
Saturday, December 14, 2019

Mahathir's wicked double-speak on power-transition

MM Online:

Dr M again hints he could stay on beyond 2020

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad speaks during a dialogue session at a dinner with the Malaysian diaspora in Qatar December 13, 2019. — Bernama pic 

DOHA, Dec 14 — Malaysia’s 94-year-old Prime Minister Tunn Dr Mahathir Mohamad again raised the prospect today that he could stay in office beyond 2020, declining to give a definitive pledge to step down.

Mahathir returned to power last year after dealing a historic election defeat to the corruption-plagued coalition that he once led and which had been in power for six decades.

Mahathir led Malaysia for more than two decades before his retirement in 2003 which paved the way for the leadership of now disgraced former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

“We had a vision to become a fully developed country by 2020. Unfortunately, after I stepped down, the leadership took a different course, different policies. And that caused the target not to be achieved in 2020,” Mahathir said at the Doha Forum event in the Qatari capital.

“What we have settled for is we will still try, but we have moved the accomplishment date to between 2025 and 2030.

“I have promised that I would step down once I have resolved some of the major problems that have been left by the previous government. I promised that I will step down if a leadership candidate has been named by the coalition.”

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, seen as the likely successor to Mahathir, has previously said that he expects to take office by May 2020, but Mahathir has publicly contradicted him several times.

And on Thursday, Anwar was questioned by police over allegations he sexually assaulted a male former aide, the latest such scandal to hit his career. — AFP

When we see Anwar Ibrahim being again and again 'assaulted' with allegations of the usual Malay-Muslim favourite weapon against political foes, namely, semburit-ism, compounded on this particular 3rd occasion with Mahathir's personal lawyer Haniff Khatri Abdulla acting "coincidentally" for Yusoff Rawther, who accused Anwar Ibrahim of lewd assault, and with the entire sickening old poison placed in a rather tetchy PM-transition context, we smell an extremely nasty rancid-curry odour.

Mahathir's personal lawyer Haniff Khatri Abdulla acting for Yusoff Rawther, who accused Anwar Ibrahim of lewd actions towards him

what an eff-ing "coincidence"

And IGP Bador's police talks about polygraph or lie detection tests etc for the alleged lewd act, but thus far, shows ZERO results on the identification of the Sandakan Gay Sex tryst, although one of the gay couple, Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz has confessed that it has been him with a federal minister as his semburit partner.

Now we have again Mamak's mischievous comments in Doha on the already tetchy and dodgy PM-transition (though we all know WTF Mahathir is intending). His constant cobra double tongue-speak has also been aggravated by another nasty snide comment of his not reported here but in the Sun Daily, to wit:

Asked if Anwar was the best person to succeed him as prime minister and if he would endorse him, Mahathir said he could not guarantee who would be the best person because of past bad experiences.

It's a most ungracious, poisonous and hostile remark for an already established Pakatan agreement but typical of an Old Man who had not only reneged on many past promises, agreements and treaties, but who thinks he alone has been a good performing PM and who only amongst other people can solve the nation's problems, forgetting he has been the very person who started the rot since 1981 and is still showing trademarks of his Minus Touch - these, apart from his innate hatred of Anwar Ibrahim

wasted RM100 Billion as PM (1981 - 2003)
how much would that be in today's terms?

We know that Mahathir, notwithstanding his promises (which has not an iota of credibility nor value), will NEVER let go of his current position as PM of Malaysia, regardless of who is the Pakatan-anointed subsequent PM. Anwar Ibrahim is just an additional reason, an excuse, for Mahathir not to let go. The Old Recalcitrant has to be shovelled out, if necessary, with FORCE.

Lim KHAT Siang who has (foolishly IMHO) vouched for Mahathir's words to go willingly by May 2020, has vowed on the basis of that declaration to resign from politics in toto if Mahathir fails to hand over to Anwar by then. But I doubt Mr KHAT will do so, like his Atuk.

But with Mahathir now saying, a la cobra forked tongue, initially that he won't leave until after APEC in November 2020, and now (in Doha) even to between 2025 and 2030, WTF is Lim KHAT Siang going to do or say?

Nothing as usual?

As Zaid Ibrahim said, either DAP is damned scared, presumably, of 'spooking' Mahathir specifically and Malays generally, or (he stated he couldn't discount the possibility that) DAP leaders could have been seduced by power and positions and therefore are willing to make concessions and compromises.

But to be fair (incidentally not in Mahathir's lexicon), Let's wait and see what Lim KHAT Siang dares say, or as usual, remains silent as a mute stung by a terbuan, or more likely, a chow-kau lapdog.


  1. The look on Saifuddin's face is a gem..."WTF, this old man already forgot what he said a few days ago back home.....someone should do a Vell Paari on him..."

    DAP leaders could have been seduced by power and positions and therefore are willing to make concessions and compromises.

    Zaid, who does not have any grassroots support and has been "sidelined", won't be sacked or even reprimanded by DAP leaders for saying this. Not like what Jibby did to Muhyiddin and Shafie Apdal or what Wee KHAT Siong did to the Chairman of Kojadi.

    But let's take a look at Zaid when he was a Minister in the PM's department in charge of Law for Jibby.

    He only lasted 6 MONTHS.

    The moment things didn't go his way HE QUIT. He would not compromise or make concessions. But isn't politics all about compromise and concessions? If a leader simply won't do that then we call him a DICTATOR.....or Toonsie.....ha ha ha...

    And what happened to Zaid after HE QUIT? He ended up not being able to do anything to help the rakyat, completely "sidelined" as some would say....ha ha ha...

    So as Trump said to Greta....chill....take anger management classes...and learn how to work the chambers of politics, not just the chambers of law...

  3. "Bo Lampah" now applies to MCA/Wee KHAT Siong, the chairman of the illegally constituted TARUC Education Foundation.

    Don't take my word for it, Pamela Yong said so......"castrated (yeowcchh...!) by Guanee" ha ha ha...
