
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Will Anwar Ibrahim receive sweetest justice for his decades of suffering?

Malaysiakini - Dr M apologises for political imbroglio and reveals plan for new gov't:

Interim Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed addressed the nation this afternoon on the current political situation, which has resulted in the collapse of the 20-month-old Pakatan Harapan government.

The 94-year-old politician began his speech by apologising to Malaysians for the current imbroglio.

Mahathir also confirmed speculation that he wanted to form a unity government, saying the new administration would focus on national interests instead of political parties.

"I realise whatever I do now will be objected and rejected by many, but maybe some will support it."I do not seek to be liked by many. I will only do which I think is good for the country.

"Politics, politicians, and political parties prioritise politics too much to the point they forget the country is facing economic and health problems which threaten the country.

"I believe, right or wrong, politics and political parties must be set aside for now. If I am allowed, I will try to form an administration that doesn't side with any party.

"Only national interests will be prioritised. If allowed, this is what I will try," he said.

When a proud, haughty, arrogant and imperialistic man like Mahafiraun Mahathir 'apologises', it means he is aware he is in deep deep deep intractable poo, and hence is appealing for sympathy and understanding for his deliberate and unnecessary 'resignation' last weekend, following the previous Pakatan Harapan presidential Council meeting.

We also know he did that inconsiderate selfish treacherous act, destabilising the nation, just to wriggle, worm and weasel his way out of his pre-election (GE14) agreement to hand over the PM reins to Anwar Ibrahim when DSAI received his royal pardon after the momentous GE14 victory.

Mahathir showed his dirty dishonest disgraceful evil tricks in dragging his heels over the agreement, issuing bullshit excuses all along a two year track, eg. when the nations' economy improves (as if Anwar who was the better economic manager in their hey-days can't do it now as PM?), when he has sorted out a 'few' things, after 2 to 3 years (maybe 4, 5???), after APEC, if Anwar receives majority support, etc etc etc.

The Dictator was so mean he even refused to countenance an Anwar in his cabinet, not even with Wan Azizah giving way to DSAI. Anwar was forced to save face by saying he 'does not wish to be a cabinet member'.

The underlying reality has been he won't hand over the PM reins to Anwar Ibrahim, ever. But the shock of his Tanjung Piai disaster reminded him his Parti Pribumi won only 13 federal seats after his party was allocated 52 federal constituencies.  And Anwar has 36 (minus Azmin's MPs totalling 11)

Yes, out of 165 parliamentary seats in peninsular Malaysia, Mahathir's PRIBUMI party got the bulk of Pakatan Harapan's allocated share of seats at 52, followed by PKR (51), DAP (35) and Parti Amanah Negara (27).

Mahathir and indeed Lim KHAT Siang had believed Mahathir's Uber-Malay reputation would allow Pakatan Harapan to penetrate deep into the Heartland, a vital prerequisite to enduring political power in Malaysia.

But Mahathir was shocked by his party's measly achievement, only 13 federal seats (out of 52), an abysmal figure very close to Amanah's modest victories (11 out of 27).

That was when the Imperator started desperately to accept UMNO frogs, an act that he had sworn (prior to GE14) he won't do. And that was also the genesis of his immoral dalliance with UMNO and PAS and holding ultra Malay events like the Malay Dignity Congress, aided of course by the traitor (to PKR). The Tanjung Piai loss made him even more desperate. He wants Malay support, if not via the polls then by verbal racist agitations, events and Muafakat 'negotiations'.

He thought his recent Machiavellian resignation would have made him more needed, though to be fair to him, it worked on an idiot like Lim GE who actually appealed (begged) the Old Recalcitrant to return to be PM again, wakakaka.

But suddenly the political landscape shape-shifted, with UMNO and PAS retracting their previous support for him, and Pakatan Harapan (a 'cleansed' PKR, DAP and Amanah minus the racist PRIBUMI) following suit, ie, throwing their combined support for Anwar Ibrahim instead.

T'was another 'Tanjung Piai' for the Old Man. Hence he was forced to apologise, mumbling about a 'Unity' government and tokking-kok about meritocracy instead of party reps in the cabinet - did he remember his PRIBUMI clowns in the cabinet? And did he remember his racist sneer at 'meritocracy', stating that 'meritocrats' are racists. 

[from Malaysiakini] - As Civil rights lawyer Syahredzan Johan says a 'unity' government would create a government devoid of accountability.

In a series of tweets, Syahredzan, who is also the political aide to DAP lawmaker Lim Kit Siang, says any such government would not be guided by any manifesto.

“There is no accountability to voters who presumably voted based (on) the manifesto or at least part of it. And we know what drives political parties is political will - which comes from the people as expressed in elections.'

“For example, if PH (Pakatan Harapan) doesn’t fulfil its manifesto, they can be punished in the next elections. But a unity government would not have those constraints - it can do whatever it wants without political repercussions,” he tweets.

He later adds that the country should move away from the era of “government knows best”.

Pathetic for Mahathir to attempt to 'chong' us again that the “government knows best”.

If Anwar Ibrahim does manage to become the next PM, that will be the sweetest justice for him against this evil Old Man who has been attempting to oppress him, and woe betide too that treacherous Dwarf.

And it looks like Anwar is likely to get his 'numbers'.

GPS will abide by King's decision: Sarawak CM

6:45pm: Sarawak Chief Minister Abang Johari Openg (photo) says his party will abide by any decision taken by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in line with Articles 40(2)(a) and (b), Article 43(2)(a), and Article 55(2) of the Federal Constitution.

These provisions pertain to the King’s power to appoint a prime minister at his own judgement on who is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the Dewan Rakyat, to dissolve the Parliament, and to withhold consent on a request to dissolve Parliament.

He adds that the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS)-led state government will act in the interest of the nation, but without sacrificing the rights and interests of Sarawakians.
“The most important concern is that Malaysia must have political stability in order for the nation to move forward

PKR 36 (minus the traitors), DAP 42, AMANAH 11, GPS Sarawak 18 = 107, just 5 more from Sabah, non-PBS Sarawak and/or Independent.


  1. Don't think so.
    Most likely Agong will dissolve Parliament and trigger fresh elections.

  2. Whoa at long last you are back. Missed you lah brader.
