
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Police double standard

UM graduate Wong Yan Ke charged over convocation protest against VC

If the Malaysian police are so eager to charge Wong, what about another graduate who gave a Nazi-style salute at his convocation ceremony at University of Malaysia Sabah (UMS)?

Surely what's good for the goose should be as well for the gander.


  1. One is Comunist, the other Fascist, totally different species.

  2. Talking about Double Standard, if Malaysia is so strong in their support for the Palestinians to have their homeland, why are we not supporting the Kurds who are also homeless?

    Just as we accuse Israel of all kinds of atrocities against innocent Palestinians we should also be vocal about the cruelties committed by the Turks, Syrians, Iranians and Iraqis on innocent Kurds since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire one hundred years ago. Just look it up, the Kurds have suffered just as much, if not more, compared to the Palestinians.

    We must cut off diplomatic ties with Turkey, just like we have no relations to Israel.

    1. Kurds have many Christians

    2. Not true. Only a tiny fraction of Kurds are Christians. Percentage wise there are more Jewish & Christian Palestinians then Christian Kurds.

      Our foreign policy is based on racism, bigotry and hypocrisy.

      We vigorously support the Palestinian cause, even at the United Nation General Assembly we whack the Israelis for denying a homeland to the Palestinians, but we remain hypocritically silent on the persecutors of the Kurds, who are the Turkish, Iranians, Iraqis and Syrians.

      All the Kurds want is the same as what the Palestinians want - a homeland.

      And if we want to thump our chest for the Palestinian homeland, how about the homeland for our own Orang Asli or Orang Asal? We continue to clearing forest which is their home and forcing them out.

      Another example of our hypocrisy is we condemn India's new Immigration Law, saying it is racist against Muslims:

      "India's Citizenship Act of 1955 to give eligibility for Indian citizenship to illegal migrants who are Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, and who entered India on or before 31 December 2014. The bill does not mention Muslims."

      But we remain silent when it is almost impossible for non-Muslims to get citizenship in many Muslim countries.

      In Malaysia the PM must be Malay Muslim (try challenging this unwritten law), there are even efforts to sack non-Muslim AG, Finance Minister etc. Is this racist or not?
