste time to make tis a no end political issue.

    mahathir only usable function is to defeat umno, he dun hv the brain n heart to cure msia. if u let me pick, the backdoor low class pm is still much better than mahathir.

  3. 😁😁😁Never underestimate Mahathir, friend or foe.
    Only Allah can recall him.
    Anybody else...not advisable to bet against him....

    The Backside Government's Covid-19 fund has received overwhelming....indifference...

  4. Boikot Tabung covid-19....guna duit zakat, tabung haji , shariah bail out BAYAR Sendiri....Muhyiddin Paraiah-Katan National Team Bodoh Sesak UMNO-PAS-Bersatu-GPS-BN memang TAK Guna...Kalau Agong-Sultan ada Maruah...tolong Pecat mereka serta merta!!

  5. To sum up everything, Mahathir's cabinet for 21 months is actually a kitchen cabinet. Fullstop.

    1. So one is a kitchen cabinet after 21 months...and another is a toilet bowl cabinet after less than 1 month. But aren't Umno is the one leading in all these? From day 1 this country was formed, ALL the PMs are from Umno...yes, even Dr M in his second round, and MooMoo as the current one...just because they happened to wear the label Bersatu doesn't mean they are not Umno.

  6. the chinese/hindus are now tested and proven...
    what is there to argue?
    facts, facts, facts, and plenty more where that come from...
    ciak bo liaw! pordahhh!

  7. The Truth nothing but the Truth, TQ. 22 years VS 22 Months

  8. Looking at this from another angle, Tun M won everything,
    He now has :
    1) Proxy PM in Tan Seri Muyiddin Yasin, fully under his control (aka Tun M now directs the direction of the country via remote control
    2) Umno under hiss control via PN
    3) PAS under his control via PN
    4) GPS (Sarawak) under his control via PN
    5) Sabah under his control via PN
    6) Split PKR and kicked the out from the Government, effectively shutting out DSAI from challenging him for the PM position.
    7) Kicked out DAP and LGE from the government, effectively taking out the major representation of other races from the government equation and rooting out the check and balance that he faces when trying to bulldoze policies to hos advantages.
    8) Finally rooted out the entire PH from the government that has the support of the MAJORITY SUPPORT OF THE RAKYAT AND SETTING UP A GOVERNMENT TO HIS OWN LIKING AND CONTROL.

    So, Tun M won, all the others lost!

    1. That's what I had suspected too, as I had posted sometime back recently. He wasn't depressed and felt lost at home as some here like to suggest. He is the master mind with great acting skill deserving of an Oscar and he at 95 had cleverly provided alternative plan B should his Unity Govt proposal failed.

      Now he is the Chairman of Bersatu, no challenger for this post. If he was stabbed in the back as some liked to claim, would he be so revered as he is now in Bersatu ? More wayang coming in soon...just sit tight and watch.

    2. Mahathir still will lose. Because of his hate towards Najib, UMNO and PAS will no longer be married with Bersatu once Mahathir takes back the chairman post and Mukhriz wins the president post...Looking at GE15 soon.
