
Tuesday, November 05, 2019

IGP Bador should NOT throw stones


IGP, think before you speak

by Tarak Singh

THERE are so many issues with how Inspector-General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador is handling this Jho Low situation, I don’t know where to begin.

Hamid addressed Malaysia yesterday regarding the developments in the Jho Low goose chase. He began by listing off the ridiculous excuses of a “mystery” country which granted Low asylum, including that he “underwent plastic surgery and now resembles a bear”, and claims that “he resembles a wild ox”.

The fact that he found it necessary to offload these excuses to the public is outright embarrassing, not for us, but for him.

If these are in fact the excuses given, it is clear that the country is poking fun at our IGP and do not take him seriously in the least.

He then went on to state, “This is a crime, he (Jho Low) stole a country’s money and he is accorded protection in another country”.

Here, we must once again stop and look at these words. The IGP is responsible for representing law in Malaysia, and as such he ought to speak with the utmost care. Regardless of the evidence presented in the ongoing trials in Malaysia, presuming guilt before Low has even stood trial is all the proof in the world that Low will not in fact be given fair due process.

It’s called innocent until proving guilty and with his careless words, the IGP is continuing to tarnish Malaysia’s reputation as a fair country.

Now, the best part about this whole speech is the total hypocrisy. Hypocrisy that can be summed up in two words: Zakir Naik.

The IGP stated “countries must cooperate on such matters instead of shielding criminals”. Surely this rings a bell.

Mahathir sure likes to mix with crooks

an alleged money-launderer from India and a convicted and jailed 
 blackmailer (in Thailand)

The Malaysian government has become infamous for shielding the Indian preacher Zakir and even giving him permanent residency. Now Low may be accused of money laundering and corruption, but Naik is a man who incites terrorism.

Low has worked with the countries that have granted him asylum and contributed to their economies, Naik has spent his time in Malaysia stirring up hatred left right and centre.

Surely if any country is guilty of shielding a dangerous criminal, it is Malaysia itself. How can Hamid be expected to be taken seriously? Those living in glasshouses should not throw stones and this is the perfect example. – November 5, 2019.

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