
Tuesday, November 05, 2019

RTS? yet another Mahathir-Pakatan kerbau

A few days ago, on 31 October, PM Mahathir daringly said the Rapid Transit System (RTS) Link, connecting Johor Baru and Singapore, would proceed without further delay.

Then, Transport Minister Anthony Loke had sternly reprimanded The Star newspaper over its frontpage report claiming Malaysia had requested another postponement to the RTS.

But he had mud flung into his face today when the MM Online reported:

Singapore minister: Putrajaya requested RTS project suspension again until April 2020

Anthony Loke's beloved Atuk has since changed his mind and requested for another extension until 30 April 2020, presumably when he retires as PM, wakakaka.

Anothony Loke looked like a man who just had his guli's squeezed ... by another Atuk-capati  

It has been suspected (by the usual 'suspects', wakakaka) that the initial kerbau-announcement by Mahathir to proceed with the RTS project, after it was put on hold several times, seems nothing than a flashy ploy to woo voters in the upcoming Tanjung Piai by-elections.

But alas, the kerbau moo-ed too loudly, and it's confirmed by the Singapore side it's all Malaysian bovine poo, wakakaka.

Aiseh, Anthony Loke, where to hide your puffy face now? Wakakaka.

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